Please indicate your responses below and click on the "Submit" button when you are done. The form will be submitted to our website editor, Bob Silverstein.

  1. If you have not attended an MCDS full day CE course within the last year, what is the main reason?

    Other. Please Specify:

  2. Do you look to MCDS to provide full day CE, or do you have other ways to obtain your required CE credits without MCDS providing full day courses?

  3. When did you graduate from dental school?

  4. If you were to attend a full day CE course sponsored by MCDS, which topic would you prefer?

  5. Would you be more likely to sign up for a course if it were presented as a webinar?

  6. Would you prefer the option of attending 2 half day courses instead of one full day course?

  7. Do you feel that the current course fees offered by MCDS is a valuable member benefit?

  8. Would you be inclined to attend a hands-on course if it were offered by MCDS?

  9. What would be your first choice for a hands on topic?

  10. How can we advertise our courses most effectively to you?