Come hear the stories behind the legislative and legal battles won on your behalf by NJDA this year from the dedicated officers. This annual event is an opportunity to meet the NJDA Directors and General Counsel and to witness first hand their dedication to our members. You will never ask the question, “What is organized dentistry doing for me?” after this evening. It will provide you with the opportunity to learn how to use NJDA’s vast resources to get the most of your membership. In addition, a special presentation to our deserving New Life Members will be featured. Life Members have been members for 30 consecutive years, or 40 years total. Tonight we honor our members who have reached this milestone in their careers, and acknowledge their contributions.
Attendance: Drs. AniI Ardeshna, , Richard Kahn, Nima Mir- Madjlessi, Nainesh Desai, Ira Rosen, Sanjeev Satwah, Mark Schambra, Robert Silverstein, Constantine Simos, Antoinette Tauk, Araceli Ziemba
Acceptance of 10/8/2019 Minutes - Vote unanimous.
President’s Report - Dr. Sanjeev Satwah.
The board has voted in favor of subsidizing up to seven dental students per meeting from Rutgers School of dental Medicine (RSDM) for the General Monthly Meetings. The board has selected the following for the NJDA Recognition Awards: Bob Silverstein--Outstanding Long Term Service Award; Ira Rosen--Outstanding Service to the Component Society Award.
Treasurer’s Report – Dr. Christopher Florentini
See Full Report on page 3.
Educational Coordinator’s Report - Dr. Antoinette Tauk
There is no December meeting; our next meeting will be January 21, 2020 and it will be “Officer’s Night.”
NJDA Council Reports:
Dental Benefits - Dr. Antoinette Tauk
The CODB met on 9/18/19 at the Courtyard Marriott in North Brunswick. The council discussed the advantages of in-house discount plans as well as some risks as every state has different legislation and there is little guidance surrounding this topic. Staff reinforced that NJDA is happy to review any drafts of documents/website info. Your office may want to distribute or promote to ensure compliance with the NJ State Board Regulation on advertising, which is where most people find themselves in violation. Dr. Mark Vitale spoke on behalf of his experience with the ADA and discussed NJDA being more pro-active with DOBI and the State on this issue. You cannot advertise in-house plans out of the office. When you advertise a discounted fee, the actual usual fee must always be provided. You should NOT call these in- house insurance plans; it is better to call it a “membership plan.” One must be very careful because you do not want to invite the Department of Banking and Insurance to your office to audit you.
Aetna: Aetna continues to push EFT with no “opt-out” information provided. NJDA contacted the ADA to confirm that nothing legislative had changed. YOU still have the option to opt-out and must let them know in writing. Aetna also implemented a formal ‘Practitioner and Provider Complaint and Appeal Request” process and form. This should be submitted whenever you appeal a claim determination. Aetna is notifying dentists when CAQH couldn’t reach them to verify their information like office address, appointment phone number, email etc.
Horizon: Horizon sent out a second or additional utilization review letters to those offices that did not change their claim submission patterns since last May. Claim submission should be based on what you do. Report what you do. Treatment should be based on medical necessity. You should not be changing your treatment recommendations based on this letter unless you have identified errors or inconsistencies. If you find you are being asked for additional information before Horizon processes your claim, provide whatever they are asking for.
The insurance carriers have the right to request additional information. If you would like to receive reimbursement on behalf of your patients, you must comply. Another option is to request payment from the patient and provide them with the information on claim form to submit it to the dental benefit carrier on their own. Horizon Grievance Process: Many offices have informed us they are seeing many denials from Horizon based on clinical determinations. We are advising all dentists that if a claim is denied based on the clinical merits then the dentist can hold the reviewing dental consultant accountable at the state board level. NJDA will provide the office with the appropriate information to request reconsideration and/or the consultants credentials to move forward.
Dental Director: New Jersey has appointed its first Dental Director in 30 years.
CMS has re-evaluated their language for Surety Bonds and determined that dentists are no longer exempt. This comes from the fact that a dentist cannot diagnose Sleep Disorders and that we can only provide an appliance to Medicare patients after a physician has prescribed the device. Therefore, CMS is now requesting any DME provider post a surety bond. CMS may deactivate the Medicare billing privileges of a provider/supplier if the provider/supplier does not furnish complete and accurate information and all supporting documentation within 90 calendar days of receipt of notification from CMS to submit an enrollment application. Unless a provider meets one of the exceptions in 42 CFR 424.57 no surety bond is required. ADA has been discussing this with CMS and will continue to address the issue. Medicare has informed some dentists that their patients are submitting claims for reconstructive (implant) services. If the patient is covered under Medicare and you do not have a document showing that you discussed your lack of participation with Medicare – you will be held to the Medicare fee for implant placement and you will not be allowed to bill the patient up to your UCR. A sample contract with specific language was provided as a template.
New Leasing Bill: On August 23rd, Governor Murphy signed legislation into law which prohibits dental carriers from renting their dental provider networks unless the dentist consents. The law, which becomes effective for all provider contracts executed after January 1, 2020, also requires any carrier who rents a network from another carrier to abide by the same contract terms of which the dentist initially agreed should the dentist choose to participate in network leasing arrangements. New Jersey is now the first state to give doctors such a choice. For more information contact the NJDA.
There is new ADA Claim Form for 2019. The only difference in this form is the gender box. The claim form was modified to include a change in the gender option box. Option “U” was added as an indicator along with “F” and “M.” To date there has been no specific date the 2019 form will be accepted or implemented – and/or that the 2012 claim form will no longer be accepted by carriers. ADA reports this is a soft launch. Doctors need not do anything at this time.
The new 2020 CDT Code Book will have 37 new codes.
The next CODB meeting was on 11/6/19 at NJDA Headquarters. The minutes and full report will be available in our next newsletter.
Committee Reports:
Budget and Finance Committee – Dr. Ira Rosen
The proposed MCDS budget for calendar year 2020 was approved by the MCDS Executive Board, presented to the membership at the October General Membership meeting and published in the November newsletter. It is to be voted upon at our November General Membership meeting.
Corporate Sponsorship – Dr. Ira Rosen
We will have six corporate sponsors with us at the November General Membership meeting. Our three gold sponsors – ZimmerBiomet, Provident Bank and Care Credit – as well as our silver sponsor – DentsplySirona – will be joining us. In addition, two of our bronze sponsors will be joining us – Strong Financial and Scientific Metals. Please be sure to visit our sponsors and view their products. Visit all six sponsors, get your cards stamped and enter in the raffle to win one of four $25 VISA gift cards!
MCDS Study Club - Dr. Nima Mirmadjlessi
Our first meeting was held on October 23, 2019. Dr Ruiz gave an excellent presentation on surgical guided implant surgery.
Our next meeting will be: DR. HUGH HABAS: Maximize Your Practice For Optimum Profitability and Economic Freedom. This will be held at the JFK Medical Center, MRI Conference Room, 65 James St. Edison, NJ O8820. Registration form is available on our website and Facebook page.
I would like to remind everyone that this Study Club is a Membership Benefit. Looking forward to seeing everyone.
Respectfully submitted
Anil Ardeshna - Secretary
Acceptance of 9/10/2019 Minutes - Vote unanimous.
President’s Report - Dr. Sanjeev Satwah.
No report.
Treasurer’s Report – Dr. Christopher Florentini
See full report on page 3.
Educational Coordinator’s Report - Dr. Antoinette Tauk
On November 19, 2019, MCDS proudly welcomes Dr. Chad Gehani. Dr. Gehani will be presenting “Management of Periapical Pathosis.” Please be aware there is no December meeting; our next meeting will be held on 1/21/20 and it will be Officer’s Night.
Editor’s Note: Dr. Chad Gehani had to cancel due to last minute change in his ADA schedule. Drs. Les Elfenbein and Joseph Stern will be presenting “Can the Cracked Tooth be Saved? Early Detection and the Proper Protocol for the Management of the Cracked Tooth.”
NJDA Trustee’s Report - Dr. Amit Vora
See report on page 5.
NJDA Council Reports:
Annual Session - Dr. Araceli Ziemba
The 150th Anniversary Celebration will commence January 15, 2020 with a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony. There will be numerous events held throughout the state, so please mark your calendars and join us for an amazing year!
Below are some events:
• The Dinner Dance: June 7, 2020.
• The Jersey Shore Event: July 2020 at Hotel LBI. This is a new hip beach resort.
• The Family Picnic: tentatively scheduled for September 13, 2020 in Mercer County Park.
• The Open House: October 25, 2020 from 12-4 pm at NJDA Headquarters.
Dental Benefits - Dr. Antoinette Tauk
The Council on Dental Benefits met on 9/19/19 at the Marriott in North Brunswick. Official minutes have not been released. A full report will be available in the January 2020 newsletter.
Council on Governmental and Public Affairs – Dr. Amit Vora
The Council held its June meeting in Trenton with a great turn out. We also met with our Public relations reps and they reviewed the plan of action. We encourage everyone to LIKE & SHARE the created website TOOTH TRUTH FOR YOU. This site provides the public information in a non-biased manner. The new dental director, Dr Darwin Hayes, started this summer. We are in communication with his office to schedule a meeting with him. The leasing bill was signed by the Governor. The credentialing bill has passed. We are revisiting the regulations for inspections and cone beam fee reductions. Dr. Velazquez reminded everyone that this is an election year and a very critical one. Please participate in our PAC events and donate to our PAC. We have a list of names to be presented to the Governor for consideration to be added to the State Board of Dentistry. Our next meeting is TBD.
Membership Council - Dr. Nima Mirmadjlessi
As of October 7, 2019, we are 478 member strong at MCDS. In total we have 73 more NJDA members compared to this time last year.
The ADA’s Quarter Year Dues campaign, Choose US, has officially begun. Any dentist who was a non-member in 2018 and has not received the free offer in the past is eligible for complimentary dues for the remainder of 2019 October.
Member get a Member: any member can receive a $100.00 gift card for each new active member that is recruited (up to 5 max)
Mentor Program: There is an interest to revitalize the mentor Program. this program provides an opportunity for NJDA members to support and encourage future and new dentists. The Council will receive the current questions asked to new mentors for their updates. it is recommended to have sign-up sheets available at component meetings.
The Council is entertaining different ideas as how to reach nonmembers. One of the ideas was from Alabama where the BOT and some of the state officers had a “call-a-thon”, to reach out to non members. Another idea was NYSDS, have a box at meetings containing application, return envelope
Pen and floss. This would be offered to any nonmember who attended a meeting.
150th: Anniversary: 2020 is NJDA’s 150th anniversary.
Please visit’s-150th-anniversary.
The next Council on Membership Conference call is scheduled for November 18th.
New Dentists – Dr. Nicholas Diaz
New Dentist event taking place during the Greater New York Meeting. This is joint event to be held with New Dentist of New York. Must register to attend via NJDA website.
Lucky Strike, Manhattan 12-1-19, 5:30-7:30.
Committee Reports:
Budget and Finance Committee – Dr. Ira Rosen
A proposed MCDS budget for calendar year 2019 will be presented to the executive board. After any modifications and ultimate approval by the MCDS Executive Board, it will be presented to the membership at the October General Membership meeting. A copy of the budget will be published in the November newsletter and then it is to be voted upon at our November General Membership meeting. Please see proposed budget in this newsletter.
Corporate Sponsorship – Dr. Ira Rosen
I am very pleased to announce that we have a full complement of sponsors scheduled to join us at both the Tuesday night general membership meeting and the all-day continuing education course with Dr. Christensen! We are scheduled to have 6 corporate sponsors with us at the October General Membership meeting. Our three gold sponsors will be in attendance– ZimmerBiomet, Provident Bank and CareCredit. In addition, our silver sponsor will also be joining us– DentsplySirona – as well as two of our bronze sponsors – Kuwata Pan Dent and our newest sponsor, Scientific Metals. Please join me in welcoming our sponsors and be sure to visit them and view their products. Visit all six sponsors, get your cards stamped and enter the raffle to win one of four $25 VISA gift cards!
We will be having 8 sponsors at the all-day program including our Platinum Sponsor – Robert Wood Johnson Barnabas Health – as well as Zimmer Biomet, Care Credit, Dentsply Sirona, Kuwata Pan Dent, Strong Financial, Ultradent and Scientific Metals. Thanks to our sponsors for helping us bring a world class speaker to our local dental society.
MCDS Study Club - Dr. Nima Mirmadjlessi
I am happy to announce that we have a great 2019-20 Study Club set. There are a variety of clinical, non-clinical and business management topics have been selected. Our first meeting will be held on October 23, 2019. DR. GABRIEL RUIZ: Introduction to Surgically Guided Implant Dentistry, Single Implant Placement. THIS IS THE ONLY MEETING HELD AT THE ADMINISTRATION BOARD ROOM AT JFK HOSPITAL, 65 James St Edison NJ O8820. Take the visitor elevator to the 3rdFloor, turn RIGHT off the elevator continue to the end of the hallway. Turn RIGHT and then LEFT, follow the hallway walking past case Management/social Work (right) and BTU supervisors office and Neuropsychology (left) continue down the Hallway. Administration and Medical Staff Office will be on the right.
The rest of the meetings will be held at the JFK Medical Center, MRI Conference Room as last year. Please follow the syllabus that is available on our website and on our Facebook page. Our next study club will be held on Nov. 20, 2019: Dr. Hugh Habas: Maximize your practice for Optimum Profitability and Economic Freedom.
Good and Welfare –
Congratulations to the Rosen family. Hillary had her baby Charlotte Ella on Sunday. Both Mother and daughter are doing great.
Respectfully submitted, Anil Ardeshna, Secretary
9/30/19 | 10/31/19 | 10/31/18 | |
Checking (Provident)
$120,859.53 | $81,856.66 | $98,578.27 | |
Savings (Provident)
$20,072.50 | $20,074.20 | $20,054.16 | |
$22,884.64 | $29,970.82 | $14,377.27 | |
$163,816.67 | $131,901.68 | $133,009.70 | |
9/30/19 through 10/31/19
P & L Statement Checking Account
Dues | $4,021.25 | ||
Corp Spon - Meetings | $600.00 | ||
Corp Spon - Cont Ed | $500.00 | ||
Cont. Educ. Inc. | $650.00 | ||
TOTAL INCOME | $1,750 | ||
Dinner Meetings | $10,904.54 | ||
Executive Secretary | $1,386.00 | ||
Telephone | $65.17 | ||
Executive Committee Dinner | $62.97 | ||
Continuing Education Exp | $27,059.22 | ||
Office Supplies | $937.97 | ||
Name Badges | $267.52 | ||
Memorials and Gifts | $87.48 | ||
TOTAL EXPENSES | $40,752.87 | ||
P & L Statement Savings
INTEREST | $1.70 | ||
TOTAL | $1.70 | ||
Cont. Edu Inc | $7,086.18 | ||
OVERALL TOTAL | -$31,914.99 |
General Membership Meeting Business
The 2019-20 Proposed Budget was unanimously approved by the General Membership.
Provide MCDS with your email address
By having your email address, we can get vital and timely information to you, such as meeting cancellations due to inclement weather. Register here.
Insurance Claims Problems?
The Board would like to remind you that Claims Resolution Service is available through the NJDA to help you resolve any dental claim issue. Please contact Dr. Joan Monaco at 732-821-9400. This service is provided free to you as a member benefit.
Like MCDS on Facebook!
Visit our Facebook page and like us!
For Sale
Long established general dental practice in the Southern end of Middlesex County. It is located on a busy corner with a traffic light. The office has 2 operatories, Dentrix software / new computers and Visix x-ray system. This beautifully landscaped commercial property includes an occupied rental apartment above the office, a new roof with solar panels and a fenced in yard with an underground sprinkler system. There is an attached oversized one car garage as well as 5 outdoor patient parking spots. The dental practice and associated real estate must be purchased together. All inquiries should be directed to: Ellen Newman (H) 828-435-0227 (C) 415-328-2049 (please try the home number first) and/or email: [email protected]
Highlights from the November 2019 Meeting
MCDS President Dr. Sanjeev Satwah (L.) and Education Coordinator Dr. Antoinette Tauk (R.) with November featured speakers Drs. Joseph Stern (LC.) and Leslie Elfenbein (RC.).