Program: January 15, 2019
Featured Speaker: Dr. Glenn Rosivack
“Silver Diamine Fluoride: Will It Replace Primary Teeth Restorations?”
Dr. Glenn Rosivack graduated from Rutgers College in New Brusnwick, NJ, and was awarded his DMD degree from UMDNJ in 1982. He obtained a MS in Biodental Sciences from the UMDNJ Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences in 1988. He is a member of many dental organizations, including the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, the NJ Academy of Pediatric Dentists, and the National Dental Practice Based Research Network. He has received numerous Awards, including the Excellence in Teaching Award from the New Jersey Dental School (in 1988 and 2003), and the Award of Distinction from the Americal Board of Pediatric Dentistry. He has been an AAPD Graduate Student Research Award Reveiwer, and currently serves on the AAPD Council on Scientific Affairs and is a CODA site examiners. Dr. Rosivack is currently a Professor and Postdoctoral Training Program Director inthe Department of Pediatric Dentistry at the Rutgers School of Dental Medicine, where he has both Pre-doctoral and Post-doctoral teaching responsibilities. He also maintains a private practice in Union, NJ.The the objectives for this course are for the participants to gain an understanding of the mechanisms of actions of silver diamine fluoride (SDF), recent research regarding its use to arrest caries and as a liner under restorations, indications and contraindications for its use, and the recommended clinical protocol for placing SDF.
Welcome back my dear friends. I hope you had a joyous holiday season reminiscing with your family and friends. As we enter this New Year, I would like to wish everyone a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year. 2019 is going to be another phenomenal year as we continue to build on our teamwork at Middlesex County Dental Society.
From this newsletter which incorporates the penmanship of our dedicated board members, to the relentless efforts by our Pines Manor team at our general meeting, I am convinced that it is you that makes me and all of us want to serve our dental society. The ADA is the “voice of the dental profession” and our voice in Congress. I cannot urge you enough why renewing your membership this year is instrumental in strengthening our organization. By addressing critical issues and legislation that impacts our dental profession, ADA stands by our side ensuring our success in our community. The importance of the ADA, NJDA and MCDS as your trusted leaders in framing important healthcare issues and inculcating actionable ideas would not have been possible without you.
As we settle down from the festivities of the Holidays, we must during this time of reflection recognize once again that our strength lies in numbers. Thank you for your continued support during my presidency. I can’t wait to see the love and camaraderie permeate our gathering once again at Pines Manor!
November 13, 2018
Attendance: Drs. Genevieve Fernandes, Sunny Satwah, Antoinette Tauk, Chris Fiorentini, Robert Silverstein, Richard Kahn, Daniel Krantz, Nima Mir-Madjlessi, Nicholas Diaz, Maya Prabhu, Mitchell Weiner, Anil Ardeshna, Steve Susskind and Stephanie Dowling.
Acceptance of 10/9/2018 Minutes—vote unanimous
Treasurer’s Report – Dr. Mario Fiorentini
See full report on page 3
Education Coordinator—Dr. Sunny Satwah
On 11/20/18, Dr. Chris Salierno will be presenting his lecture titled “Taming the Overhead Beast.” His honorarium is $1500. He is the Chief Editor of Dental Economics.
NJDA Council Reports:
Dental Benefits— Dr. Antoinette Tauk, Dr. Devang Modi,
The CODB met on 11/7/18. The official minutes have not been released yet.
Dr. Richard Kahn, a periodontist from our Middlesex Component attended our meeting and has agreed to join the council representing his specialty, periodontics. The council is currently looking for a representative for endodontics and prosthodontics. Anyone that is interested could contact me directly.
The 2018 National Association of Dental Plans has released its annual statistics. New Jersey residents have 83.6 % DPPO coverage compared to a national average of 81.1% and 9.2% DHMO compared to a national average of 6.9 %. Any member that receives an audit correspondence from an insurance carrier is advised to contact Dr. Joan Monaco at the NJDA. Your correspondence with the insurance carrier is very important and it is critical that you do not negatively implicate yourself inadvertently.
Dr. Keith Libou was a guest at our meeting and reviewed some changes for New Jersey plans only for the 2019 year. Dr. Libou still recommends that specific questions should still be asked when your office calls the insurance company to be certain that the patient’s plan/contract covers a certain expense. These changes are:
--no fee changes for all providers
--doctors will be reimbursed $50 for A1C testing–this is not meant to be used routinely for a screening test but for specific at-risk patients. There will be specific rules when this test is indicated. Delta is the first insurer in the country to benefit this and others will probably follow in the future. Rutgers Dental School will be integrating this into their protocol and University of Pennsylvania and University of Maryland will be following soon.
--posterior composites will now be covered as a standard benefit
--SDF (silver diamine fluoride) will be covered at a rate of $25-30/tooth twice a year
--fluoride will be a covered expense twice per year until age 18
--an apicoectomy is now a covered expense at 24 months after the endodontic completion date
--FMS/panorex eligible every 5 years
--soft tissue surgeries/grafting procedures have always been paid by Delta two per quadrant and anything additional in the quadrant was disallowed, but Delta will no longer be doing that. The additional procedures’ cost will be passed along to the patient and the dentist can collect for the additional treatment.
--frenectomies are now a covered expense
--regarding orthodontics, retention was always considered a perpetual responsibility of the treating dentist but that now will change. The retainer/appliance is covered for the first 24 months after active treatment was completed and after that the dentist can charge for an adjustment or remake. The exception for less than 24 months can be appealed if the patient broke the appliance for example, just send the appeal directly to Dr. Libou because it will automatically be denied.
--Bitewings are still a covered expense only once a year for adults; however, it can be appealed if there are circumstances that necessitate a patient requiring radiographs every six months.
New Dentists—Dr. Nicholas Diaz
New Dentist Social event in West Caldwell was success. 30 attendees, 1 new member gain. Upcoming event-New Dentist ShinDig on Sunday, November 25th from 5:30-7:30 at Hudson Terrace, NYC. There will be complimentary cocktails and appetizers and you could network with New Dentists from NY and NJ. You are all encouraged to bring a non NJDA new dentist. This event is sponsored by Bank of America and Patterson Dental. This event is free to attend but you must register. There are 25 from NJ currently registered and counting.
Peer Review—Dr. Steven Susskind
Peer Review report from September through November 2018--Another case has been successfully Mediated in Middlesex County. It was a removable case—full upper and lower implant supported overdenture. The Statewide Peer Review Training Workshop took place on 10/31/18 at NJDA headquarters. The main speaker was Middlesex County’s own Dr. Sandy Goldstein who is now Chairman of the entire State of NJ. Also involved in the training was Former State Chairman Dr. Ingowski as well as Dr. Joan Monaco. It was attended by approximately 40 doctor/mediators.
Committee Reports:
Budget and Finance—Dr. Ira Rosen
The proposed MCDS budget for calendar year 2019 was approved by the MCDS Executive Board, presented to the membership at the October General Membership meeting and published in the November newsletter. It is to be voted upon at our November General Membership meeting.
Corporate Sponsorship—Dr. Ira Rosen
We have a new sponsor joining us for our November meeting. Please join me in welcoming CareCredit as a new sponsor for the Middlesex County Dental Society. We will have four corporate sponsors with us at the November General Membership meeting. Our two gold sponsors will be in attendance– ZimmerBiomet and Provident Bank. In addition, one of our bronze sponsors will be joining us-Benco Dental Supply Company as well as CareCredit.
Please be sure to visit our sponsors and view their products. Visit all four sponsors, get your cards stamped and enter in the raffle to win one of four $25 VISA gift cards!
MCDS Study Club—Dr. Nima Mir-Madjlessi, Dr. Genevieve Fernandes
We had an excellent presentation given by Dr. Brunsden on October 24. It was attended by 13 members. I have been able to finalize the 2018-19 study club schedule. I think that we have a good series of speakers with interesting topics. I would like to invite all our members to take advantage of this member services benefit. Also, please feel free to invite a colleague and friend, who have not been able to attend any of our regular events, to attend these meetings. Finally, please try to preregister, so that I can have enough material such as handouts prepared prior to the meetings. The registration forms are available on our website and FaceBook page. I would like to remind everyone that this Study Club is a Membership Benefit. I am looking forward to seeing everyone.
New Business
Dr. Devang Modi has stepped down from his position as Delegate of the Council on Dental Benefits and has taken the Alternate Delegate role. Dr. Antoinette Tauk has moved from the Alternate Delegate role to the Delegate position.
A motion was made by Dr. Sunny Satwah and seconded by Dr. Nima Mir-Madjlessi that the Education Coordinator must maintain possession of all the technology equipment for the society during their term. At the end of his/her term, all technology equipment must be given to the new education coordinator with the election of the new officer.
Good and Welfare
Dr. Mario Fiorentini and his wife welcome a baby girl!
Respectfully Submitted,
Antoinette Tauk,
Acting Secretary, MCDS
8/31/18 | 9/30/18 | 8/31/17 | |
Checking (Provident)
102,968.80 | 101,420.71 | $147,563.01 | |
Savings (Provident)
$20,050.81 | $20,052.46 | $20,032.42 | |
$14,377.27 | $14,377.27 | $13,215.38 | |
$137,396.88 | $135,850.44 | $180,810.81 | |
8/31/18 through 9/30/18
P & L Statement Checking Account
TOTAL INCOME | $0 | ||
Gifts | $812.00 | ||
Supplies | $70.09 | ||
Executive Secretary | $666.00 | ||
TOTAL EXPENSES | $1,548.09 | ||
SUB TOTAL | $(1,548.09) | ||
P & L Statement Savings
INTEREST | $1.65 | ||
OVERALL TOTAL | $(1,546.44) |
Highlights from the November 2018 Meeting
MCDS President Dr. Genevieve Fernandes and MCDS President-Elect and Education Coordinator Dr. Sanjeev Satwah with November featured speaker Dr. Christopher Salierno.
Modern, high end office located in a professional building in North Brunswick available to sublet part time. Great opportunity for a new dentist startup, satellite office or specialist. Please email inquiries to [email protected].
General Membership Meeting Business
The 2018-2019 Budget was unanimously approved by the General Membership.
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