Dr. Goldin received his dental degree and was inducted into Omicron Kappa Upsilon, the national dental honor society, at Columbia University’s School of Dental and Oral Surgery, in New York City, New York. He completed both his residency program in Prosthodontics and later a two year implant surgical fellowship at New York University (NYU) College of Dentistry in New York City, New York.
Dr. Goldin is trained in both the surgical and restorative phases of implant treatment. He is a member of the American Dental Association, the Academy of Osseointegration, the Greater New York Academy of Prosthodontics and the American College of Prosthodontists. Dr. Goldin is an Assistant Professor of Clinical Dentistry with appointments in the Periodontics, Implant Dentistry and the Prosthodontics Departments at NYU.
Dr. Goldin is an on-going instructor for dental residents at NYU on general photography principles specifically designed for documentation and lecturing purposes that include lecture and hands-on sessions.
He has lectured nationally and internationally on Prosthodontics and dental implants as well as dental photography. Dr. Goldin maintains a private practice in Manhattan, New York.
As we eagerly await the arrival of spring, I would like to say that it has been another wonderful year at the Middlesex County Dental Society. As President of the society, it has been very nice to see a wonderful turnout at every meeting and I enjoyed interacting with our members. Inviting students from Rutgers dental school to attend the meeting to see what organized dentistry is all about has been another great program that has started this year. Residents attending the meeting, and sometimes presenting clinical cases completed at their residency, also has been a great addition to our general membership meetings. The corporate sponsors have also filled the room offering great products and services to our members while helping us with funds to recruit great speakers for the evening courses.
The year has gone by fast, however we still have some great lectures remaining prior to the summer break. I would also like to wish our members a very happy spring holiday season. All of our members that will be vacationing with their families, please enjoy.
At our most recent board meeting, we had a president from another component visit Middlesex County Dental Society. The idea was to share some of our methods for running the society. Middlesex County Dental Society has been a well-functioning society for quite some time and we felt that anything we could do, to help another component society to improve, would benefit both societies and the New Jersey Dental Association as a whole. The respective component officer had a wonderful evening with us and was most gracious with the invitation to attend.
As I was reading the monthly ADA news, one article in particular caught my eye. “Delta Dental plan for employees limits cleanings for healthy adults to one per year”. For many years the standard of care was and still is 2 cleanings per year, and for patients at risk or who have periodontal disease should have 4 cleanings per year. I think this is something we all need to keep a close eye on. I believe it is another way for other companies to catch on and create ways for patients to see the dentist less, which in the long run, is not in the best interest of the patient.
On that note I look forward to seeing everyone at the next gathering and please let’s all welcome the nice warm spring weather.
Attendance: Dr.’s Stein, Brunsden, Villa, Goldstein, Kahn, Vora, Ashmen, Satwah, Silverstein, Desai, Mir-Madjlessi, Schambra, Rosen, Weiner, Simos, Bernstein, and Modi. Special guest- Dr. Michael Scalia, Prosthodontist, President-elect from Mercer County.
Acceptance of 2/11/14 Minutes- vote unanimous.
President’s Report-David Stein
Tuesday, May 13, 2014 is confirmed for Officers Night and to honor the MCDS Life Members. The MCDS Board meeting will take place on Tuesday, May 6th at the Pines Manor.
Treasurer’s Report-Amit Vora
See detailed report on page 3.
Motion was made and approved by the board to give treasurer and budget chair access to do online banking.
Secretary’s Report-Devang Modi
Educational Coordinator’s Report-Genevieve Fernandes
Dr. Chris Hughes will present “Update on Pediatric Dentistry” at the March 18th scientific meeting. He will be presented with the “Sy Symanski” award by Dr. Cavan Brunsden. In April, Dr. Edward Goldin will lecture on “Advancements in Cad/Cam Implant Dentistry.”
ADA Delegate’s Report-Richard Kahn
ADA Items of Concern:
Dental Health Therapist Standards
The Commission on Dental Accreditation (CODA) is the body that establishes standards for the entirety of the formal dental educational programs in the United States. This has been expanded to be more worldwide. Several years back there was a push to develop teaching standards for a Dental Health Therapist (referred to as mid-level providers). Without having standards for an educational model, it would be difficult to move this provider class forward. CODA formed a taskforce to undertake this charge. The standards were developed and had been presented to the Commission. The protocol to have standards approved requires them to be circulated for a year to the profession and public at large to offer comments. This had already been done for the therapist standards. There was a possibility that a vote could have been taken to approve the standards in January 2014. The Commission recommendation was that the standards be circulated for another year. If anyone wishes to offer testimony on this issue please contact me and I will guide you so that you can have your due process.
North Carolina Dental Board (NCDB) vs. Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
This case could be the most significant issue to ever face the dental profession, medical profession, all licensing professions and health care in general. The stakes cannot be over emphasizes. Fortunately the US Supreme Court has elected to hear this case.
The NC State Dental Board not unlike the Dental Board in NJ has determined that teeth whitening is the practice of dentistry as per the precise wording of their dental practice act. The NCDB issued cease and desist orders to teeth whitening centers claiming that they are practicing dentistry illegally. The FTC stepped in and claimed that this was anti-competitive and the NCDB was acting in a way to drive up the cost of dental care. There is some issue with how the members of the NCDB are selected that gave some strength to the FTC argument. (The members of the NJ State Board are not selected in the same way as the NCDB). The FTC sued the NCDB in North Carolina and was successful. The NCDB appealed the verdict and the FTC was successful at the appellate level. The option was to ask the US Supreme Court to hear the matter. The ADA is building our collation with others parties that could/would be negatively impacted by an unfavorable decision-
While we in NJ are “safe” from this specific situation at the present time. What should not be lost on everyone is that when big brother (government, foundations, and financially invested parties) is looking to make a splash that they don’t go after the strongest kid in the class first. By picking off the lowest hanging fruit, momentum is gained and collateral precedents are set. That now moves the needle for the next case.
In my 30 plus years in the profession, this matter could offer the most negative impact on the profession. Much more so than what happened in Alaska. This ruling has the potential to allow the Federal Government to have oversight of a state licensing board (a body that has been established to protect the public’s wellbeing) or really any state agency to overrule their decision with cost savings being the reason.
If anyone has any questions or would like to discuss this with me, please contact me (732-828-6622(O) 908-7208780(C) [email protected]).
Executive Secretary Report-Marlene Glickman
78 Doctors are registered for Dr. Cliff Ruddle course on April 11, 2014.
NJDA Council Reports:
Annual Session-Nainesh Desai
The 2014 GSDC&E will be held at Revel in Atlantic City on June 27th and 28th (Fri-Sat). Room reservations for Revel have been open. You can register by following a hyperlink from NJDA’s website. Registration guide is nearly ready. Online course registration will open on the day that registration guides are sent out. In an effort to be fiscally efficient, conference materials will not be mailed to the attendees. All attendees will pick up badges, tickets, etc. onsite. MCDS will host a reception on Friday evening at Revel. More details will be available soon. President’s dinner will be a black tie event on stage at Ovation Hall. For 2015 meeting, ideas for different locations, concepts and courses are being evaluated and discussed.
Dental Benefits-Devang Modi, Antoinette Tauk
The Council on Dental Benefit Programs met on February 12, 2014.
A. CRP Statistics: Staff provided the council with cumulative statistics from January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013 indicating a total of 110 complaints submitted to NJDA for the year. NJDA successfully resolved 51. 9 were for data purpose, 32 are still pending and 18 were not resolvable. A report for the month of January 2014 indicated a total of 11 complaints. Assistance with resolving dental claims issue, benefits, insurance policies is a member benefit. Please contact Mary Moskal at NJDA.
B. Aetna: Discontinuance of Paper Checks/EOBs: The council reviewed correspondence sent to participating dentists by Aetna Dental Plan, which announced its decision to discontinue sending paper checks and EOBs effective May 1, 2014. Participating dentists were required to enroll in Electric Funds Transfer (EFT) by that date. The member dentist was concerned about sharing his bank account information (which will be accessed by Aetna and its affiliates), and requested NJDA review this and take appropriate action. After some discussion, the council agreed to refer this matter to ADA. The council has since learned and Aetna has confirmed that enrolling for EFT by participating dentist is optional. You can continue to receive paper checks and EOB’s. You will still have access to view claims and EOB ob line.
C. Delta: Individual Plan Solicitation: The council reviewed, as informational, a Delta solicitation to enroll in its individual dental plan which staff received at home. Monthly premiums start at $45.45 for an individual to $170.77 for a family. A disclaimer notes that exclusions and limitations apply and are available during the quoting process.
D. Delta Participating Dentist Rule: Staff reported that Delta’s December 2013 newsletter announced the availability of an updated Dentist Handbook effective January 2014. According to the article, the new handbook includes changes to the participating dentist rules and regulations, bylaws and a new chapter on the Affordable Care Act (ACA) dental plan. It is very important to understand the MANDATORY prior authorization requirements for children under the ACA plans. Dentist are responsible to ensure that a prior-authorization is submitted and approved before any services requiring a prior authorization is performed. If such a procedure is performed without prior authorization, Delta will DISALLOW the benefits and the patient CANNOT be billed for the services.
E. Expansion of NJ Family Care: The council reviewed, as informational, a Bulletin from the Division of Medical Assistance announcing the expansion of the Family Care program to parents, single adults and childless couples with incomes up to 133% of the federal poverty level. The benefits offered under Family Care Plans A, B, C and D remain unchanged. A benefits breakdown was provided.
Report of Medicaid Committee Chair: Dr. Whitman reported that Medicaid is contracting with outside auditing groups to review offices providing Medicaid services and recover monies for prior payments if sufficient documentation is not included in the chart. The auditors receive a percentage (9-10%) of the money recovered.
F. Articles on ACA Dental Benefit: The council reviewed various articles on the ACA dental benefit, the inconsistencies in the law as it relates to dental on the exchange vs. off exchange, and the differences from state to state.
G. Update on Legal and Regulatory Matters: Mr. Meisel briefed the council on current legal matters. Because of the “Bridge Gate” scandal the bill for non- covered services is on hold. It’s important to determine who will introduce the bill because it must be signed by the Governor. If it’s a person against the Governor then the Governor will not sign.
H. Petition for Rulemaking Action: Corporate Dental Practices: The council reviewed the notice published in the NJ Register concerning NJDA’s agreement to the State Board of Dentistry’s request for an extension to May 4, 2014 to deliberate the Petition for Rulemaking on Corporate Dental Practices.
I. Legislative Issues (Mr. Jim Schulz): In the absence of Mr. Schulz, Mr. Meisel reported on NJDA’s legislative agenda, as well as the meeting with the Department of Consumer Affairs concerning expungement of minor offenses (advertising).
J. District Report: Dr. Daniel Krantz: Dr. Krantz reported on the two subcommittees of the ADA Council on Dental Benefits (code committee and dental benefit information services). Development of SNODENT is ongoing.
The next council meeting is scheduled for May 14, 2014.
Dental Education-Bob Ashmen
The Council on Dental Education met on 2/25/14. The Council will continue to oversee the Weekend Study Club continuing education lecture series held at NJDA Headquarters in the Fall. The Council has elected to continue the dental assisting scholarship program, awarding $500 to two selected and deserving recipients. The Council will also be creating a printed and power point presentation outlining the limitations and approved procedures for dental assistants of all degree levels (DA, CDA, RDA, EFDA). Our next Council meeting is scheduled for 5/6/14.
Membership- Genevieve Fernandes, Nima Mir-Madjlessi
We had our first membership revitalization committee meeting on February 25, 2014. The frustration with retaining and engaging current and new members was discussed. Mrs. Decoitis and Mr. Art Miesel shared some of their concerns and shared some of their ideas. It was a good first meeting and the next meeting is yet to be determined. We will also be meeting at Rutgers Dental school on March 13, 2014 where we will be taking the first steps towards establishing a mentor/shadowing program for those dental students who are interested. I will be reaching out to all of our members who are willing to be a mentor to the dental students. This will be one of many MCDS initiated outreach programs for promoting membership and camaraderie with our younger and future colleagues. Also, we would like to make sure that we make an extra effort to recognize and engage the residents of the two MC GPR programs, as well as, our Rutgers Dental School students who will be joining us at our monthly meetings.
Peer Review-Sandy Goldstein
There were no new cases assigned nor mediated last month.
NJDPAC-Mark Vitale
Only 25% of all NJDA members are contributing to PAC. 70% of all NJDA members are 51 years of age and older. 25% 61 and older, 7% are over the age of 70 years. Clearly, there is a demand for younger Dentist.
Committee Reports:
Corporate Sponsorship-Ira Rosen
Biomet 3i, Benco Dental Supply Company, DENTSPLY, TD Bank, and Scientific Metals will be our sponsors at the March meeting. All members are encouraged to visit with our sponsors. Two $50 VISA gift cards will be raffled to those members that visit all of our sponsors and have every sponsor stamp your card.
Mentor-Nima Mir-Madjlessi
Our bi-annual OSHA program that satisfies the OSHA standard on Occupational Exposure to Blood Borne Pathogens, which is required annually for dentists and staff, will be given on June 19, 2014 at St. Peter’s Medical Center, New Brunswick. Two CEU credits are awarded to the Dentists & staff members attending these 2-hour seminars. These seminars are available to our members & staff for $25/pp as a member benefit of MCDS. A very big “Thank You” to Dr. Joe Fertig, Director of Dental Services - St. Peter’s Medical Center, for arranging all our room accommodations for the MCDS-OSHA-Mentor programs at St. Peter’s Medical Center in New Brunswick. Please see the insert in this newsletter for additional information and registration for the Mentor program
New Dentist Committee-Sanjeev Satwah
New Dentist Conference is on Saturday 3/22/13 at The Hyatt in New Brunswick. The course is full with 41 people registered.
Continuing Education-Mark Schambra
Speakers for next year are being finalized. Full list and dates will be available at the end of spring.
Hygiene Study Club-Alyssa Bernstein
The Central New Jersey Dental Hygiene [CNJDH] Study Club met on Wednesday March 5, 2014 at the New Jersey Dental Association Building. The lecture was presented by Dr. Mani Levi on “Treating the Pedo Patient in the O.R.”. Two CEU credits were awarded to the 29 hygienists that attend this meeting.
The next CNJDH meeting will be on Wednesday May 7, 2014 at the New Jersey Dental Association Building in North Brunswick. The speaker will be Dr. Martin Kaminker and he will be lecturing on “Handling Medical Emergencies in the Dental Office”. Two CEU credits will be awarded for this seminar.
This CNJDH study club is available to our hygienists as a Dentist-member benefit of MCDS. Please contact Marlene Glickman, our Executive Secretary for MCDS, at 732-238-1255 for additional information and registration in advance for the program.
MCDS Study Club-Genevieve Fernandes, Nima Mir-Madjlessi
Dr. Nainesh Desai will be the speaker. More information coming soon.
Old Business- The board unanimously voted to continue with the new caterer.
New Business- The board discussed briefly an opportunity for member dentist to advertise in the news letter for any associate hiring. The discussion was tabled for next meeting.
Good and Welfare- The board received a “Thank you” letter from the Middlesex County College Hygiene program for the $1000 grant to upgrade their digital radiography system.
Respectfully Submitted,
Devang Modi, Secretary
2/28/13 | 1/31/14 | 1/28/14 | |
Checking | $34,794.48 | $31,223,34 | $24,754.64 |
Savings | $24,258.17 | $24,290.72 | $24,297.77 |
PayPal | $11,484.64 | $25,580.01 | $30,187.43 |
Total: | $70,537.29 | $81,094.07 | $79,239.84 |
2/1/2014 through 2/28/2014
P & L Statement Checking Account
INTEREST | 1.12 | ||
TOTAL INCOME | 1.12 | ||
DINNERMEETINGS | 3,665.24 | ||
EXEC COM DINNNER | 618.76 | ||
OFFICE SUPPLIES | 2,143.34 | ||
TELEPHONE | 87.08 | ||
TOTAL EXPENSES | 8,014.42 | ||
OVERALL TOTAL | -8,013.30 | ||
P & L Statement PayPal
2/1/2014 through 2/28/2014
CONT. EDUC.-INC | 4607.72 | ||
TOTAL INCOME | 4607.72 | ||
OVERALL TOTAL | 4607.72 |
March Featured Speaker Dr. Chris Hughes with MCDS President Dr. David Stein, MCDS Education Coordinator Dr. Geneveve Fernandes and Dr. Cavan Brunsden. Dr. Hughes was this year’s recipient of the Sy Symanski Memorial Award,
which was presented to him by Dr. Brunsden.
Provide MCDS with your email address!
As those of you who have registered your email addresses with us know, the Board is becoming more pro-active in notifying you with timely unformation, such as upcoming early registration deadlines, reminders about the change in date for the April General Meeting, course reminders, etc.
By having your email address, we can get such vital and timely information to you. You can register by going to the “Of Current Interest.” page.
Messages from NJDA - See www.NJDA.org for further information
ALERT: In-House Discount Dental Plans At its recent public meeting, the State Board of Dentistry restated its previous position on dentists offering an “in-house” discount dental plan. The Board determined that a dentist may offer a plan to patients, but that the plan can’t be limited to those without dental insurance. If the patient has dental plan coverage, the discounted fee must be reflected on the claim form submitted to the dental plan. As a reminder, discount dental plans are not insurance so the coordination of benefits rule does not apply. For more information, contact Arthur Meisel - direct dial 732-422-2730.
ALERT: Are your state and federal labor, wage, safety and antidiscrimination posters up-to-date? As an employer, you must display certain notices and posters advising your employees of their rights under state and federal law. You do not have to pay for these posters. Use the links below to print out the materials you need. Please note, several laws have been changed or revised in the past year and you must display current information. http://lwd.state.nj.us/labor/lwdhome/content/employerpacketforms.html http://www.dol.gov/elaws/posters.htm
Article: Does Plan To Require Tougher Controls on Painkillers Go Too Far? See NJDA’s web site to read NJSpotlight’s article on the proposed tighter monitoring of opioids and other dangerous drugs.
ALERT: OSHA Inspections When OSHA receives a complaint, it conducts an investigation and, if warranted, imposes monetary penalties. All dental practice owners should be sure that there is a readily accessible written Exposure Control Plan, that it is reviewed at least annually with employee input to determine if revisions should be made, that new employees receive appropriate training and that all affected employees receive annual training. See NJDA’s web site for a sample copy of an Exposure Control Plan. For further information, contact Arthur Meisel at the NJDA - direct dial office telephone number (732) 422-2730.
ALERT: New Health Insurance Resource for Members Searching for health insurance options? The ADA has just launched a new page on ADA.org that provides health insurance resources for members. To view this new member resource, go to www.ada.org/healthinsurance
ALERT: Statute Requires Reasonable Accommodations for Employees “Affected by Pregnancy” On January 21, 2014, the Governor signed into law a bill that “prohibits workplace discrimination against women affected by pregnancy, defined as pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions, including recovery from childbirth.” To access the Statement issued by the Assembly Women and Children Committee, See NJDA’s web site. For more information, contact Arthur Meisel at the NJDA - direct dial telephone number (732) 422-2730.
ALERT: HHS Issues Spanish Version of Model Privacy Practices: A Spanish version of the Model Notices of Privacy Practices (NPP) has been issued by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office for Civil Rights (OCR) and Office for the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC). HHS has provided separate models for health plans and health care practitioners to help them better serve their Spanish-speaking patients and plan members. The models reflect the regulatory changes of the 2013 Omnibus Rule. See NJDA’s web site to view the model notices in Spanish.
ALERT: Patient Record Requirement The New Jersey State Board of Dentistry requires that all treatment records contain a “diagnosis and a treatment plan, which shall also include the material treatment risks and clinically acceptable alternatives, and costs relative to the treatment that is recommended and/or rendered.”
Course: May 9: The Business of Dentistry. Location: Hilton Philadelphia Airport. Free for members! See the NJDA web site for more information.
ALERT: Employment Exchange. Are you looking for employment? Try www.njda.org/jobsclassifieds.html. Post available jobs or look for employment. IMPORTANT: Please read these instructions before using the Employment Exchange Login credentials are: Username: Your 9-digit ADA number, Password: last name (lowercase), exclamation mark, first four digits of your ADA number.
What does Organized Dentistry mean to you? Help NJDA better serve you as an individual. http://survey.constantcontact.com/survey/a07e8wi74sfhrcjqj71/start
NJ Special Olympics Special Smiles Program- A message from Dr. James Delahanty
This year NJ will be hosting the 2014 USA National Games with Special Olympics athletes participating from all across the US. The event is scheduled from June 14-21 with opening ceremonies at the Prudential Center in Newark on Sunday June 15. The Healthy Athlete program, of which Special Smiles is a part, will run from Monday, June 16, through Thursday, June 19, from 2-8 PM each day on the campus of the College of NJ in Ewing, NJ. Essentially Special Smiles provides a dental screening, an athletic mouth guard and oral hygiene instruction for each athlete that visits our venue. Special Smiles can expect 700-800 athletes to visit us each day. The dental screening provided by Special Smiles can only be provided by a dental professional. While we have a faithful group of volunteers that comes help out each year, the magnitude of this year’s event requires a statewide effort. I am looking for dentists willing to volunteer his/her time during one or more sessions at this year’s event. In the past Special Smiles has been able to offer AGD approved CE credits for the time spent providing the dental screenings. I have received notification that plans are being finalized to once again offer CE credits for the time spent at Special Smiles. You can see info for the 2013 Program at http://sdm.rutgers.edu/daa/SPECIALOLYMPICS/SPECIALSMILES2013.htm A registration form is on the MCDS web site, www.MCDSofNJ.org, under the link for Upcoming CE.