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For pictures and advertisements, see the newsletter in PDF format
Featured Speaker: Cathy Jameson, PhD
“Critical Factors of the Business of Dentistry”
Cathy Jameson is founder and CEO of Jameson, an international dental coaching and lecturing firm. The Jameson Method of Management, developed by Cathy, is committed to helping dentists improve their practices through comprehensive coaching. An accomplished speaker, writer, and workshop leader, Cathy integrates her academic background and her knowledge of communication into the management of dental teams and practices. She and her team of coaches have lectured and consulted in 22 countries and have offices in New York and the United Kingdom, in addition to their two Oklahoma offices. The Jameson team has changed thousands of lives through lectures and in –office coaching as well as books, CDs, DVDs and other products.
After working with over 2,000 dental practices worldwide, Cathy Jameson knows the systems that ultimately make for a successful practice. Explore systems like the profitability of your hygiene department, improving scheduling, organizing efficiently and effectively, and evaluating your total productivity and profitability- after all, it’s not how much you make, its how much you keep! This is a program for everyone involved in a practice that is ready to thrive! The great actors, CEO’s and athletes of the world receive great coaching and you deserve no less! Let Cathy coach you expertly on the benchmarks for a successful practice during this powerful and thought provoking presentation.
I would first like to take this opportunity to thank Dr. Robert Silverstein for his leadership as 2006-2007’s MCDS President. His dedicated service leaves me very big shoes to fill.
Welcome back to a new and exciting program. As this year’s President I wish to help continue Middlesex County Dental Society’s tradition of being a leader in the state, particularly in membership and membership benefit programs and continuing education. Your volunteer board of directors recognizes that today’s dentistry and technological advances offer so many amazing opportunities for us to provide our patients with better dental health and improved office experience. One such opportunity comes as a result of overwhelming member requests for continuing education courses for their staff as well as themselves. Cathy Jameson, PhD, has taught many successful dental professionals how to develop and implement results-oriented, practice-building strategies through interesting and insightful presentations. She will be joining us on September 18 at the dinner meeting and on the 19th, she will hold a full-day course filled with valuable information for the entire dental office team. John Cranham, DDS will provide Contemporary Restorative Materials March 18th and the second 2-day session with the Cosmetic Occlusal Connection all day March 19th.
I am also pleased to announce that we have a line-up of world-renowned pioneers in dentistry joining us this year. In October, dual-trained in Periodontics and Orthodontics, NYC’s Frank Celenza DDS, will discuss Microanchorage in Orthodontics, I have seen Dr. Celenza and I assure you this is not one to miss. Also, Dr. Elliot Hersch will share his valuable views in Updates on Local Anesthetics, as well as my friend and brilliant dentist from NYU, Kenneth S. Kurtz, DDS shares Biological Consequences of Clinical Intervention, and Harvard University’s Thomas Flynn, DMD, joins us in April for an Update on Odontogenic Infections and Antimicrobial Therapy. These are only a few of dental professionals joining us and I hope you will all take advantage of these learning opportunities.
On the horizon is another fun-filled staff night in May 2008. I welcome all suggestions and ideas to make this event as successful as it has been in years past.
I look forward to serving MCDS as President this year and look forward to working closely with the Board of Trustees to ensure the best member benefits are made available to all who belong to this great society.
In friendship,
James Courey, DDS
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-May 8th, 2007-
Attendance: Ashmen, Brunsden, Chustckie, Courey, Desai, Galkin, Kahn, Nandra, Prabhu, Rosen, Schambra, Silverstein, Simos, Stein, Villa, Vitale, Weiner.
Acceptance of minutes: Vote unanimous
President’s Report: Bob Silverstein
I am still working on the AGD application. This should be finished soon.
Website editor’s report: Bob Silverstein
I am working on the implementation of allowing credit card payments through PayPal.
Treasurer’s Report: Scott Galkin
See full report on Page 3.
Program Chairperson’s Report: Robert Ashmen
Staff night was well attended and was undoubtedly a huge success. The theme this year was a ‘Sock Hop’ and the mood of the crowd matched the fun filled event. There were numerous prizes and raffles drawn throughout the evening interspersed with games to engage the crowd. The new officers were inducted by Dr. Joel Leizer and a grateful acknowledgement given to Bob Silverstein, outgoing president, for his tireless efforts during this year.NJDA Trustee’s Report: Nancy Villa
See full report under NJDA Noteworthy News on page 5.
NJDPAC Report: Mark Vitale
The Committee thanked the MCDS Board for our recent contributions.
NJDA Council Reports:
Dental Benefits: Mark Vitale
NPI Update- The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has recently issued the following clarification: “Health care providers who are not covered entities under HIPAA, but who prescribe medications, order services for patients, refer patients to other providers, or who otherwise need to be identified in HIPAA standard transactions that are conducted by other health care providers, will need NPIs so that those other health care providers can use that number to identify them in the HIPAA standard transactions that they conduct.” NJDA has also learned that CVS Pharmacy is in the process of contacting doctors on its prescriber list to obtain their NPI. The NPI final rule requires health covered health care providers to disclose their NPIs to any entities that request them for use in HIPAA standard transactions.
HHS has announced a 12 month contingency period (though May 23, 2008) during which it will not impose penalties for non-compliance with the NPI rule, as long as one can demonstrate reasonable and diligent efforts to become compliant. That fact should not, however, lead you to procrastinate if you have not yet applied for an NPI. The process is free and relatively simple. To apply on-line, go to For more information on the NPI, log on to education.asp.
Insurance Claim Appeals-When filing an appeal with an insurance company be sure to file the appeal in writing with all of the required documentation. Rather than sending an appeal electronically, mail a hard copy to the insurance company. Most companies will list a special PO Box at the bottom of an EOB which is specifically for appeals.
Membership: Scott Galkin
The membership council held our latest course, “Dental School 101: What Do I Do Know?” last week at the NJDA building. Three members of MCDS were presenters; Drs. Cavan Brunsden, Hugh Habas, and Mitch Weiner. The course was a success with almost 20 attendees, including many residents from UMDNJ. We would like to thanks again the two corporate sponsors of the course AFTCO and Mid-Atlantic Insurance Resources, who were generous enough to cover the cost of dinner for all of the attendees. We will be producing courses like this in the future that target new and younger members. Dr. Tara Savage will be taking the responsibility of chairperson of the membership council and will continue developing membership programs to benefit our society.
Committee Reports:
Corporate sponsorship: Constantine Simos
Benco Dental will be sponsoring the full day CE course by Cathy Jameson and the September monthly meeting. The corporate sponsorship committee is currently making arrangements for the 2007-08 year.
Oral cancer: Arpan Nandra
Sunday April 29, 2007 was the Montgomery Township Health Symposium sponsored by the WE (Women’s Empowerment) organization. They had 6 speakers talk on women’s health issues and other professionals had table setups. Dr. Nandra set up a table and had Colgate donate toothpaste, toothbrushes and patient learning tools. Crest donated childrens’ toothbrushes and toothpastes. There was information on oral cancer as well as oral health and how it effected the body. As people passed by, she discussed oral cancer and how it was detected. She made patients aware that their dentist should be conducting oral cancer examinations along with their regular checkup. She showed pictures of what to look for in the early stages. It was a great success. She will now determine the need for an oral cancer screening task force.
Old Busines:
Information Technology (IT) Committee: Discussed limiting the committee to people who regularly attend Board meetings. (Marty Jablow offered to be on the committee as long as he didn’t have to attend the meetings. The committee can consult with him on issues if they so decide, but it was felt that the people on the committee should be present at the meetings so that they can hear all of the concerns discussed). A Special Committee was established with Bob Silverstein, Ira Rosen and Jeff Chustckie.
New Business:
Marlene will be the contact person for people looking for associateships. She will keep a list of people who are looking for positions, and their names will be posted to our web site.
Good and Welfare
The dental society gratefully thanks Dr. Joel Leizer for his innumerable years of dedicated service as the ADA Delegate. The Board of Trustees has looked to him for advice on countless occasions and has benefitted immensely from his experience. He is much loved and will be missed at Board meetings.
Respectfully submitted,
Maya Prabhu,
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Checking $1,196.84 $12,121.34
Savings $24,482.76 $29,661.63
CD (5.22%) $25,000.00 $25,000.00
(matures 12/18/2007)
CD (3.70%) $25,000.00 0.00
(matures 6/15/07)
PayPal 0.00 0.00
TOTAL: $75,679.60 $66,782.97
CONT. EDUC.-INC 3,115.00
CORP SPON 1.000.00
DUES 17,609.95
MENTOR COMM 1,665.00
STAFF NIGHT 8,478.00
TOTAL INCOME 31,877.25
MENTOR 315.00
POSTAGE 124.12
STAFF NIGHT 23,316.59
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NJDA Noteworthy News
A donation in the amount of $1,000 was made in the memory of Charlie Norwood to the ADA foundation to be earmarked for the NJDS.
Dr. Carmine LoMonaco was nominated as NJDA’s representative for a one year term to the UMDNJ Foundation.
A $15 dues increase was approved for NJDA for the 2008 budget. It has been 3 years since the last increase.
Membership numbers are up again this year. NJDA has offered to help FDU alumni organize themselves.
The weekend study club mailing has highlighted more available credits than last year due to the upcoming biennial license renewal this October.
NJDA will be visiting NJDS four times this fall for luncheon programs with each class—we are all welcome to attend. Employment law posters are available for free through NJDA.
The GKAS date will be changed to April in the future due to potential weather issues in the northern states.
At this year’s Annual Session, approximately $16,000 was generated in net revenue for the Special Olympics. Next year, NYU and U of Penn are considering having alumni receptions in addition to Temple and NJDS. Ivana Trump will be a motivational speaker. The perio society will cosponsor a full day program.
Communications about topics in dentistry have been made on a biweekly basis to all of the local newspaper writers by Eric Elmore.
Web based advertising will begin in September on NJDA’s site. Video integration is also on our site now and links with the ADA’s site as well.
The Oral Health Coalition Summit will be held in Hamilton on Wed., Sept. 19 from 9-3 and will focus on the oral health of senior citizens. The cost is $85 and 5 CEU’s are available. NJDA will be a gold sponsor of this program at a cost of $1,000.
In the future, the pediatric dentists will organize a focus group to study the recent increase in decay of children age 2-5. The University of Texas conducted a study identifying a soluble protein marker in saliva when breast cancer starts—the test for this is now awaiting FDA approval and will be great for most patients who see the DDS more than the MD.
Jim Shultz reported that the $75 malpractice subsidy we have been assessed for the last three years is likely to be disbanded since the nomination to continue lacked a second twice. He discussed the idea the our state may start a methamphetamine awareness program similar to Montana’s which has been reported to have reached 90% of school age children through various forms of media and has been effective in reducing the number of users. The typical profile of users may differ from what you’d expect. Many college and grad students are using “crystal ice” as the “nodoze” nowadays. The problem is that within 60 days of using, you need 20 times the amount for it to work.
Art Meisel is proposing an idea to improve access to care—volunteer dentists can get up to 20 credits per biennial period for providing dental care free of charge to needy patients (lab fees to be paid by patients).
The amalgam separator legislation has been stalled and may not make the Sept 5th deadline for approval. If it is approved, the two year time line for existing offices starts. New offices opened after approval must comply immediately (renovations get 2 years).
PCDS Presents:
The Role of the Dentist in Caring for Patients with Cancer: Early Detection, Surveillance & Oral Health Maintenance.
Presenter: Dr. Hillel Ephros
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
The Grand Chalet,
1377 Rte. 23S, Wayne
4 CE credits
NJDA Members: $75pp
NJDA Members’ Staff: $35pp
(includes continental breakfast)
Please call PCDS 973-812-1101 for more information
Congratulations to Mark Vitale and Paul Tedeschi who received their mastership in the AGD!
Congratulations to Dr. Suni Bolar on completing her Board certification in Pediatric Dentistry and becoming a Diplomate of the American Board of Pediatric Dentistry!
Please register your email address with us!
If you have not done so already, go to our web site and register under the “Membership Info” link.
Great Member Benefits:
MCDS Video Library at St. Peter’s Hospital. All you need is a valid ADA membership card to access the extensive video collection.
Lawline Remember LAWLINE if you have a legal question related to your dental practice. As a continuing member benefit, NJDA’s General Counsel, Arthur Meisel, Esq. and Assistant Counsel Patricia DeCotiis are always available to confer, at no cost, with members. If you have a question or need assistance, call Mr. Meisel at (732) 422-2730 or Patricia DeCotiis at (732) 422-2717 or send them a fax at (732) 821-1082.
St. Peter's Medical Library
Members of the Middlesex County Dental Society are allowed to borrow dental materials from the Medical Library at Saint Peter’s University Hospital. A valid ADA ID must be presented in order to borrow materials. Here is a list of some of the materials in the dental collection:
• Excellence in Cosmetic Dentistry-Video Series; • Gordon Christensen Video Tapes;
• Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery; • Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology, and Endodontics.
Information about the Medical Library,
including hours of operation, can be found at