Officers Meeting and New Life Membership Presentations || President's Message || MCDS Board of Trustees / Committee Reports
Treasurer's Report Detail || NJDA State Board of Trustees Report
For pictures and advertisements, see the newsletter in PDF format
Featured Speaker: Dr. Harold Crossley
Harold L. Crossley, D.D.S., Ph.D. is an Associate Professor of Pharmacology at the University of Maryland Dental School. A native of Rhode Island, Dr. Crossley received a Bachelor of Science degree in Pharmacy from the University of Rhode Island in 1964. He later was awarded the Master of Science (1970) and Doctorate degrees (1972) in the area of Pharmacology. The University of Maryland Dental School in Baltimore awarded Dr. Crossley the D.D.S. degree in 1980. He is the Director of Conjoint Sciences and Preclinical Studies at the School of Dentistry and maintains an intramural part-time private dental practice. Dr. Crossley has co-authored a number of articles and three books dealing with a variety of topics within the field of pharmacology. Other areas of expertise include the pharmacology of street drugs and chemical dependency. He has been appointed to the Governor’s Commission on Prescription Drug Abuse, serves on the Maryland State Dental Association’s Well-Being Committee and a University Interdisciplinary Committee for Drug Abuse Education. He has been a consultant for the United States Drug Enforcement Administration and other law enforcement agencies since 1974.
Are there any medications used in my dental office which could adversely interact with drugs the patient is taking? This discussion includes the indications, contraindications, and side effects of the fifty most commonly prescribed medications for 2003. These medications represent 30% of all prescription medications taken by your dental patients. Familiarity with these drugs will provide the dental practitioner with a better appreciation for the health profile of today’s dental patient. Learn what resources are available to you to prevent adverse drug reactions.
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- January 11, 2005 -
Attendance: Ashmen, Brunsden, Courey, Fahsbender, Galkin,, Ibrahim, Kahn, Kline, Krantz, Lawson, Silverstein, Simos, Villa, Vitale, Wasserman, Weiner, Ziemba
Acceptance of Minutes-vote unanimous.
President’s Report - M. Weiner
-Thanks once again to Mark Vitale, Mark Schambra and Marlene for their contributions to the very successful full day CE course with Jennifer de St.George. The course broke existing records and was very well received by attendees and sponsors. The Pines Manor has continued to do a respectable job so far this year with our monthly meetings and full day courses and seems to be better organized/accommodating than in years past.
-Dr. Richie Kahn was nominated by Middlesex Component for the position of Treasurer of NJDA. There will be another candidate on the ballot. Dr. Dan Krantz was nominated by Middlesex Component for the position of Secretary of NJDA at the conclusion of his term as NJDA Treasurer. He will run unopposed. MCDS President-Elect Dr. Ross Kline and I will represent MCDS as voting members of the nominations committee when they meet on Jan. 26th to elect the NJDA officers for ’05-’06.
-Based on MCDS’s resolution brought to the November House of Delegates meeting, NJDA is establishing a task force to make recommendations concerning the possible elimination of one House meeting a year. MCDS has selected Dr. Joel Leizer
to serve on this task force. MCDS needs another resolution to bring to the NJDA Board of Trustees giving House of Delegates members the option of receiving the extensive ‘Board Packet’ via internet/CD versus bound paper, saving NJDA hundreds of dollars in printing and mailing costs.
-I am pleased to announce that MCDS has been retroactively approved as an AGD sponsor for the next 3 years. It was strongly suggested that we apply for re-approval in September 2007 to avoid a replay of the problems we have had with the approval process this year.
-Due to an incident that took place concerning the November NJDA PAC meeting, many questions were brought up in regards to component representation and what special status, if any, that Diamond Club members deserve. After consulting with several NJDA ‘VIP’s” and staff, it was determined that NJDA PAC bylaws need redefining due to ambiguity and differences in interpretation.
Treasurer’s Report-James Courey
See full report on page 3.
Editor’s Report-Mitch Weiner
-Life Member bios were still a last minute problem this year, even though the list of Life Members was given to us in September. It is imperative that as a rule of the board, someone (Executive Secretary OR Program Chair) be assigned the task of solicitation of these bios so that the editors can have someone to be accountable for this task. Dr. Silverstein and I discussed a Q & A format (via Fax or e-mail) that the Life Member can fill out and the computer will prepare the text of the bio based on the answers.
-There is a continued problem again with accountability and chain of communications concerning addresses of advertisers so they can receive our newsletter. The way it was discussed last year, the person receiving the ad sends Marlene the address of the sponsor so that Dr. Silverstein can add them to the mailing list for the newsletter. However, given that ads are coming from both Dr. Simos and Dr. Vitale, Marlene is not getting this information and passing it on to Dr. Silverstein. Marlene must be our archivist and data base preserver and must receive these addresses and contact people so that she can develop a reference list of all accumulated sponsors over time. This will be invaluable when future sponsors may be needed (e.g.-Dinner dance).
NJDA Trustee Report-R. Kahn
See report under NJDA Noteworthy News on page 5
-Content has been prepared since our last Board Meeting for a handout or brochure that can be presented to both high school students at a career fair or career change seekers/guidance counselors at an MCDS sponsored seminar. Drs. Lawson, Kline and Dr. Weiner are working on the marketing aspects of this concept and will seek the input/attendance of Drs. Ibrahim and Wasserman at the eventual presentations/seminars.
Respectfully Submitted,
Robert Silverstein, Secretary
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Checking 22,835.11 21,477.98
Money Market 57,934.83 57,976.54
TOTAL 80,769.94 79,454.52
Cont Ed-Inc. 1,225.00
Interest 5.16
Cont. Ed.- Exp 1,145.00
Exec Comm Dinner 247.08
Executive Secretary 900.00
Postage 222.96
Telephone 72.25
Checking Acct. Net -1,315.42
Interest 41.71
Money Market Net 41.71
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GIVE KIDS A SMILEDentist volunteers needed for 2/2/05.
You will get back just as much as you give!
Contact Dr. Cavan Brunsden at 679-2323 for more info.
In Memoriam
MCDS extends its condolences to Dr. Robert Rizzi on the passing of his mother.
In Memoriam
MCDS extends its condolences to the family of Dr. Edward E. Zullo. Dr. Zullo was an Active Life Member who practiced in Woodbridge since 1955.
St. Peter's Medical Library
Members of the Middlesex County Dental Society are allowed to borrow dental materials from the Medical Library at Saint Peter’s University Hospital. A valid ADA ID must be presented in order to borrow materials. Here is a list of some of the materials in the dental collection:
• Excellence in Cosmetic Dentistry-Video Series; • Gordon Christensen Video Tapes; • Journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery;• Oral surgery, oral medicine, oral pathology, oral radiology, and endodontics.
Information about the Medical Library, including hours of operation, can be found at
General Dentist in Edison seeking a part time associateship at a dental office preferably in the Edison area or in Middlesex county. Days and hours of work are negotiable. Graduate from NYU and has 1 year GPR experience. Resume and references available with more detailed information. Please call (908)756-9737.
On Tuesday evening, March 15th, Dr. Morton Amsterdam, the father of Periodontal Prosthesis, will be addressing our membership at the Pines. Due to the wealth of knowledge that Dr. Amsterdam has to share with us, his lecture will begin promptly at 6:30PM and will be approximately 3 hours in duration. There will be no business meeting that evening and wine/beer/appetizers will be available in the back of the room in lieu of the traditional cocktail hour. A sit down dinner will be served as usual. Please mark your calendars/appointment books accordingly to assure your early arrival at this MCDS special event.
NJDA Noteworthy News
Dental Benefit Programs and Peer Review Ms. Mary Moskal
The Peer Review Training Seminar was held on November 3rd at the Headquarters Building with fifty peer review committee members from around the state in attendance.
The ADA procedure code manual (CDT-2005) will take effect on January 1, 2005.
Ms. Moskal, Arthur Meisel and Dr. Joel Iserson met with Horizon medical and dental representatives for a “brainstorming session” on what is feasible with regard to incorporating oral health awareness into its diabetes disease management program. Also discussed was what measures the dental plan could take to help educate dentists, physicians and patients about the importance of oral health in preventing systemic disease.
Communications and Governmental Affairs Mr. Eric Elmore
The Membership Directory is still on target regarding the release date. The membership directory will consist of two description lists: 1) alpha by name and 2) specialty by component and then listed alphabetically.
The Give Kids A Smile (GKAS) communication pieces will be jointly done with UMDNJ. Both logos will appear on any piece that goes to press. The thought process behind this is that it should allow us more access to TV and radio stations that have coverage in New Jersey.
Council on Governmental Affairs Mr. Jim Schulz
Regarding the safety needle initiatives, we sought to get an exemption for intra oral procedures. The Department of Health and Senior Services agreed that this made sense but the statutory language did not permit the adoption of a regulation containing an exemption. Senator Fred Madden and Assemblyman Herb Conaway have agreed to sponsor a bill on the subject. It is now being drafted and is expected to be introduced in early December. NJDA will then continue to push on.
He further reported on the improvements we have had with the 6% Cosmetic tax. The only impact will be limited to in-office bleaching. We are working on the elimination of the tax for dentistry because there is no meaningful financial gain. Assemblyman Joe Cryan from Union, who sponsored the original bill, is interested in eliminating the tax on dentistry. A bill is being drafted to impose a tax on body piercing and tattoos. There is some early support.
Mr. Schulz also reported that we have gotten some positive feedback from the Public Health Council on fluoridation.
There has been an increase in PAC membership and the Diamond Club over last year. It is planned to start a major initiative with grassroots teams in each component in the hope of soliciting new members. He added that the best way to get dentists to join Diamond Club is with the personal contact of dentist to dentist.
Council on Membership Ms. Tricia DeCotiis
Over 4000 members paid their dues in one payment. The other choices are the two payment plan or the six payment plan. Over the year, we have had only five individuals that have not sent back their payments after we returned their incorrect payment procedure.
The TS software system(ADA) has improved the accuracy of member information as reflected in far fewer pieces of returned mail. A subcommittee of new dentists has been appointed by the chair of the Council on Membership. The sub-committee will be headed by Dr. Thomas Giusto. Ms. DeCotiis reported that NJDA is scheduled to make several presentations to the dental student body at UMDNJ over the next several months. We steadily strive to improve student relations and the students appreciate the Association involvement.
The Leadership Conference that was postponed in October will be re-scheduled in February on a date to be determined. The second Membership Initiative will be held January 29th; the speaker is Dr. Susan Calderbank. She will speak on oral complications as a result of cancer and cancer treatments. This is open to all members and to female non-members. .
The Week End Study Clubs have had good attendance and the course evaluations have been extremely positive.
In late June, a forensic dentistry training program will be held at UMDNJ. An agenda is being developed with speakers, etc. Attendance will be mandatory for current disaster Victim Identification Team (DVIT) members.
Meetings and Events Ms. Ricky Dibofsky
The NJDA Annual Golf Outing has been scheduled for Wednesday, August 17, 2005 at the Blue Herron Pines.
The TS Meetings & Events module is being tested for use at the annual convention. The 2005 speaker roster and event and guests programs have been finalized. Dr. Henry Lee is the celebrity speaker who will discuss forensics. To date, sixty-five exhibit spaces have been sold. The New Jersey Society of Periodontists will hold its meeting at the annual convention and Dr. Kahn is working with the Council to finalize the logistics. A course will be held in memoriam of Dr. Edward Kesser at the convention.
The State Board approved a request from the Association that volunteers who participate in the Give Kids A Smile program be given up to three hours of continuing education credit.
The State Board adopted a resolution urging the Public Health Council to propose a regulation on fluoridation. Sunset Review is still under discusson.
The proposed enteral sedation resolution has been published. The comment period ended and the comments are being reviewed by the Division of Consumer Affairs. The Board will then decide whether to adopt or amend the regulation. It was NJDA’s feeling that it would be adopted with amendments.
Treasurer’s Report Dr. Daniel B. Krantz
Thanked everyone for approving the 2005 budget.
Speaker of the House Dr. Walter I. Chinoy
Dr. Walter Chinoy reported that a resolution was brought to the House of Delegates on whether or not to have two House of Delegate meetings. This was brought to The House by Middlesex County. The House of Delegates directed the creation of a Task Force consisting of sixteen members (one member of the House of Delegates from each component society and three members from the NJDA Board of Trustees). The Task Force was charged to consider the possible elimination of one House meeting a year and to make a recommendation on the subject to the House of Delegates. The three members from the Board of Trustees are Dr. Dan Krantz as Treasurer, Dr. Michael Etter as a member of the Committee on Rules and Order and the third member to be determined. Dr. Walter Chinoy as Speaker of the House will be a member ex-officio without the right to vote. He reported that letters will be mailed to the Component Presidents to appoint a member of the House of Delegates from each component.
Executive Director’s and Legal Counsel’s Report Mr. Arthur Meisel
Mr. Meisel followed up on the request by the NJAGD to explore the possibility of NJDA providing administrative services. A draft agreement has been drawn up and reviewed by Drs. Frank Graham, Augie Pellegrini and Dan Krantz this past Monday. This agreement has been sent to Dr. Lou Ghisalberti for review by the AGD officers. They had three minor comments they wanted to incorporate into the agreement. The executive director feels that NJDA can provide these services but not with the current staff. We have to hire another staff member. However, NJDA will not furnish an executive director. The atmosphere between NJDA and AGD has been friendly and cooperative. If this goes forward, the AGD Board will review the agreement next week. If the AGD proposes changes, those changes will be reviewed by the NJDA President, President-Elect and the Treasurer. A motion was made, seconded and ADOPTED by the Board (Vote #4 BT-04-11-29) to accept the proposed AGD agreement as written and authorize language changes as approved by the NJDA President, President-Elect and the Treasurer. The vote was 16 to 1.
At the Annual session NJDA dentists registering prior to May 15th, there is no registration fee; after May 15th the on-site fee is $25. For ADA member registrants and non-NJDA members the pre-registration fee is $25. before May 15th. After May 15th the on-site fee would be $50. Members of the New Jersey Dental Hygienists Association and the New Jersey Dental Assistants Association will pay no registration fee if they pre-register prior to May 15th, if they register after May 15th, they will pay a $10. on-site fee. If they are not
members of those associations, the fee is $10. prior to May 15th and $25.00 after May 15th. The policy changes will not affect course fees.
On January 8th, Dr. Richard Haught, ADA President, will meet in Queens with a number of ethnic dental groups. NJDA’s President, the President of New York State, President-Elect of New York State, and President of the 2nd District will attend. We would like to partner with them in an effort to establish a positive relationship with all the “non mainstream” dental groups.