Speaker || President's Message || MCDS Board of Trustees / Committee Reports
Treasurer's Report Detail || NJDA State Board of Trustees Report
Announcements/Articles || Staff Night Registration Form
For pictures and advertisements, see the newsletter in PDF format
Dr. Gerard J. Chiche is the Helmer Professor and Chairman of the Prosthodontics Department at Louisiana State University where he also maintains an intramural restorative practice devoted to Esthetics and Implants. He has given over 500 programs nationally and internationally and holds membership in the American College of Dentists, the American Academy of Esthetic Dentistry, the American Academy of Crown and Bridge, the American Academy of Restorative Dentistry and the Omicron Kappa Upsilon Dental Honor Society. He is a director of the American Academy of Esthetic Dentistry and is also, with Alain Pinault the author of the textbook: Esthetics of Anterior Fixed Restorations published by Quintessence Pub. Co.
This program will be devoted to a treatment planning session with slides and selected case presentations with group discussion and case planning by several groups provided each with casts, radiographs and patient history. Emphasis will be placed on esthetic analysis and interdisciplinary treatment with Periodontics, Implants and Orthodontics.
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-May 11, 2004-
Attendance: Ashmen, Brunsden, Courey, Fertig, Galkin, Glickman, Kahn, Klein, Krantz, Lawson, Leizer, Schambra, Silverstein, Simos, Villa, Vitale, Wasserman, Weiner, Ziemba
Acceptance of Minutes-vote unanimous.
President’s Report-Nancy Villa
I’d like to thank everyone on the executive board for working so hard for our members this year. The quality of services provided by all of our volunteers gets better each year in our county without any increase in dues. I’d also like to thank our past presidents for creating the position of executive secretary. It was a pleasure to serve as president with Marlene’s help.
An additional service that I think will be greatly appreciated would be to provide members with their CE summary in the summertime. This would include general meetings, mentor courses, etc. that they have attended with the total number of credits earned.
We need to discuss our membership action plan for the upcoming year so summer mailings can be planned in advance. In the past, we have mailed the Sept. newsletter to nonmembers since it has the entire year’s CE schedule. The dental residents should also be included. It would be impressive to include the full day programs on the front page of the newsletter in bold with the monthly meeting CE list.
Please reserve the dates for the NJDA annual session, June 9-11 (Wed-Fri)
The House of Delegates meeting will be held on Fri at 10AM. We have discussed reimbursement for hotel expenses for one night for each delegate who attends the meeting. The total cost of the room is $146.25 including taxes.
Treasurer’s Report-Stephen Lawson
See full report on page 3.
Executive Secretary’s Report-Marlene Glickman
Asteto Dental Labs donated two tickets for Staff Night door prizes. The tickets are to “Sly Fox.”
Program Chairperson-James Courey
Thanks to Cavan for the tribute to Sy Symanski before the April lecture.
ADA Delegate’s Report-Joel Leizer
The ADA meeting is in Orlando this year. At this point it looks like Fred Sterritt will be running against from Murry Sykes from Maryland for Trustee from the 4th district.
NJDA Trustee’s Report-Richard Kahn
See full report under NJDA Noteworthy News on page 10.
NJDA Council Reports:
Dental Benefits-Mark Vitale
See full report under Council on Dental Benefits on page 10.
Governmental Affairs-Dan Krantz
Dan will remain our representative until a new representative can be found.
Membership-Scott Galkin
The comittee discussed new programs that will be started at New Jersey Dental School to increase student recruitment. Grassroots meetings are also being set up to increase recruitment in dentists practicing under 10 years.
Peer Review-John Fahsbender
There were two cases recently completed. Both cases were settled in favor of the patient with a return of monies to the patient.
Committee Reports:
Mentor Committee-Ethan Glickman
Dr. Richard Champagne presented the program “Role of the Dentist in Dx’ing & Tx’ing Snoring & Obstructive Sleep Apnea” Thursday, May 27, 2004. 2 CEU credits were awarded to the 23 members and staff who attended.
Mathew Giachetti, LifeForce USA presented the program “Annual OSHA Certification Seminar” Thursday, June 10, 2004. 2 CEU credits were awarded to the 123 members and staff who attended.
Dr. Robert Cowie presented an ALL DAY program (Sponsored by Excel Berger Dental Lab) “How to Reduce High Bites and Open/Tight Contacts and Guarding your Patient’s Occlusal Health” Thursday, June 16, 2004. 6 CEU credits were awarded to the 32 members and staff who attended. All Mentor courses were held at St. Peter’s Hospital in New Brunswick.
New Business
A motion was made to forgive the MCDS dues for a year and a half for a new graduate. This would make us consistent with NJDA and ADA. The motion passed.
Robert Silverstein,
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Checking 27,876.32 35,889.49
Money Market 57,607.33 57,770.97
TOTAL 85,483.65 93660.46
Interest Earned 24.46
Cont Ed-Inc. 9,385.00
Corp Spon-CE 8,000.00
Corp Spon-Newsletter 475.00
Mentor Comm-Inc 5,349.00
Staff Night-Inc 7,005.00
Dues 21,725.66
TOTAL INCOME 51,964.12
Returned Check 500.00
Audivisual Equip 705.00
Childrens Dent 1,539.18Cont Ed-Exp 14,941.13
Dinner Meetings 2,108.00
Donations 600.00
Exec Comm Dinner 494.17
Executive Secretary 2,189.00
Insurance 2.00
Lecture Fees 500.00
Mentor Comm-Exp 1,129.75
Name Badges 766.53
Newsletter/Other Printing 1,760.80
Office Supplies 463.59
Plaques 185.43
Staff Night 15,787,38
Telephone 278.99
Interest 163.64
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In Memoriam
Dr. Friedman was a past president of MCDS. He practiced dentistry for 51 years.
Dr. Gerard Chiche
sponsored by Kuwata Pan Dent
Registration and Course Synopsis Inside
NJDA Noteworthy News
- The Disaster Victim Identification Team (DVIT) is moving forward with its effort to gain state sanction and incorporation with the State Emergency Management Plan.
-Mr. Elmore reported that the Membership Directory planning is in progress. Information is being mailed to the membership to verify that their information is accurate. Companies are being solicited to advertise in the Directory.
-The NJDA website receives approximately 2900 hits monthly. The new Member’s Edge program can now be accessed on-line. Dr. Rempell recommended that e-mail be used to alert members of updates on the website, but not in lieu of information posted on the website.
-The proposed Personal Injury Protection (PIP) fee schedule for dental services was published for comment in the June 7, 2004 New Jersey Register. If no comments are received, it is likely that the new maximum fees will take effect by late summer or early fall. The proposal entails an across-the-board increase of 4.4% in southern New Jersey and 6.1% in central and northern areas of the state.
-PAST PRESIDENT REPORT-Dr. Rempell was pleased with the Annual Convention but also mentioned how few New Jersey member dentists attended this year. He noted that the Council on Annual Session structure should be reviewed. Dr. Rempell recommended that the Council should consider an all-encompassing registration fee, which would include courses.
Council on Dental Benefits
The council met on April 14, 2004. The following items were reviewed.
-CRP statistics were reviewed for the first quarter of 2004. There were a total of 39 complaints submitted of which 14 were resolved, 9 were for data purposes, one was not resolved, and 15 are pending.
-NJDA had contacted Guardian regarding their lack of compliance with the prompt payment regulations as it regards “pending” claims. Guardian responded assuring NJDA that it is aware of the provisions of the regulations and strives to be compliant.
-NJDA and Delta Dental have had correspondence concerning Delta’s rationale for limited payment as secondary coverage and indicating on the EOB that there was no further patient liability. NJDA’s position is that if Delta chooses to limit its’ payment as secondary, it has no legal basis for dictating that the dentist should accept less that the billed fee. Delta stated that a participating dentist may not charge more than what is stated on the payment voucher. NJDA is pursuing this issue.
-Delta dental has advised that audits for detecting fraud and abuse are permissible under HIPAA, as long as the record is de-identified and a data use agreement is executed, specifically for non-delta patients.
-ADA direct reimbursement was reviewed. It was noted that Merck and Pathmark have requested information.
-A letter from the ADA confirms that a CDT-4 code does not exist for bone grafts performed in conjunction with extractions, and that this procedure should be reported using D7999.
-The council met with Dr. Michael Hahn, Regional Dental Director of Aetna. A cordial and informative meeting was conducted at which time Dr. Hahn assured the committee that he will work with NJDA to resolve any issues that are presented. Main issues of concern are, oral surgery procedures being submitted to medical first, pended claims while Aetna attempts to update patient info, and cumbersome bulk EOBs.
-NJDA met with the Department of Banking and Insurance to discuss the overdue update of PIP fees.
-HIPAA: Dentists who are covered entities will need to apply for a National Provider Identifier as a standard unique identifier. Dentists may begin applying after May 23, 2005 with compliance scheduled for May 23, 2007.
-The council recognized the efforts of Dr. Daniel Krantz and thanked him for his years of service as he steps down as chairperson to become Treasurer of NJDA in June.
-For up to date information read the NJDA CAPSULE.
Respectfully submitted, Mark A. Vitale, DMD
Congratulations in Order
MCDS Congratulates Dr. Maya Prabhu for successfully passing the examination of the American Board of Endodontics. She is now a Diplomate of the American Board of Endodontics.
MCDS Congratulates Dr. Jeffrey Karlin for successfully passing all phases of the examination of the American Board of Orthodontics. He is now a Diplomate of the American Board of Orthodontics.
Dentist volunteers needed for next year. You will get back just as much as you give! Contact Dr. Cavan Brunsden at 679-2323 for more info.
Provide NJDA with your email address!
By having your email address, NJDA can get vital and timely information to you, such as the surprise visits from DEP. Register at www.NJDA.org.
St. Peter's Medical Library
Members of the Middlesex County Dental Society are allowed to borrow dental materials from the Medical Library at Saint Peter’s University Hospital. A valid ADA ID must be presented in order to borrow materials. Here is a list of some of the materials in the dental collection:
• Excellence in Cosmetic Dentistry-Video Series; • Gordon Christensen Video Tapes; • Journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery; • Oral surgery, oral medicine, oral pathology, oral radiology, and endodontics.
Information about the Medical Library, including hours of operation, can be found at www.stpeterslibrary.com
In an effort to minimize the impact of the new six-percent cosmetic dentistry tax to a small number of dental procedures, NJDA President Frank Graham, NJDA Executive Director Arthur Meisel and NJDA Director of Governmental Affairs Jim Shultz met with senior members of the state treasurer’s staff and governor’s office to express the NJDA’s position on the law. The dental contingent was able to secure commitment from the state treasurer that only bleaching procedures would be subject to the six-percent gross receipts tax. While no tax on dental procedures is acceptable, the administration could have imposed a sweeping penalty on numerous procedures and made its collection an utter mess. Fortunately, NJDA’s relationship with legislators and the administration have made it possible to lessen the impact of this tax on the profession and its patients. In large part, NJDPAC has made all of this possible and without a strong PAC, organized dentistry would be in a much worse position. Don’t let another day go by without joining NJDPAC at $115, or its Diamond Club at $300 annually. There is strength in numbers.
MCDS’s three full-day courses in September, November and February will provide our membership with 3 continental breakfasts, 3 lunches and 21 hours of CE for only $150 (or $65/individual course). This is all due to the generosity of our corporate sponsors Kuwata Pan Dent Laboratory (Sept.), Benco Dental (Nov.), Asteto Laboratory and Septodont (Feb.). We are urging ALL of our members to FILL OUT and RETURN YOUR REGISTRATIONS AS SOON AS POSSIBLE as our September lecture is rapidly approaching. It is only with the continued enthusiastic support of the membership that we can continue to attract sponsors who will assist us in defraying costs so that we can deliver the nations top speakers to you at cost.