Speaker || President's Message || MCDS Board of Trustees / Committee Reports
Treasurer's Report Detail || NJDA State Board of Trustees Report
Announcements/Articles || Nominations for 2004-2005 || Staff Night Registration Form
For pictures and advertisements, see the newsletter in PDF format
Dr. Marfuggi has been practicing plastic surgery in New York City since 1982 and in New Jersey since 1983. He is Board Certified in Plastic Surgery and an active member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic surgery, and a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons.
Dr. Marfuggi received an A.B. honors degree from the College of the Holy Cross and then graduated from the University of Vermont, College of Medicine. He continued surgical training at the University of Pittsburgh Health Center Hospitals, the Eastern Virginia Graduate School of Medicine, and the Institute for Reconstructive Plastic Surgery at New York University. Dr. Marfuggi went on to earn a Doctor of Medical Humanities degree from Drew University in 2003 becoming the first person to hold these dual degrees.
Dr. Marfuggi has authored two books and appeared on numerous television programs discussing plastic surgery procedures including his role in repairing the face of model/actress Marla Hansen who was slashed and severely disfigured.
The presentation will begin with a discussion of the common historical roots of the surgical and dental specialties. This will be followed by an overview of some of the most commonly performed plastic surgery procedures for facial rejuvenation to safely, and realistically, improve appearance. Because most dentists and plastic surgeons are working toward the same goal, i.e. enhancement of form and function, the second part of the discussion will cover plastic surgery procedures that a dental professional might consider incorporating into his or her own practice.
The recent Give Kids a Smile Program created by the St. Louis Dental Society, organized by the ADA and implemented by the constituent societies including NJDA has had mixed opinions regarding it’s benefits. How can one day of exposure to the world of dentistry help a child onto the road to a healthy smile?
At the last meeting of the Southwest Society of Pediatric Dentistry, I was shocked to hear some of the latest statistics regarding children’s dental health. Did you know that approximately 50% of three year olds have dental decay but only 24% of children visit the dentist before age five? You can imagine how school performance is affected for children with chronic dental infections.
The American Academy of Pediatrics and the American Academy of Pediatric Dentists both recommend that children have their first dental exam at twelve months of age, before caries develop. This visit is educational for parents regarding proper brushing, diet, and fluoride recommendations. Many parents don’t realize that dental decay is contagious and that their own strep mutans bacteria infect their children’s mouths (DNA studies have proved this). Therefore, it is very important for parents to either have good dental health, or use the aseptic technique we all learned in microbiology while cooking (and only give air kisses to their babies).
Reports from the GKAS program indicated that a large volume of children were taken on a “field trip” to the dentist. The children were educated on good dental health, had their teeth examined and cleaned and emergency care was delivered where needed. Not only was it a fun day for the children, but NJDA was able to collect data that will help to influence our state government’s future decisions regarding dental care for children.
Next year, instead of traveling to a third world country to volunteer your services to children, consider offering your help right here in New Jersey where many needy kids will greatly appreciate your help. Kids all deserve the opportunity to smile!
Nancy Villa, President
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-February 10, 2004-
Attendance: Ashmen, Chustckie, Courey, Fahsbender, Huberman, Kahn, Kline, Krantz, Lawson, Leizer, Silverstein, Simos, Vitale, Wasserman, Weiner
Acceptance of Minutes-vote unanimous.
President’s Report-Mitch Weiner for Nancy Villa
Next week, Greg Sobol and the Shadowers from Rutgers will attend our general meeting. A representative from NJDS will also attend to demonstrate the E-curriculum. Thanks to Bruce Huberman for organizing everyone.
The nominees for office of NJDA thus far are: August Pellegrini, President-Elect, Robert Shekitka, Vice President, Daniel Krantz, Treasurer, Robert Hersh, Secretary, and Walter Chinoy, Speaker of the House. The deadline for further nominations is March 12, 2004.
NJDA is requesting recommendations for the Dr. Theodore Symanski Lifetime Achievement Award. While there are no specific criteria for this award, a candidate should have achieved life membership and demonstrated outstanding service to the Association, to the profession, and to the community.
Special awards were presented at the January general meeting. Ethan Glickman, Mitch Weiner and Bob Silverstein were recognized for their consistently outstanding service with the presentation of commemorative plaques. It was kept secret until the announcement was made.
Life member certificates and pins were awarded to Don Frantz and Lee Pargot. Marvin Ladov was also acknowledged for attaining life membership status. It was a pleasure to have our president of NJDA recognize this worthy accomplishment.
The list of delegates and alternates needs updating for next year.
South Brunswick High School is running a health fair March 2 and 3 (Wed. and Thurs). They are interested in having a dental and/or orthodontic display. Groups of students will visit the fair during their gym class period.
The Give Kids a Smile program was a tremendous success. Once again, the members and staff of NJDA have provided a major humanitarian service throughout the state. Many thanks to all of the dentists and staff who volunteered their time.
Treasurer’s Report-Stephen Lawson (See full report in newsletter)
NJDA Council Reports:
Annual Session-Celi Ziemba
Please come join us in Atlantic City on June 9, 10 and 11th at the Taj Mahal. Please register early for continuing education courses before they sell out. I look forward to seeing you there.
Peer Review-John Fahsbender
There were two plenary hearings (the result of failed mediation). There was one case that was appealed to the state. The appeal was denied due to insufficient grounds. There is currently another case in mediation and under review.
Committee Reports:
Corporate Sponsorship-Constantine Simos
We are contacting some of the same vendors from last year for the Kokich course.
Continuing Education-Mark Schambra
Thus far 34 people are signed up for the Kokich course. Early registration for the Kokich course was extended to April 7th. We ask for the membership to support these reduced fee courses.
Old Business
Dr. Kahn suggested that we re-visit the two room format (one room for the business meeting and another for dinner) for our general meetings. This was tabled until September so that we can determine the effectiveness of the current one room format.
New Business:
Dr. Mark Vitale will be the new Program Chairperson for next year.
Respectfully Submitted, Robert Silverstein, Secretary
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(12/31/03 - 1/31/04)
Checking 4,788.16 1,103.95
Money Market 57,485.42 57,526.92
TOTAL 62,273.58 58,630.87
(12/31/03 - 1/31/04)
Interest Earned 1.24
Dinner Meetings 2,237.85
Exec comm Dinner 219.63
Telephone 124.05
Newsletter/Other Printing 1,103.92
(12/31/03 - 1/31/04)
Interest 41.50
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In Memoriam
MCDS extends our condolences to MCDS Past-President Dr. William Meszaros on the passing of his wife Constance.
Computer Networking For Dental Offices
•Wired networks for digital imaging and front office software applications
•Wireless networks for home and office
•VPN solutions for remote access, 2nd office connectivity, and remote data backup
•Upgrading of existing equipment
•Installation of software updates
•Design, purchasing, and installation of computers and networks for dental offices
Contact John Murphy: 732-371-3011
Receive this newsletter electronically
Featuring Internationally Known Speaker DR. VINCENT KOKICH, Professor of Orthodontics at University of Washington in Seattle/Private Ortho Practitioner in Tacoma, Washington
Orthodontists, periodontists, surgeons, and restorative dentists often have pre-determined goals regarding the esthetic relationship of teeth that may differ from that of the patient. A recent study shows that lay persons may not notice certain problems (such as midline discrepancy, unequal crown length, incisal plane asymmetry, “gummy” smile, altered incisal inclination, “black” triangles, and crown width discrepancies) that dentists and Orthodontists strongly believe should be resolved. Is there a threshold level, where these discrepancies are noticed by both lay persons and dentists? Are there discrepancies that are not noticed by either dentists or lay persons and should remain untreated? If these problems are to be treated, what are the roles of the orthodontist, periodontist, and restorative dentist? How, where, and when should tooth position be altered to accommodate for future restorative dentistry? This presentation will use many clinical examples to resolve these dilemmas and describe the interaction that is necessary among clinicians to establish the ideal result for even the most difficult esthetic discrepancies.
The MCDS full-day course on Wednesday, April 14th with internationally known speaker Dr. Vincent Kokich is only $65 and is appropriate for GENERAL PRACTITIONERS, PERIODONTISTS, PROSTHODONTISTS, ORTHODONTISTS, and ORAL SURGEONS WHO PLACE IMPLANTS. This is an unbelievable member benefit offered due to the outstanding efforts of our full-day continuing education chair Dr. Mark Schambra. Mark is an MCDS past-President and put together the very successful Dr. Dennis Tarnow lecture last winter as continuing education chair. The amount of work that goes into organizing such a quality course and setting up corporate sponsors is surely deserving of widespread support from our membership. With most full day courses in the $275 range, this course is a steal for NJDA members from other components as well, who will pay only $125 with early registration by the deadline. We are appealing to the entire membership to not only come out and support this course yourselves, but also to invite one or more NJDA-member friends from other components…you’ll be doing them a favor as Dr. Kokich is regarded as one of the countries top speakers. SEND IN YOUR REGISTRATION NOW!!!
The Middlesex County Economic Opportunities Corp. has developed a dental facility as part of their childcare program at 578 Livingston Ave. in North Brunswick. They are seeking a dentist looking to establish a practice to provide dental services to low-income families in return for very modest rent to cover basic utilities. All inquiries should be directed to John Smolinski at 732-846-6600 ext. 226
Attention: Members Seeking Associates
As our local residency programs conclude their GPR year this June, several of our JFK and Robert Wood Johnson residents are seeking employment as general practitioners. Many of our MCDS Executive Board members are attendings at either JFK or RWJUH and can furnish references if requested for any residency graduate you are interested in. Please call or speak to MCDS President-Elect Dr. Mitch Weiner at 732-297-4900. All conversations will be kept confidential. This is being offered as both a member benefit for those seeking associates and as a recruitment/goodwill gesture for our new member dental residents.
Ethan Glickman Chairman
The Mentor Programs for Spring 2004 that are being presented are:
Snoring and Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Dr. Richard Champagne
Thursday May 27, 2004 6:30-8:30PM
2 CEU credits
Annual OSHA Certification Seminar
Mathew Giachetti, LifeForce USA
Thursday June 10, 2004 6:30-8:30PM
2 CEU credits
This program satisfied the OSHA standard on Occupational Exposure to Blood Borne Pathogens, which is required annually for dentists and staff. Each office person trained received certification that they have been properly instructed for this OSHA regulation on Infection Control. Please note that this OSHA program offered elsewhere normally asks for a tuition fee of at least $85. This is another great member benefit for belonging to MCDS !
How to Reduce High Bites and Open Tight Contacts
And Guarding your Patient’s Occlusal Health
Dr. Robert Cowie
Wednesday June 17, 2004 9 AM4 PM
6 CEU credits
All programs will be held at St. Peter’s Medical Center,
New Brunswick, NJ
See the insert inside this newsletter to register for these
Spring 2004 Seminars
Children’s Dental Health Month: Save the Dates
March 18, 2004 Nurses Education Night, NJDA building - 7 PM
April 15, 2004 Poster Contest, Old Bridge High School East Auditorium- 7 PM
MCDS Dentists Give Kids a Smile
February 4th marked our Second Annual Give Kids A Smile program with over 1700 children treated by over 400 volunteers at over 16 sites throughout the state. Examinations, prophys, fluoride treatments, sealants and emergency dental care were just some of the procedures provided.
Our dental family was truly enriched by this humanitarian program that provided dental access to needy children. Together the dental profession has truly responded to the needs of others.
Cavan Brunsden, GKAS Chair
Dr. Mark Vitale, an active member of the Peer Review Committee and MCDS representative to the Council on Dental Benefits, has been named MCDS Program Chair for the fall ’04- spring ’05 lecture series. His selection promises us a top-notch program of national and internationally known speakers that he has been diligently working on. We congratulate Dr. Vitale on his appointment and hope to make a special announcement regarding his program in the next issue.
NJDA Family Day
At the Circus!
Sunday, March 7, 2004
“The Greatest Show on Earth”
at theContinental Arena!
Celebrate Children’s Dental Health!