Officers Meeting and New Life Membership Presentations || President's Message || MCDS Board of Trustees / Committee Reports
Treasurer's Report Detail || NJDA State Board of Trustees Report
Mentor Course Registration form || Announcements/Articles
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NJDA Officers Meeting and New Life Membership Presentations
Come hear the stories behind the legislative and legal battles won on your behalf by NJDA this year from the dedicated officers. This annual event is an opportunity to meet the NJDA Directors and General Counsel and to witness first hand their dedication to our members. You will never ask the question, “What is organized dentistry doing for me?” after this evening. It will provide you with the opportunity to learn how to use NJDA’s vast resources to get the most of your membership. In addition, a special presentation to our deserving New Life Members will be featured.
The following MCDS members have achieved life membership this year. They have shown a steadfast dedication to their profession and organized dentistry over their careers. They will be formally inducted as life members at this month’s dinner meeting. Each new life member was asked to submit biographical information that is included below, recognizing that such limitted space cannot do justice to all of their professional and personal achievements.
Donald W. Frantz, DDS, MSD
Dr. Frantz graduated from Temple University School of Dentistry in 1961. He served in the US Army Dental Corp for the next two years. He attended the University of Washington Dental School for post-graduate training in Orthodontists where he earned both his specialty certificate in Orthodontics and a Master of Science in Dentistry Degree.
After practicing Orthodontics in Perth Amboy, NJ, he opened his office in Old Bridge, NJ in 1970, where he actively practices today. Dr. Frantz is a member of the ADA, NJDA, MCDS, The American Association of Orthodontics, The Middle Atlantic Society of Orthodontists and The New Jersey Association of Orthodontists. He resides in Holmdel with his wife Paula. They have two children and two grandchildren.
Marvin J. Ladov, DDS
Attended Ursinus College and graduated from Temple University School of Dentistry 1961. He spent two years in the United States Air Force as a Captain in the Dental Corp and attended the University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Medicine 1963 and 1964. Resident and Chief Resident in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at the Harlem Hospital Center of Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons from 1964 to 1966. Private Practice in New Brunswick, New Jersey in the Oral Surgery Group from 1966 until Present. Dr. Ladov is a past President of the Middlesex County Dental Society and New Jersey Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons. He is presently Chief of the Department of Dentistry at Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital and a Senior Attending at St. Peter’s Medical Center as well as an Emeritus Attending at John F. Kennedy Medical Center. Academic appointments include Associate Professor, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery New York University School of Dentistry and Clinical Instructor UMDNJ in Newark. In addition, Dr. Ladov is Chief, Division of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at the Robert Wood Johnson University Medical School. Dr. Ladov is a Diplomat of the American Board of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons and the National Dental Board of Anesthesiology. He is a member of the American Dental Association as well as the New Jersey Dental Association and Middlesex County Dental Society. As a member of the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, Dr. Ladov was Chairman of the Committee on Public Information and was chosen Committee Man of the Year in 1995. He was also an Examiner for the American Board of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons from 1976 to 1982 and again in 1987. He lives in East Brunswick, New Jersey with his wife, Roz. They have two children, Jonathan and Jennifer, and four grandchildren, Robbie, Abby, Francie and Alexandra. His hobbies include playing golf and bridge.
Lee Richard Pargot, DDS
Dr. Pargot was born (September 30, 1938 was it that long ago) and raised in Woodbridge, NJ. He graduated from Woodbridge High School and obtained his undergraduate education at Brown University. He graduated from NYU dental school and received his Certificate in Orthodontics from Columbia University. Dr. Pargot worked for and with Drs. Sam Galkin and Bernie Orlowski from 1968 until 1970. He then practiced in Somerset for 27 years until he retired in 1997 (Dr. Robert Silverstein took over his practice). He is currently “unretired,” working with Dr. Rick Wright in Somerville two days per week and for OrthoCAD in Carlstadt.
Dr. Pargot resides in Martinsville, NJ, with his wife of 43 years, Arlene. They have three children: Scott in Helena MT, married with four kids; Jill in Raleigh, NC, married with four kids; and Lynn (Zoë) in Portland, OR.
It’s hard to believe that in the year 2004 we’re still not driving around in flying cars and visiting other planets for vacation. Those science fiction shows in the 60’s and 70’s prepared us to expect a twenty first century that was much more advanced than our current reality. They also led us to believe that normal people would be able to afford to live the “space-age” lifestyle, too. I’d be happy to forfeit interplanetary travel for a self-cleaning kitchen any day.
Our field of dentistry has been enhanced with many inventions that have given the public a more positive impression of our profession. Lasers, air abrasion, implants, “invisalign” and tooth whitening systems have all contributed to boosting the image of dentistry. It doesn’t seem to matter to our patients that we still use drills, needles and braces to fix their teeth, for the most part, we’re still trying to make things more pleasant. I always tell my patients who are teenagers that my generation has taken most of the pain out of dentistry; their generation will be responsible for making dental materials taste better.
As time goes on, it has become evident that there is almost as much art as science involved in providing quality dentistry. Our patients now demand more than just healthy teeth; they expect a good looking smile as well. Dental schools across the country do a fine job of teaching the science of dentistry. The artistic side of dentistry, however, comes naturally to some, but most of us need continuous exposure to continuing education to maintain our awareness of optimum function and esthetics.
The combined efforts of Jim Courey, Ethan Glickman, and Mark Schambra are providing our members with an excellent series of continuing education courses throughout the year. Attendance at these programs will help to enhance our ability to deliver care that will be highly appreciated by our patients.
Nancy Villa,
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-October 14, 2003-
Attendance: Ashmen, Brunsden, Courey, Galkin, Glickman, Huberman, Kahn, Kline, Krantz, Lawson, Leizer, Rosen, Schambra, Silverstein, Simos, Villa, Vitale, Weiner
Acceptance of Minutes-10/14/03-vote unanimous.
President’s Report-Nancy Villa
• The ADA meeting in San Francisco last month was very well attended. The weather was hot, the exhibitors had beautiful booths, and the New Jersey Dental School had a great reception. Rudy Giuliani was one of the keynote speakers and he was incredibly entertaining (Sonicare paid his $100,000 honorarium). Dan Krantz and George McLaughlin were inducted into the American College of Dentists and I was inducted into the International College of Dentists.
• Kim Fenesey and Cecile Feldman at NJDA will work together with Eric Ellmore and Trish DeCotiis on organizing a program for women dentists that will be convenient for dental students as well.
• The annual “Coming Together” dinner will be held on November 21st and Dr. Bill Cinnotti will be this year’s honoree.
• Dr. Erin O’Hea from the Trenton Tobacco Addiction Clinic is interested in giving a presentation to our members.
• The budget will be presented and voted on at next week’s general meeting.
• The House of Delegates meets tomorrow.
• In January at the NJDA Officers meeting, Greg Sobol and the Shadowers from Rutgers will attend. A representative from NJDA will also attend to demonstrate the E-curriculum.
Treasurer’s Report-Stephen Lawson (See full report in newsletter)
Executive Secretary’s Report-Marlene Glickman
For the upcoming course on April 14, 2003, entitled “Interdisciplinary Management of Anterior Esthetic Dilemmas” a contract was sent to the speaker, Dr. Vincent Kokich. Also, information was sent to the State Board for approval for 7 C.E. credits for this course.
NJDA Trustee Report-R. Kahn (See full report in newsletter on page 4)
ADA Delegate’s Report-Joel Leizer (See full report in newsletter)
The Executive Board voted on and passed the following resolution as it was set forth by the 2003 House of Delegates:
“ Dentists, when awarded a D.D.S. or D.M.D. degree shall be exempt from the payment of active member dues and any special assessment for the remaining period of that year and the following first full calendar year.”
The change in the dues structure is underlined. After the year and a half of dues abatement the dentist will start paying dues according to the existing schedule of 25% the first year that they pay, 50% the second year, 75% the third and 100% thereafter.
AD:PAC & NJ:PAC Report-P. DeSciscio
NJ:PAC has been the 8th largest contributor this election cycle, which makes us an impact player. With that in mind, I urge all our members to contribute as additional $185 to their normal $115 NJ:PAC contribution and become a member of the Diamond Club, $300 total. Please add this to your dues notice. Thank you.
NJDA Council Reports:
Children’s Dental Health/GKAS-Cavan Brunsden
Children’s Dental Health Month
• Countywide elementary school poster contest (K-5) will take place in February.
• March 7, 2004 will be NJDA Family Day at the Circus
• April will be the Annual Poster Contest Awards Ceremony
Give Kids A Smile-Wednesday, February 4, 2004
• A day of volunteer dentistry provided to needy children and access to dental care problems.
• UMDNJ sites, Hospital Residency, Hygiene Programs, Private Practices
• Every member of MCDS should consider volunteering to support this statewide program.
Membership-Scott Galkin
The membership council will meet this month. The January newsletter will be sent to all non-members who are 15 years or less out of dental school and include an insert promoting membership in our society.
Peer Review-Mark Vitale
Two cases are pending with no resolution.
Committee Reports:
Mentor- Ethan Glickman
Mathew Giachetti, LifeForce USA presented the program “Annual OSHA Certification Seminar” Thursday, October 30, 2003 from 6:30-8:30PM at St. Peter’s Medical Center, New Brunswick, NJ. 2 CEU credits were awarded to the 124 members and staff who attended. This program satisfied the OSHA standard on Occupational Exposure to Blood Borne Pathogens, which is required annually for dentists and staff. Please note that this OSHA program offered elsewhere normally asks for a tuition fee of at least $85. This is another great member benefit for belonging to MCDS !
Kim Iannotte, AFTCO, presented her well received program “Analyzing Practice Numbers, Adding An Associate, Practice Acquisition, Mergers and Transitions” Thursday November 6, 2003 from 6:30-8:30PM at St. Peter’s Medical Center, New Brunswick, NJ. 2 CEU credits were awarded to the 19 members and staff who attended.
Kim Iannotte is a Senior Transition Analyst and Management Consultant for AFTCO. Ms Iannotte holds a Business and Accounting BS and Masters degree from Rutgers University. She is a former Dental Hygienist and a former hospital Vice-President. She spoke about a variety of topics relating to the daily operations and management of a dental practice. She stated that to schedule one full day/week of operative productivity in our practices we need to have at least 300 active patients and each Hygiene day/week relates to 225 active patients in the practice. This helps to determine if we are able to add an associate or a Hygienist to our practice. She emphasized that as a percentage of gross collections, lab costs should be in the 8-10% range, dental supplies should be in the 5% range, office supplies are in the 1-2% range, staff salaries are in the 23-25% range and staff benefits fall in the 3% range. She offered to answer any questions at no charge that our members may have about our practices at any time by contacting her through AFTCO.
Linda Lakin, presented her quality program “Practice Management - Secrets of the Empowered Dental Team” Thursday November 13, 2003 from 6:30-8:30PM at St. Peter’s Medical Center, New Brunswick, NJ. 2 CEU credits were awarded to the 25 members and staff who attended.
Linda Lakin, RDH, MS, President of Linda Lakin Consultants, is a nationally recognized consultant and speaker. Basic tenants of team building along with individual member’s responsibilities were explored. Topics discussed were: Shared commitment to excellence, Empowering team members, Shaping the dentist as a motivational leader and Creating the five star experience. She closed her presentation with a personality self-evaluation questionnaire that we all completed that evening. This enabled us to determine our working styles and relationships and how to utilize our team more effectively for the most successful and happy dental practice every day.
This questionnaire is available to MCDS members who were not at the course by calling our Executive Secretary, Marlene Glickman, ( #732-238-1255 ) and ask for a free copy of the “self-evaluation questionnaire”. This is a great staff meeting item that will stimulate lot of discussion among the dental team!
Continuing Education-Mark Schambra
On April 14, 2004, we will be presenting a full day course featuring Dr. Vincent Kokich at the Pines Manor. The subject of Dr. Kokich’s course will be Interdisciplinary Management of Anterior Esthetic Dilemmas: When, Why, and How? Announcements will be sent to the editors of other components and an invitation will be extended to the dental residents.
Respectfully Submitted, Marlene Glickman, MCDS Executive Secretary
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(10/1/03 10/31/03)
Checking 7,997.60 9,519.49
Money Market 57,329.36 57,394.61
TOTAL 65,326.96 66,914.10
(10/1/03 10/31/03)
Corp Spon-mentor 4,000
Dinner Dance-income 723.12
Dues 210.42
Interest Earned 2.28
Mentor Comm-inc 3,840.00
Dinner Meetings 2,276.20
Donations 750.00
Exec comm Dinner 228.01
Executive Secretary 680.00
Insurance 413.17
Lecture Fees 500.00
Mentor Comm 500.00
Name Badges 98.00
Newsletter 1551.78
Office Supplies 14.40
Plaques 88.00
Telephone 154.37
(10/1/03 10/31/03)
Interest 65.25
Transfer to Checking 0.00
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Dr. Irving Sanders
MCDS mourns the passing of a distinguished MCDS past-President (1956-57) and one of the first endodontists in Middlesex County, Dr. Irving Sanders.
Dr. Sanders served in the Navy as a lieutenant in World War II. He started as a general practitioner, then limited his practice to endodontics in 1962. He practiced in Perth Amboy.
Training for Dental Hygienists & Registered Dental Assistants
employed by NJDA member dentists
Presented by the NJDA in conjunction with UMDNJ New Jersey Dental School
All-Day, 7-hour didactic course
Hilton Newark Airport
Wednesday, January 21, 2004
Registration forms available online at or by calling NJDA at 800-831-6532
Receive this newsletter electronically
Featuring Internationally Known Speaker DR. VINCENT KOKICH, Professor of Orthodontics at University of Washington in Seattle/Private Ortho Practitioner in Tacoma, Washington
Orthodontists, periodontists, surgeons, and restorative dentists often have pre-determined goals regarding the esthetic relationship of teeth that may differ from that of the patient. A recent study shows that lay persons may not notice certain problems (such as midline discrepancy, unequal crown length, incisal plane asymmetry, “gummy” smile, altered incisal inclination, “black” triangles, and crown width discrepancies) that dentists and Orthodontists strongly believe should be resolved. Is there a threshold level, where these discrepancies are noticed by both lay persons and dentists? Are there discrepancies that are not noticed by either dentists or lay persons and should remain untreated? If these problems are to be treated, what are the roles of the orthodontist, periodontist, and restorative dentist? How, where, and when should tooth position be altered to accommodate for future restorative dentistry? This presentation will use many clinical examples to resolve these dilemmas and describe the interaction that is necessary among clinicians to establish the ideal result for even the most difficult esthetic discrepancies.
NJDA Noteworthy News
Mr. Schulz reported that Drs. Cardinale, Pennacchio and Van Drew won their re-elections, however Dr. Arnone was defeated.
Mr. Elmore reported that the “Members Edge Discount” program is being finalized. This is a statewide member benefit where numerous merchants throughout the state will be giving NJDA members and their spouses discounts on their purchases of goods and services.
Dr. Graham reported as informational, that by completing a one-year residency, New York State will grant a license with no clinical competency exam required.
A vote was taken to extent for a one time only first year “free dues” till the end of ones first full calendar year. This will be coincident with the ADA’s new structure. This will be voted on at the House meeting in June for a by-laws change.
Mr. Meisel reported that on January 21, 2004 there would be a 7-hour didactic CE Course on nitrous oxide to move forward with the recently passed regulations.
Board Retreat
The theme of the retreat was to discuss the diversity issue of NJDA. While it was mentioned that the make up of the Board is mostly white males with gray or no hair, this clearly is not what the graduating class of the dental school shows. Numerous issues were discussed.
Middlesex was mentioned for its wonderful job of member recruitment, retention and for its presentation of the diverse make-up that NJDA is looking for.
ADA ANNUAL SESSION Report by Dr. Joel Leizer, ADA Delegate
ADA President Elect is Richard Haupt of Oklahoma
Res. 70 Task force to study appropriateness of Alternate Delivery Models. This would include using intermediate level trained dental auxiliaries to increase access to dental care. They would recommend the types of training programs and the appropriate practice settings for a mid level auxiliary. Study the training of non dental, medical professionals to provide early childhood and school based dental screenings and limited preventive dental care. Report back to the 2004 House of Delegates.
Res. 50 Task force to meet in Alaska to study the means to provide high quality oral health care services to Alaska natives. Report back with action plan to the Board of Trustees who will report to the HOD in 2004 with recommendations and description of actions already taken.
Res. 87 RC Dental Health Aide Therapist Program-The ADA will work with other parties to solve the problem of access of care to underserved population. The ADA is opposed to any training program that develops more than one tier of dental treatment. This was referred for further study.
Res. 63 Composition of House of Delegates This calls for fair delegate representation based on a fixed number in each district. The number in each district will be based on the number of dentists in that district. Each state is guaranteed 2 delegates. The House will expand to 460 members in 2004 so that the larger states (California, New York, etc.) who were underrepresented can increase their numbers. In the future, if a district loses membership, delegates can be lost from that district. However, since all states are guaranteed 2 representatives, these states cannot lose a delegate even if their numbers are down. The delegate will be taken from a larger state in that district.
Res. 18 Passage of 2004 Budgetno dues increase for 2004
Res. 74 Calls for ADA to reimburse states for expenses incurred as a result of collecting ADA dues via credit card or other electronic means.
Res. 88 ADA should establish an area on its web site to assist consumers to make an informed choice of dental practitioners. This should include:
1 Name of 9 recognized specialties
2 Name, phone numbers and web sites of recognized specialty organizations
3 Information about advertising, ethics, etc.
Res. 16 B Calls for a dues waiver for military reserves called up to active duty who leave their practice.
Res. 93 2002 RC Dues for new members
1 Remainder of year after graduation no dues.
2 First full year after graduation no dues.
3 Second year after graduation 25%
4 Third year after graduation 50%
5 Fourth year after graduation 75%
6 Fifth year and beyond 100%
Res. IBSlB Pouring Rights Contracts Marketing of Soft Drinks in Schools
ADA continues to gather scientific facts concerning the oral health effects of increasing consumption of beverages containing sugars, carbonation and acidic components ( soft thinks). The ADA encourages constituent and component dental societies to work with all other interested parties to increase awareness of filling vending machines in school with healthful drinks. The ADA opposes contractual arrangements that promote increased consumption of soft drinks.
Res. 41 Encourages constituent and component societies to investigate partnerships with organizations sponsoring dentally related child ID programs.
Res. 44 National Action Plan for Tobacco Cessation-The ADA supports the proposals that include funding the program with a $2.00 tax on each pack of cigarettes.
Res.32 RC Calls for insurance companies to recognize posterior composites and to include them in their programs.
Res. 3RC Dental Radiographs for Victim Identification -This calls for the dentist to supply original radiographs and records to a legal entity requesting them, after making a copy for his/her records.
Res. 86 Expand the study of hygiene practice to explore the impact of new and alternative training programs on access to care for the underserved. Recommendations to be brought to the 2004 HOD.
Res. 25 Revision of the Associations Anesthesia Documents Delete MRD and substitute maximum recommended dose.
Res. SB Guidelines for Licensure Clinical examination requirement may be met by completion of a postgraduate program in general dentistry or in an ADA recognized specialty at least one year in length which is accredited by the Commission on Dental Accreditation.
Res. 6B Dental Licensure allows licensing with 1 year GPR or specialty program completion. Program must contain competency assessment.
Res. 2681 Association should continue and CODA should be urged to continue to participate in international education collaborative networks to ensure that they are positioned to collaborate, assist, participate and provide consultation on international standards for dental education and clinical practice.
Res. 28BS l B ADA position on State Board Use of Limited Licensure for Providing Access to Dental Care-It is the policy of the ADA that there is one standard of competency on order to provide quality oral health care to the public and this should be used when considering the use of limited licensure graduates of nonaccredited dental schools as a mechanism of providing access to underserved population. Constituent societies are urged to use this information with their state legislatures when necessary.
Res. 71 ADA to file a complaint with the US Dept. of Education as to the accreditation of Jacksonville University and other similar programs by CODA if CODA did not follow Standard 1.1 of Accreditation Standards for Advanced Specialty Education Programs. Standard 1.1 prohibits financial support from entities outside of the institution to compromise the integrity of the program or the professional options of the students and/or graduates. The students in this program must sign contracts for future employment before being accepted into the Orthodontic residency program.
Res. 81 B CODA should assure conformity of any program to standard 1.1.
Res. 83 RC ADA should pursue opportunities that would enable dental faculty in health professional shortage area to qualify for federal loan repayment programs. Report to 2004 HOD.
Res. 84 RC ADA develop strategies to be presented to appropriate agencies requesting specific funding for dental faculty development beginning in fiscal year 2005.
Res. 93 RC ADA contract analysis service should be expanded to review “employment agreements in exchange for scholarships or loans in dental education program”. Present this as part of ADA Success Smart Start and Transition Program. Report to 2004 HOD.
Res. I 3RC Investigate changes in both federal statutes and regulations that would allow dentists enrolled in Medicaid programs to establish a copayment for Medicaid eligible patients. Report to 2004 HOD.
Res. 17 ADA should pursue legislation to facilitate formation of association health plans if such plans benefit members and include patient protections as outlined in HR 597 the Patient Protection Act of 2003.
Res. 40 ADA should seek to enact a federal tax credit/voucher to apply to the first $4000 of Medicaid dental services provided by a licensed dentist.
Res. 51 RC ADA to work with the Uniform Services Dental Corps to conduct a study to investigate rank parity concerns. Report to 2004 HOD and every year until parity is achieved.
Res. 56 B ADA urged to investigate the establishment of a legal fund to provide financial support for legal advocacy on behalf of ADA Members. Report to 2004 HOD. (To be used in cases such as the Aetna case)
Res. 6913 ADA and specialty organizations work to limit adverse effects of HIPPA
Res. 8513 Literature review on the effectiveness of sealants with emphasis on long term results derived from placing sealants over known caries. Report to 2004 HOD.