Speaker || President's Message || MCDS Board of Trustees / Committee Reports
Treasurer's Report Detail || NJDA State Board of Trustees Report
Mentor Course Registration form || Announcements/Articles
For pictures and advertisements, see the newsletter in PDF format
Endodontic Contributions to Esthetic Dentistry Featured Speaker: Dr. Noah Chivian
Dr. Noah Chivian attended Franklin and Marshall College and received his dental degree from the University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine. He was a Research-Teaching Fellow in Endodontics and received his certificate in Endodontics from Temple University School of Dentistry. He is a member of OKU, a Fellow of the American and International Colleges of Dentistry and the American Association of Endodontists (where he was the recipient of the Edgar D. Coolidge Award this year), and a Diplomate of the American Board of Endodontics. He is Past President of the American Association of Endodontists and the American Academy of Esthetic Dentistry. He recently completed a three-year term as President of the American Association of Endodontists Foundation. An internationally recognized speaker, Dr. Chivian has contributed to 13 dental textbooks, published papers in numerous professional journals, and contributed several teaching videos to the profession. In addition to maintaining a private practice limited to Endodontics in West Orange, he is an attending in Endodontics in the Department of Dentistry at the Newark Beth Israel Medical Center. He was formerly Director of Endodontics and Director of Dentistry at the same institution. He is also an Adjunct Associate Professor of Endodontics at the University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine (where he received the Alumni Award of Merit) and a Post Graduate Instructor at Indiana University and Loma Linda Schools of Dentistry plus UMDNJ.
Part of the success of esthetic dentistry depends on the dentist’s ability to utilize teeth that have pulps compromised by trauma, or injury. With proven and predictable success rates, dentists can include endodontically treated teeth in their esthetic restorative treatment plans with the utmost degree of confidence. The presentation will highlight preventive and treatment measures to insure maximum success in treating both moderate and extensive restorative challenges. Treatment choices will be presented that will enable the restorative dentist to make intelligent treatment planning decisions.
Don’t fear change. Look around the room at our next general meeting. There’s no longer a “typical” look to a dentist. This is best demonstrated by observing the freshman class at the New Jersey Dental School which has more women than men and includes a wide range of ethnic groups.
The New Jersey Dental Association is highly concerned with providing services that are valuable to both current and future members. Just last month, Jeff Rempell and Trish DeCotiis hosted a discussion with women dentists. According to this group, the biggest issue of concern to women is having limited “extra” time for dental society activities. Since family time is so precious, dental meetings should be minimized in length whenever possible. In addition, younger couples are more likely to be sharing parenting responsibilities, so time issues that have been preventing women dentists from participating in the past, may also affect male dentists in the future.
A continuing education course that will appeal to women dentists is in the works for next spring. NJDA will host the course in three locations to increase accessibility. The dental students and faculty at NJDS will be invited as well as nonmember dentists. The “captive” audience will be surveyed to gain any additional information that may help in planning for the future.
The Middlesex County Dental Society has been preparing for future changes for quite some time. Our Mentor Program led by Ethan Glickman has offered alternate days and times for CE programs to better serve our diverse group of members. Scott Galkin and the Membership Committee will be surveying nonmember dentists to discover what would interest this group in joining. We also need feedback from our current members to keep us heading in the right direction. Please share your thoughts with any one of our Executive Board members or our Executive Secretary, Marlene.
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-October 14, 2003-
Attendance: Ashmen, Brunsden, Courey, Fertig, Galkin, Glickman, Kahn, Katz, Kline, Krantz, Lawson, Leizer, Prabhu, Rosen, Schambra, Simos, Villa, Vitale, Weiner
Acceptance of Minutes-9/9/03-vote unanimous.
President’s Report-N. Villa
I want to thank Steve Lawson and Ira Rosen for spending numerous hours on the budget for the upcoming year. We have come up with a plan for reorganizing some of our expenses in order to create a more accurate budget. This will help us to decide how much to charge for courses, etc. We have also discussed the creation of a standing committee called the “Budget and Finance Committee”. This group would consist of the Treasurer, President-Elect and a Chairman. Ira Rosen would be willing to chair this committee.
• Scott Galkin, Mitch Weiner, Ethan Glickman and I had a Membership subcommittee meeting on 9/25 and discussed plans of improving our nonmember list with a phone survey (55 & younger).
• A letter of recommendation for Dan Krantz for Secretary of NJDA was written for distribution to BOT members, alternates, component presidents and NJDA officers.
• NJDA held a Leadership Conference on 10/8 and Mitch Wiener, Rich Kahn, Cavan Brunsden and I were in attendance. Eric Elmore was the MC and ran part of the program like a game show. The rest of the day included discussion of a problem-solving format, which was applicable to either running a board meeting or a staff meeting at our offices. Overall, the day was a lot of fun.
• The same evening, NJDS held their “White Coat Ceremony”. The officers of NJDA and Art Meisel were there to present the coats to the freshman students and Cavan Brunsden was the keynote speaker. The theme of the evening concentrated on the humanistic approach to treating patients.
• Bob Ashmen has agreed to represent MCDS on the Council on Dental Education. Arlene at NJDA will send him the recent minutes.
• NJDA is holding a focus group on women dentists on 10/15. I will attend to represent MCDS.
Treasurer’s Report-S. Lawson (See full report in newsletter)
The budget for 2003 was voted on and accepted by the Executive Board.
Program Chair’s Report-J. Courey
• Dr. Richard Kraut will be presenting his lecture: Placing Implants, a lesson learned and lives changes at the October MCDS General Meeting.
• The Executive Board discussed the 2003-2004 Staff Night and different ideas were presented.
ADPAC Report-P. DeSciscio
• Committee attempted to place PAC and Diamond Club Membership on dues notice, but there was not enough room. Therefore, you must send in the additional dollars and add it on dues notice or we will collect it at monthly meetings or mail to NJDA during the year.
• Individual contributions are welcome toward Assemblyman Michael Arnone and Senator Gerald Cardinale’s campaigns. Both are member dentists. Send checks payable to The Election Fund of Michael Arnone; The Election Fund of Senator Gerald Cardinale, respectively and mail to NJDA.
• New venues are also being explored for the Diamond Club Fund Raiser.
NJDA Council Reports:
Annual Session-C. Ziemba
NJDA Annual Session will be held June 9, 10, 11, 2004 at the Taj Mahal in Atlantic City. Earn Continuing Education credits while discovering the latest products available from our vendor booths. Mark you calendars for the greatest educational and social event NJDA has to offer!
Children’s Dental Health/GKAS-C. Brunsden
Save the date Wednesday, February 4, 2004 for the Give Kids a Smile Program
Governmental Affairs-H. Katz
Three incumbent State Legislators are dentists and there are three more dentists that are currently running for State Assembly. Middlesex County Dental Society is doing whatever it can to support these candidates.
Membership-S. Galkin
• The Membership Council met last month. The new dues policy was received and new plans for additional member benefits were introduced.
• Fabrication of a master NJDA speaker list for Continuing Education speakers was being finalized.
• A sub-committee met to discuss new ideas for increasing membership in our society and organized dentistry.
Committee Reports:
Mentor- E. Glickman
Dr. Robert Cowie presented his program “ A Simplified Methodology for Full Mouth Rehabilitation Altering Vertical Dimension ” and “ How Do You Select the Best Materials for Your Patient’s Crowns & Bridges ” on Wednesday, September 17,2003 at St. Peter’s Medical Center. 6 CEU credits were awarded to the 34 members who attended.
Dr. Cowie explained how to test an increase in vertical dimension without using a removable appliance and assess phonetics and esthetics in the mouth before prepping a tooth. He also discussed how to do a 28 tooth reconstruction in manageable sextants and avoid the 14 unit full arch impression. In addition, Dr. Cowie reviewed the advantages and disadvantages of various crown and bridge materials that are available for each clinical situation and how preparation design should limit our choice of materials. This program was truly appreciated by all those who attended and we certainly picked up several clinical pearls to take back to the office and use for the next day.
Dr. Steven Eisen presented his program “ Arestin: Systematic Approach: Management of Periodontal Disease ” Thursday, October 16,2003 at St. Peter’s Medical Center. 2 CEU credits were awarded to the 20 members who attended.
Dr. Eisen discussed the evolution of Locally Administrated Antibiotics [LAAs], with emphasis on the latest entrant to the LAA market (Arestin), as effective adjuncts to SRP in the management of perio disease. In addition, he presented the rationale and importance of establishing a Periodontal Treatment Protocol [PTP] to help optimize the treatment of perio disease from a patient care and practice management perspective.
After attending this presentation, we understood the limitations of scaling and root planning [SRP] as a sole therapy for periodontal disease and the improvement that adding an LAA to initial SRP offers over SRP alone. This seminar was very well presented and the information that was given to us about Arestin now gives us an opportunity to offer our patients the latest in clinical treatment therapies.
Don’t miss upcoming Mentor Programs for Fall 2003 :
Analyzing Practice Numbers, Adding An Associate,
Practice Acquisition, Mergers and Transition; Kim Iannotte, AFTCO
Thursday November 6, 2003 6:30-8:30PM 2 CEU credits
Practice Management “Secrets of the Empowered Dental Team”; Linda Lakin
Thursday November 13, 2003 6:30-8:30PM 2 CEU credits
All programs will be held at St. Peter’s Medical Center, New Brunswick, NJ
See the insert inside this newsletter to register for these Fall 2003 Seminars
Continuing Education-M. Schambra
On April 14, 2004, we will be presenting a full day course featuring Dr. Vincent Kokich at the Pines Manor. The subject of Dr. Kokich’s course will be Interdisciplinary Management of Anterior Esthetic Dilemmas: When, Why, and How??? We are arranging for Corporate Sponsorship for the course.
New Business
There will be a House of Delegates meeting at the Pines Manor on Wednesday, November 12th.
Good and Welfare
Congratulation to Bruce Huberman, who ran the Chicago Marathon in 3hrs. 11mins.
Respectfully Submitted,
Marlene Glickman, Executive Secretary
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(9/1/03 9/30/03)
Checking 10,632.91 7,997.60
Money Market 57,259.24 57,329.36
TOTAL 67,892.15 65,326.96
(9/1/03 9/30/03)
Dues 949.85
Interest Earned 2.63
Corp Spon-Newsletter 75.00
Mentor Comm 2,310.00
Dinner Meetings 3,516.00
Exec comm Dinner 228.01
Executive Secretary 765.00
Lecture Fees 500.00
Mentor Comm 669.00
Postage 236.87
Telephone 57.91
(9/1/03 9/30/03)
Interest 70.12
Transfer to Checking 0.00
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CONTACT: Dr. H. Zeligman
29 Menlo Avenue
Metuchen, NJ 08840
Phone: (732) 548-4393
Fax: (732) 548-3494
Receive this newsletter electronically
Featuring Internationally Known Speaker DR. VINCENT KOKICH, Professor of Orthodontics at University of Washington in Seattle/Private Ortho Practitioner in Tacoma, Washington
Orthodontists, periodontists, surgeons, and restorative dentists often have pre-determined goals regarding the esthetic relationship of teeth that may differ from that of the patient. A recent study shows that lay persons may not notice certain problems (such as midline discrepancy, unequal crown length, incisal plane asymmetry, “gummy” smile, altered incisal inclination, “black” triangles, and crown width discrepancies) that dentists and Orthodontists strongly believe should be resolved. Is there a threshold level, where these discrepancies are noticed by both lay persons and dentists? Are there discrepancies that are not noticed by either dentists or lay persons and should remain untreated? If these problems are to be treated, what are the roles of the orthodontist, periodontist, and restorative dentist? How, where, and when should tooth position be altered to accommodate for future restorative dentistry? This presentation will use many clinical examples to resolve these dilemmas and describe the interaction that is necessary among clinicians to establish the ideal result for even the most difficult esthetic discrepancies.
“The Ultimate High Tech Paperless Practice”
on Wednesday December 3, 2003
Registration (8:30AM) Program (9:30AM-2:15PM with Lunch)
Presented by Mazin Rahim, PhD/ Hilton Newark Airport
-Learn five of the immediate benefits of going ‘paperless’
-Follow seven successful steps to starting and managing a successful paperless practice
-Learn the importance of a successful business plan
-Learn how to determine the Return on Investment of a paperless dental office versus a traditional dental office
-Top ten leading edge technologies that can revolutionize your dental practice.
$95 (primary registrant from practice)
$65 (all other registrants from the same office)
Attendance is open to Dentists and Office Staff/ 4 CEU’s
See NJDA Website (www.njda.org) for more details/registration
This new law has among it’s features provisions that make it a second degree crime “if the person knowingly commits five or more acts of insurance (healthcare claims) fraud, …and if the aggregate value of (the benefit) obtained or sought to be obtained is at least $1000.” The amounts involved in attempted (unsuccessful) frauds are also includible.
The new law also provides financial rewards to those individuals who uncover such fraud. Patients who suspect their dentist is overbilling, office staff who suspect upcoding, or former employees who have pertinent information about similar misconduct can now receive a reward of up to $25,000. It is imperative to review your claim preparation and submission practices to assure accuracy and discuss the repercussions of submitting false information with your personnel. (Source: Delta Dental News-9/03)
NJDA Noteworthy News
Discussion covered scanned impressions being more accurate than poured impressions. The State Board determined that diagnostic casts were the standard of care and should be utilized. No resolution was passed.
It was reported that the nitrous oxide regulation regarding hygienists monitoring has been given the green light and will be published in the N. J. Register in October.
Council on Annual Sessions
Currently working on Give Kids A Smile and the Children’s Dental Health Month.
The “Day at the Circus” will be March 7 but there will be no suite and no post party.
The speakers for this year have been finalized and the Annual Session dates for 2005 and 2006 have been secured.
The Board Retreat will be held November 15-16, 2003. The meeting on Sunday morning will discuss diversity in NJDA and a program has been set for the spouses to discuss preparation for Annual Session.
Council on Dental Education
Had a successful meeting with the student leaders of all the classes at UMDNJ with over 30 students attended and she was pleased with the exchange of ideas and needs. She stressed what NJDA is and what we feel we can do for the students and asked what the students thought they needed from us.
The Council on Dental Education has money budgeted for scholarships for dental assistants . This year there will be four (4) recipients; 2 from Cumberland, 1 from Camden and 1 from the Institute of Dental Health in Fairfield.
There will be a Continuing Education course held on December 3rd at the Elizabeth Hilton on the paperless practice. It’s a half-day course, 4 hours and 4 credits, for both staff and doctors.
The Week End Study Club registrations are very good. Four have been scheduled. Dr. Michael Dzitzer, Trustee from Atlantic-Cape May, was the speaker at the first study club and he did an excellent job. The WeekEnd Study Clubs are attracting a new group of people which, in turn, will meet with other groups.
Council on Membership
Distributed a resolution from the Council on Membership concerning the conversion of its software to the ADA tripartite system and assessing the accuracy of “previous balances”. In the past we have carried old balances forward, however, the system does not define for what membership year the money is owed. In addition, in the overwhelming majority of cases, no money is actually owed because the dentists elected to forego membership. There are members who come and go.
We will be following the ADA approach as of July 1st in that nothing will be mailed to members that have not paid their dues. If you have not paid your dues, you will be dropped from membership for the year. Members can always rejoin. However, those members that have not paid will affect life membership. To attain life membership, you must have 30 continuous years as well at reach the age of 65 or be a member for 40 years.
Membership audit is ongoing. It has been estimated that this membership comparison between NJDA membership records and the ADA tripartite system will take approximately seven (7) weeks with two people working seven hours a day and five days a week. This will only identify discrepancies between the two systems. We then have to identify which data is correct. The audit is a very time consuming job. Two temporary employees were hired to assist with this project.
She reported briefly on the Women’s Initiative. They have not been able to secure a definite leader but have invited 5 or 6 women to a one night dinner event to discuss specific needs of the female practitioner and just how NJDA can assist them.
ID Team has been temporarily put on the back burner in light of other pressing priorities. They have reached out to the attorney general’s office to get a contact person so that the NJDA ID Team will have one person to contact. At this point, the NJDA is looking into training, the identification of more members and the process by which that will occur. The purpose is to develop the New Jersey Identification Dental Team as an organization that the New Jersey State Government will call upon in time of need.
Marketing & Communications
Developing a new program for both doctors and spouses on the purchase of non-dental items. He called it the “Members Edge” Program. This is a discount program of items at various locations at different percent discounts for families; i.e. Barnes & Noble, Brooks Brothers, auto service and restaurants. Members will receive a brochure listing names, addresses, phone numbers and percentage of discount. This program is anticipated to be available in January.
Council on Governmental Affairs
The Legislature remains on recess and is not expected to reconvene until after the November elections. Many races where dentists are running for election are very close and he encouraged all members to get out and vote.
Council on Dental Benefits Programs
CDT 4 Codes will be effective beginning in October. Moreover, the ADA has clarified the instructions for filling out claim forms. It is important to remember that claim forms will not be processed unless they are properly completed. The good news is that insurance companies cannot manipulate the codes on the forms.
However, it was reported that Horizon has recently sent out new EOB statements that use language making a determination that alternative treatments were available and should have been used. This is a serious problem and is being investigated thoroughly by both Ms. Moskal and Mr. Meisel.
PRESIDENT’S REPORT Dr. Jeffrey H. Rempell
Dr. Rempell and other NJDA members attended a recent dinner with representatives from Delta Dental. He expressed the NJDA desire to streamline the audit process so that it doesn’t take months.
He further reported that he will be attending a meeting tonight with the Commonwealth Dental Society to open lines of communication and to encourage cross membership.
Dr. Frank Graham pointed out that the conclusion in the ENVIRON Report on page 13 indicates that the amount of mercury in the form of amalgam entering surface waters in New Jersey is approximately 0.009 pounds per active dentist and that the annual cost of reduction through the use of amalgam separators in NJ would range from approximately $157 to $497 million per ton. Environ concluded that the estimated cost to reduce mercury discharges from New Jersey dental facilities was greater than costs relative to other industries that the USEPA has chosen not to regulate. However, Dr. Graham stressed the importance of members using the Best Management Practice (BMPs)for amalgam waste and requested that this information be published in the Capsule and the Journal.
An article appeared in the September issue of the ADA News concerning a new alumni group for dentists from Rutgers. They are looking to recognize Rutgers alumni who have become dentists. The group will hold its first meeting March 27, 2004 on the New Brunswick campus and Dr. Michael Alfano, Dean of New York University College of Dentists, will be the keynote speaker. If this applies to any member, or if you know of any Rutgers alumni, who are dentists, to please contact Dr. McCormick.
VICE PRESIDENT’S REPORT Dr. August D. Pellegrini
Dr. Augie Pellegrini reported that at the August 13th Board meeting a subcommittee, consisting of Drs. Richard Kahn, Frank Carotenuto and Frank Graham and himself, was set-up to review and make recommendations to the following resolution:
While serving on the Board of Trustees or any councils of the New Jersey Dental Association (“NJDA”) a person shall not express opposition to or espouse a position inconsistent with one set forth by the NJDA before any legislative or regulatory body or with the news media.
The subcommittee concluded that further discussion was unnecessary and that the resolution should remain as written, no changes needed.
Dr. Robert Hersh reported that the current numbers for Annual Session indicate there will be a surplus of approximately $15,000 - $20,000. Some additional monies are still coming in.
Dr. Hersh attended a meeting just prior to today’s Board meeting regarding healthcare employee benefits. Guardian HealthNet, the current staff healthcare provider, has increased the premium 15.2%. NJDA projected budget increase for 2004 was 15%. To continue continuity we will keep the current provider with unchanged benefits.
Dr. Walter Chinoy reminded the Board that the next Board meeting will be held after the House of Delegates meeting. The House meeting will be held November 12, 2003, at 9:30 a.m. in the Pines Manor, Edison, NJ. Dr. Bernie McDermott, 4th District Trustee, will address the House.
To date, there are two resolutions; the Budget and the Membership Jurisdiction on component membership.
Mr. Arthur Meisel reported that an application for specialty recognition for Craniofacial Pain has been filed and will be considered by the ADA House of Delegates in 2004.
Mr. Meisel reported that the FTC is conducting an inquiry into the South Carolina State Board of Dentistry as well as conducting inquiries into various state association’s codes of ethics. NJDA proudly provided our documents. He also reported that the California Supreme Court has agreed to review the dismissal of the amalgam suite. Mr. Meisel asked the Board if it had any objection to his filing an amicus brief, if requested by the California Dental Association or by the ADA. The sense of the Board was it had no objection to the filing of an amicus brief.
Sub-committee on Component Board Towns
The sub-committee recommended bylaws change that deletes the requirement that a member must belong to the component society where their main office is registered with the State Board of Dentistry. This change will be voted upon at the House of Delegates meeting in November 2003.
Dr. Jeffrey Linfante, Director of Administration and Recruitment for the UMDNJ Dental School, provided a power point presentation on student admissions and recruitment programs. He discussed the reasons for students going into dentistry; i.e., self-employment and what amounts to a freedom of insurance industry stranglehold. There is clearly a changing diversity of students. He discussed some of the recruitment programs to aid students with tuition, mentoring and even going into high schools to establish new recruitment arenas. Also quality of applicants and quantity are up.
Dr. Cecile Feldman, Dean of the UMDNJ-Dental School, thanked NJDA for all the support we have given the school and especially for the financial support with the new construction. She announced some new administrative organizational changes. Drs. Tony Volpe and Cosmo DeSteno are co-chairs on the Campaign Leadership Committee. Dr. Cosmo DeSteno is the new Vice Dean of the Dental School, Dr. Michael Conti, the new Assistant Dean for Clinical Affairs and Dr. John Ricciani, the new Director of Patient Services.
Due to recent budget cuts from the State, the Dental School had an 11% decrease, which is approximately a 1.2 million-dollar cut for this year. GME Federal funding for residents has been put on hold, but residents prior to October 1st will be grandfathered in. She reported that the ADA has been very active in helping the school deal with lobbying.
Dr. Feldman was pleased to announce that appointments to all department chairs have been filled except the Department of Community Health. The search is still ongoing.