President's Message || MCDS Board of Trustees / Committee Reports
Treasurer's Report Detail || NJDA State Board of Trustees Report
For pictures from the General Meeting and advertisements, see the actual newsletter in PDF format
Finally, my last presidents message! I remember vividly last years staff night when the gavel was placed in my hand. It was finally my turn to lead this organization through the upcoming 2002-2003 calendar year. Realizing the magnitude of the position and the responsibility that it entails, I was truly awed. It has been a great experience serving our society as president and especially working with the executive board members and officers. Throughout the year Ive tried to thank all of them in one fashion or another. So I wont rehash all my gratitude in this forum, I still have staff night. Having been involved with other county dental societies I can truly say without hesitation that MCDS continues to raise the bar with our contributions to organized dentistry. We have established our society as a leader among the state components.
The most comforting feeling that I have as I depart as your president is knowing that Ill be turning over the reigns to an energetic, experienced, and organized team player. Dr. Nancy Villa will continue the efforts that our society has made in the recent past and blaze new paths for our county to follow. I wish her the best.
I will once again make a plea for our newer members, recently inducted members and older members who are interested in getting more involved with our society. We are always in need of re-tooling for the future and there are plenty of projects to work on.
I look forward to seeing all of you at Staff Night.
Respectfully submitted,
Bruce A. Huberman DMD
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-April 8, 2003-
Attendance: Brunsden, Chustckie, Courey, Fertig, Galkin, Glickman, Huberman, Kahn, Kline, Krantz, Leizer, McLaughlin, Pollatos, Rosen, Silverstein, Simos, Villa, Vitale, Weiner, Ziemba
Acceptance of Minutes-3/11/03-vote unanimous.
Presidents Report-B. Huberman
Congratulations to all the people who attended the wonderful gala event last month at the Manor in West Orange. Special kudos to Dr. Celi Ziemba who orchestrated the entire evening, Marlene Glickman who once again made her presence felt with her tireless effort upon our society, Dr. Ethan Glickman who was the roving photographer for the evening, and last but not least, Dr. Cavan Brunsden who did an outstanding job as the master of ceremonies.
The slate of officers for 2003-2004 was unanimously accepted at our last business meeting. President- Nancy Villa, Pres. Elect-Mitch Weiner, VP-Ross Kline, Treas.-Steve Lawson, Secr.-Bob Silverstein.
Four students at the Hygiene School of MCC obtained a 4.0 GPA. Four plaques will be presented at their award ceremony.
MCDS will support Dr. Clemente if interested in once again representing NJDA at the foundation of UMDNJ.
Treasurers Report-R. Kline (See full report in newsletter)
Editors Report-R. Silverstein
I contacted a company regarding preventive maintenance on our printer and they told me that none is necessary.
NJDA is now offering the option of receiving the Journal and Capsule electronically. I would like to propose that we offer Middlesex members the option of receiving our Newsletter electronically in lieu of sending them the newsletter via regular mail.
NJDA Trustee Report-R. Kahn (See full report in newsletter under NJDA Noteworthy News)
Special Olympics-C. Brunsden
We are looking for donations for the Silent Auction taking place on June 11-13 at the Annual Session. The money raised will be used for the benefit of the Special Olympics. For donations, please contact Cavan Brunsden @ 732-679-2323
NJDA Council Reports:
Annual Session-A. Ziemba
Plan ahead and save the date:
Annual Session will be held June 1113, 2003 in Atlantic City at the Taj Mahal.
Early registration for courses and rooms are encouraged.
Free CE credits are available through table clinics, product demos and essays
There will be a theme party Wednesday, June 11th with drinks and food.
UMDNJ Dental Alumni Luncheon will be held Wednesday, June 11, 2003.
June 12th will be the Presidents Dinner Dance
Childrens Dental Health-C. Brunsden
The Poster Contest for Childrens Dental Health Month will be held on April 15, 2003 at the Old Bridge High School East Auditorium at 7:00 PM.
Membership-S. Galkin
The Membership Council will meet later this month. We are asking board members to call former members from our updated lists to invite them to attend meetings and join our organization.
Peer Review-J. Fahsbender
One state appeals case was denied for both parties. One plenary hearing was ruled in favor of the dentist. One case is under mediation.
MCDS Committee Reports:
Mentor-E. Glickman
The Mentor Programs for Spring 2003 that are being presented are:
Case Acceptance-Complete Dentistry Wednesday, April 16,2003 Dr. Homoly Dr. Homoly will present a one-hour program at our monthly MCDS meetings on Tuesday, April 15, 2003 at the Pines Manor. The following Wednesday morning he will present his full five (5) hour course at the Clarion Hotel. An incredible 175 Dentists and their staff are registered for this fantastic member benefit program. 5 CEU credits will be awarded to all those attending this seminar. Due to the incredible support from sponsors, we are able to offer this program to our members at no cost! The only fee to our members is for their staff to cover the cost of breakfast. It is wonderful that our members have realized this member benefit. The Western Essex Dental Association will be presenting Dr. Paul Homoly on May 14, 2003, for a Tuition fee of $250/dentists and $50/staff. I want to thank Dr. Celi Ziemba on behalf of all of us in MCDS for putting this program together as well as the Dr. Barnes [10-16-02] & Dr. Blair [11-20-02] programs and making all three of them available to us as a 100% member benefit for belonging to MCDS
WOW !!!
Prolonged Thumb/Finger-Sucking Habits: Help with a
Positive Approach! Wednesday, May 21, 2003 speaker: Rosemarie Van Norman C.O.M.
Course Outline: This is an intensive full-day workshop for dental and speech professionals as well as child psychologists to facilitate the development of clinical skills to help children discontinue prolonged digit- (thumb or finger) sucking. This is a behavior that is widespread, under treated and misunderstood that results in a host of often-preventable dental, speech, physical, emotional, learning and socialization problems. This presentation will sort out the confusion and provide comprehensive information about the WHOLE behavior. A complete therapeutic program will be presented to eliminate the sucking activity through positive behavior modification, including assessment, treatment planning, and effective treatment strategies. Actual treatment videos and a question and answer session will enhance your learning experience.
Annual OSHA Seminar: Tuesday evening, June 17, 2003 at St. Peters Medical Center. This program will satisfy the OSHA standard on Occupational Exposure to Blood Borne Pathogens, which is required annually for dentists and staff. Each office person trained will receive certification that they have been properly instructed for this OSHA regulation on Infection Control. Two CEU credits will be awarded for all those attending the seminar. The fee for this required OSHA seminar will be $15 per person and the instructor is Mr. Mathew Giachetti, LifeForce USA. Please note that this OSHA program offered elsewhere normally asks for a tuition fee of at least $85. Another great member benefit for belonging to MCDS!
See the insert inside this newsletter to register for these Seminars
Respectfully Submitted, Steve Lawson
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April 6, 2003
Dr. Ross Kline
(3/6/03) | (4/6/03) | |
Checking | 22,622.92 | 12,583.85 |
Money Market | 71,640.61 | 71,836.33 |
TOTAL | 94,263.53 | 84,420.18 |
Dues 6,096.36
Staff Night 722.00
Interest 12.20
Cont. Educ. 235.00
Corp Spon-Cont. Ed 500.00
Corp Spon-Newsletter 75.00
Dinner Dance Inc 1,920.00
Dinner Dance Fund 415.00
Mentor Comm 2,040.00
Corp Spon-Mentor 200.00
Corp Spon-Meetings 800.00
TOTAL INCOME 13,015.56
Cont. Ed. 480.99
Dinner Dance 19,221.25
Dinner Meetings 2,706.43
Executive Secretary 358.00
Mentor Committee 125.00
Office Supplies 76.00
Telephone 76.96
OVERALL TOTAL -10,039.07
Dues 106.00
No Activity 0.00
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The ADA has its own task force and has devised its Best Management Practice Guidelines for waste water and it should be presented to our membership as a voluntary program. This will reduce the mercury in wastewater by 78% without using amalgam separators.
Dr. Graham would like additional volunteers for the Task Force on Fluoridation and Wastewater Management.
A task force was formed to examine the perceived shortage of dental hygienists, assistants and administrative personal. The first step will be to speak to the hygiene program directors to gather information and an idea of costs to expand the programs.
On behalf of the Council on Dental Education, Ms. DeCotiis asked the Board to approve $1500 toward Phase II of the Dental Assistants Recruitment Program. A motion was made and the request was approved.
At its first meeting, the Disaster Victim ID Team (DVIT) Task Force discussed funding for training, membership requirements, and state recognition. On behalf of the Task Force, Ms. DeCotiis requested Board approval for a DVIT working uniform, a one time only expense, not to exceed $2500. A motion was made and the request was approved.NJDA NOTEWORTHY NEWS
Mr. Meisel reported that the biennial dentist licensure fee was proposed to be increased to $280.
Expenses increase about 10% a year for computer expenses, salaries and benefits. Previously there was a surplus, which has now been used up. Another point is that the revenue from fines has been decreasing.
Tom Morgenstern is the new chair and is working on a number of ideas and changes. He urged every board member to become a diamond club member. Cost is $275 and entitles one to a free ticket to Night at the Races on May 14.
Dr. Feinberg recently attended a Leadership Conference in Washington, DC. There were three lobbying items of interest: tort reform, Medicaid funding, and amalgam issues.
UMDNJ Dental School is beginning its fundraising campaign for the expansion and renovation of the Dental School. It is expected that the NJDA will be asked to make a contribution. Dr. Feinberg asked the Board to inform their components about the fund raising campaign.
The Auxiliary Task Force held its first meeting to discuss the dental hygienist-dental assistant shortage. Dr. Feinberg reiterated that we need to facilitate alternatives such as evening programs in hygiene schools and seek financial support.
Dr. Rempell reported that the BOT meeting information will be available on-line which will be a more immediate means of communication to our members. He is looking into getting the capsule and possibly the Journal on line.
TREASURERS REPORTDr. August Pellegrini
Dr. Pellegrini reported that dues income for the month of February is up by approximately $60,000, as compared to last year.
This years NJDA audit is complete. As soon as the final report becomes available, the BOT will receive a copy. The audit has been much quicker and smoother thanks to the preparation done by Stan Orenstein.
Dr. Chinoy apprised the Board that the cut off date for petitions to run for office was March 15. There being no additional candidates, the slate stands as is. Drs. Shekitka and Hersh and will be inducted in June respectively, as secretary and treasurer. To date there are no resolutions for the upcoming House of Delegate meeting in June.
With respect to the Dental Decision Regulation Appeal, the State has filed its Statement of Items Comprising the Record on Appeal. Mr. Meisel will be filing NJDAs brief in April and the ultimate decision is likely to be 10-12 months away. Delta Dental will file a friend of the court brief.
The Department of Health and Senior Services has extended for 90-days its time to consider the NJDAs Petition on the fluoridation issue.
The second HIPAA seminar was held on March 12 with approximately 170 attendees.
The Chief Auditor from the NJ Department of Labor has asked the NJDA to advise its members to observe proper withholding tax procedures with respect to part time employment of hygienists and assistants to avoid penalties and interest. This applies only to those employees working through an employment agency. Information will appear in the Capsule on this issue.
The NJDA software program will be converted in July to the ADA Systems. The conversion will be at no cost to the association since we are a member of the ADA tripartite system. The ADA program is now perfected and does everything we need save for the peer review information.
The physicians attempt at a PIP fee increase was rejected. The ruling stated that unlike the dentists who intend to collect their entire fee, there is an increase in the difference between what the fee billed and fees actually accepted.
This shows a major liability to getting on board with the reduced fee plans and therefore discounting ones fees.
Dr. Feldman made a presentation regarding the schools identification of faculty needs and consideration of recruitment strategies. Nationwide there are approximately 300 positions open for full time faculty. This number has remained constant over the past few years.
The difficult financial issues with the school were discussed. They will receive 10% revenue cut from the state and the loss of adult dental Medicaid payments from the patient population.
Dean Feldman presented her position asking for our support regarding a limited faculty license for foreign-trained dentists.
The board voted to reaffirm its prior position in favor of the statue that does not allow foreign trained dentists (those without a degree from an accredited US or Canadian dental school) to be hired to teach clinical dentistry.
An overview was provided of the schools $25 million campaign for the ongoing renovations.
Task Force on Fluoridation and Wastewater Management ReportDr. Graham reported that the ADA Best Management Practice (BMP) should be presented to our membership as a voluntary program. A motion was made to adopt and publish the ADA model and encourage our members to participate. The Association is looking into a bulk mercury pick up program to remove mercury from offices. In compliance with an agreement with the ADA, Environ, a consulting company, is willing to conduct a constituent society survey and analyze hazardous materials. A motion was made to recommend approval of $1,000 to move forward on the survey.
The ADA has its own task force and has devised its Best Management Practice Guidelines for waste water and it should be presented to our membership as a voluntary program. This will reduce the mercury in wastewater by 78% without using amalgam separators.
Dr. Graham would like additional volunteers for the Task Force on Fluoridation and Wastewater Management.
A task force was formed to examine the perceived shortage of dental hygienists, assistants and administrative personal. The first step will be to speak to the hygiene program directors to gather information and an idea of costs to expand the programs.
On behalf of the Council on Dental Education, Ms. DeCotiis asked the Board to approve $1500 toward Phase II of the Dental Assistants Recruitment Program. A motion was made and the request was approved.
At its first meeting, the Disaster Victim ID Team (DVIT) Task Force discussed funding for training, membership requirements, and state recognition. On behalf of the Task Force, Ms. DeCotiis requested Board approval for a DVIT working uniform, a one time only expense, not to exceed $2500. A motion was made and the request was approved.
St. Peter's Medical Library
Members of the Middlesex County Dental Society are allowed to borrow dental materials from the Medical Library at Saint Peters University Hospital. A valid ADA ID must be presented in order to borrow materials. Here is a list of some of the materials in the dental collection:
AGD Video Journal of Dentistry
The Country Gold Series-Video Tapes
Excellence in Cosmetic Dentistry-Video Series
The Masters Video Series
Video Study Club For Staff
Gordon Christensen Video Tapes
Journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery Vol. 50-59, (1992-2001)
Oral surgery, oral medicine, oral pathology, oral radiology, and endodontics. Vol. 79, (1995)-
Information about the Medical Library, including hours of operation, can be found at
Attention: Members Seeking Associates
As our local residency programs conclude their GPR year this June, several of our JFK and Robert Wood Johnson residents are seeking employment as general practitioners. Many of our MCDS Executive Board members are attendings at either JFK or RWJUH and can furnish references if requested for any residency graduate you are interested in. Please call or speak to MCDS Vice- President Dr. Mitch Weiner at 732-297-4900. All conversations will be kept confidential. This is being offered as both a member benefit for those seeking associates and as a recruitment/goodwill gesture for our new member dental residents.
Congratulations in Order
MCDS Congratulates Past-President Dr. Peter DeSciscio on being named the new Director of Continuing Educationfor UMDNJ