Speaker || President's Message || MCDS Board of Trustees / Committee Reports
Treasurer's Report Detail || NJDA State Board of Trustees Report
For pictures from the General Meeting and advertisements, see the actual newsletter in PDF format
Dr. West is founder and director of the CENTER FOR ENDODONTICS
"Pioneering New Possibilities in Endodontics" in Tacoma, Washington. He currently serves as a trustee of the American Association of Endodontists Foundation, has served on the Educational Affairs Committee and Committee on Dental Care and Clinical Practice for the AAE, and is an international lecturer and teacher. Dr. West is a member of the American Academy of Esthetic Dentistry and the International College of Dentists. Dr. West is an editorial board member of The Journal of Esthetic and Restorative Dentistry and scientific editor for Boston University's Communiqué. He is Affiliated Associate Professor at the University of Washington School of Graduate Endodontics and Clinical Instructor at Boston University Henry M. Goldman School of Dental Medicine, where he earned the 1995 Distinguished Alumni Award. He was senior author of Cleaning and Shaping the Root Canal System in Cohen and Burns' 1994 Pathways of the Pulp, is a contributing author to the 1995 edition of Goldstein and Garber's Complete Dental Bleaching, and co-authored Obturation of the Radicular Space with Dr. John Ingle, in the1994 and 2002 editions of Ingle's Endodontic Text. Dr. West maintains a private practice in Tacoma, Washington.
The Total Endodontic Experience seminar will give you both the tools and the direction you need to seize endodontic's new opportunities. Dr. John West will show you exact clinical practices and specific techniques that are bringing dentists richer professional and personal rewards coupled with superior patient outcomes.
As I sat in the last House of Delegates Meeting on January 22nd I had time to reflect on my involvement with organized dentistry, the state of our society and the vitality of our state association. I have been a member of organized dentistry since joining the ranks of private practice in 1992. In retrospect, I was given sound advice from a few colleagues at that time that I should become active within my local component.
Ten years later I'm honored to serve as your president. When I looked around the room at the Pines at all the delegates and officers throughout the state I realized how fortunate we are to have a sound body of individuals who represent us who are genuinely looking out for our best interest. My immediate next thought after listening to a proposed bylaws change was that my peers were generally older (chronologically). Not to take anything away from their knowledge and wisdom but they will not be our leaders forever.
In order for our profession to continue to thrive we need to stay steps ahead and be proactive rather than reactive. Therefore, we need the tools to accomplish this. Not only do we need new members to join the ranks, but we need existing members to join executive boards and eventually become our professions future leadership. Fortunately, we've had four new members recently join our executive board. Dr.'s Mark Vitale, Scott Galkin, Jim Courey and Constanine Simos make a fine addition to what already is a phenomenal group of individuals. It makes the job of the president a lot smoother when you can receive guidance from experienced past leaders and dedicated individuals. I hope in ten years from now that when I read our newsletter that the future president will be able to report on how our profession remains strong and vibrant as it is today.
Respectfully submitted,
Bruce A. Huberman DMD
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-January 14, 2003-
Attendance: Brunsden, Clemente, Fahsbender, Galkin, Kahn, Kline, Krantz, Lawson, Perlmutter, Pollatos, Schambra, Silverstein, Simos, Villa, Vitale, Weiner, Ziemba
Acceptance of Minutes-11/12/02-vote unanimous.
Presidents Report-N. Villa for B. Huberman
Welcome to Constantine Simos and Scott Galkin who are joining our Executive Board.
Next week at the NJDA Officer's Night, we will start with a cocktail party rather than the business meeting in order to allow our members some time to socialize with our leaders. The following Life Members will be honored: Donald Bershtein, Stanley Cohen, Saul Frechtman, Leon Friedman, Paul Gilbert, Harmon Katz, David Moss, Bernard Orlowski, Thomas Paterniti, Steven Sklans, and Marvin Solomon.
There is a special House of Delegates meeting scheduled for Wed. Jan. 22 at the Pines a 10AM.
NJDAs Smoking Cessation Program turned out great and will be used as a template for a national program.
The Dental Shadowing Program is off the ground. Bill Fromkin is working with Greg Sobol, the president advisor at Rutgers.
The Dinner Dance is coming up on Saturday, March 22, 2003.
We wanted to address the issue of possibly eliminating the position of Secretary since Marlene has become our Executive Secretary. We will discuss this at our next meeting.
Excel Berger lab sponsored a course at Robert Wood Johnson with Dr. Robert Cowie who spoke on restorative dentistry and case acceptance. We may want to consider a similar program in the future through the Mentor Committee.
The Pines Manor has offered us a small area for our projector, name badges, etc. We will measure the space and purchase a container with a lock.
The Dr. Tarnow course is coming on Friday, February 21, 2003.
Bob Silverstein is organizing the program on Thumb Sucking on Wed. May 21st at St. Peters.
Treasurers Report-R. Kline
See full report in newsletter
Editors Report-M. Weiner
The list of life members this year was more than twice as long as in previous years and there was very little advanced noticed, leaving the editors scrambling to accommodate and condense so many biographies in a single issue. It was emphasized that the list of life members for a given year should be given to the program chairperson and the editors as soon as possible (Sept./ Oct.) so that there is an adequate amount of time to procure the biographies and block out space for them in the January issue of the newsletter.
We will begin putting teasers for staff night in the Feb. issue (space permitting) along with ads for the dinner dance and a final ad for the Tarnow course.
Program Chairperson Report-A. Ziemba
We are looking forward to the upcoming Dinner Dance for MCDS members on March 22, 2003. Details about this exciting event will appear in upcoming newsletters.
NJDA Trustee Report-R. Kahn
See full report in newsletter under NJDA Noteworthy News
Special Olympics-C. Brunsden
We are looking for donations for the Silent Auction taking place on June 11-13 at the Annual Session. The money raised will be used for the benefit of the Special Olympics. For donations, please contact Cavan Brunsden @ 732-679-2323
NJDA Council Reports:
Annual Session-A. Ziemba
Plan ahead and save the date:
Annual Session will be held June 1113, 2003 in Atlantic City at the Taj Mahal.
UMDNJ Dental Alumni Luncheon will be held Wednesday, June 11, 2003.
Free continuing education courses will be offered.
Childrens Dental Health-C. Brunsden
Give Kids A Smile is a national day of giving sponsored by the American Dental Association. On Friday, February 21, 2003, all across America, needy children will have an opportunity to start on the road to a lifetime of great smiles. See additional information in this newsletter.
NJDA Family Day at the circus will be on Sunday, March 9, 2003 at the Continental Arena. Look for details in upcoming newsletters.
Dental Benefits-M. Vitale
CRP Statistics were reviewed. 100 complaints were dealt with between January 1, 2002 through October 31, 2002. Aetna representatives were telling dental offices that single extractions needed to be submitted to the medical plan first. NJDA staff contacted Aetna and the matter was corrected. Aetna representatives were in error.
The COB issue with MetLife was resolved. The Department of Banking and Insurance indicated that NJDAs interpretation of the COB regulation is correct and MetLife is incorrect.
NJDA requested of the ADA that they consider in CDT-5 a CPT medical code that may be used for procedures frequently covered by medical insurance (e.g., sleep apnea appliance, TMD therapy, extraction of third molars).
NJDA sent a letter to State Health Benefits Program requesting that predetermination not be required.
A new ADA claim form goes into effect January 1, 2003.
Benefit exclusions for family members is fairly standard in both medical and dental plans. The ADA has a long standing policy opposing this type of exclusion.
ADA Council on Dental Benefits is reviewing Delta Dental Processing Policies between a prophy and scaling and root planning.
Direct Reimbursement Campaign was reviewed.
NJDA is reviewing Americhoice Medical contract as Americhoice was reversing previous payments for treatment.
Membership-A. Pollatos
The Council on Membership will try to increase membership by personally inviting non-members to join us at our monthly General Meetings and also encourage non-active members to attend these meetings as well.
Peer Review-J. Fahsbender
Peer Review cases have been undertaken. Two were mediated in favor of the patients. One case is still in mediation. One state appeal is underway.
MCDS Committee Reports:
Mentor-E. Glickman
We have one additional Mentor Program for 2002-2003 being presented:
Case Acceptance-Complete Dentistry - Wed. April 16,2003 Dr. Homoly
Dr. Homoly will be presenting a one-hour program at our monthly MCDS meetings on the third Tuesday at the Pines Manor. The following Wednesday morning he will be presenting his full five (5) hour course at the Clarion Hotel, which is near the Pines Manor.
Due to the incredible support from sponsors, we will be able to offer this program to our members at no cost! The only fee to our members will be for their staff to cover the cost of breakfast. We have promoted this program to NJDA members and non-MCDS dentists at a reasonable fee.
New Business
We discussed the consolidations of the higher educational system of New Jersey into two main campuses and one minor (Newark, New Brunswick, Camden). The goal is to create a more unified university system that supports and encourages greater sharing.
Repectfully Submitted, Steve Lawson
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Janauary 6, 2003
Dr. Ross Kline
Money Market
Interest 17.29
Cont. Educ. 3,910.00
Corp Spon-newsl 1,000.00
Dinner Dance Fund 340.00
Dues 1,161.77
Mentor Comm 180.00
Mentor Committee 3,047.74
Dinner Dance 1,000.00
Dinner Meetings 2,129.95
Executive Secretary 864.00
Postage 237.35
Exec Comm Dinner 228.00
Donations 600.00
Memorials and Gifts 100.00
Insurance 390.63
Name Badges 107.49
Newsletter/Printing 789.61
Office Supplies 10.00
Telephone 137.74
Taxes 25.00
Interest 191.81
No Activity 0.00
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NJDA Noteworthy News
Give Kids a Smile Program is moving forward and expected to service over 800 children on 2/21/03.
The dues collected through the November 2002 financial statement is $1,626,345 while the 2002 budgeted amount is $1,624,135. This is the first time that NJDA has collected more in revenue than the budgeted amount for a given year.
NJDA has hired a new director of governmental affairs, Robert Schultz, after receiving over 30 resumes.
The bylaws will be changed to reflect that there is no provision to replace a president-elect since the president is a non-voted position. Due to the resignation of presidentelect John Graeber, the bylaws change must be implemented. If the bylaws change goes through, Jeff Rempell will be new president-elect and Bob Shekitka will be running for Secretary. If the bylaws change goes through, Bob Hersh will be running for treasurer. If not, he will withdraw.
Attention: Members Seeking Associates
As our local residency programs conclude their GPR year this June, several of our JFK and Robert Wood Johnson residents are seeking employment as general practitioners. Many of our MCDS Executive Board members are attendings at either JFK or RWJUH and can furnish references if requested for any residency graduate you are interested in. Please call or speak to MCDS Vice- President Dr. Mitch Weiner at 732-297-4900. All conversations will be kept confidential. This is being offered as both a member benefit for those seeking associates and as a recruitment/goodwill gesture for our new member dental residents.
Give Kids a Smile!
For the past 50 years, the American Dental Association has celebrated Childrens Dental Health in the month of February. On Friday, February 21, 2003, all across America, needy children will have an opportunity to start on the road to a lifetime of great smiles. Give Kids A Smile, a national day of giving, sponsored by the American Dental Association, is just one way that ADA volunteer dentists go out of their way to support their community. Tooth decay is the single most common chronic childhood disease. According to the Oral Health in America Report, by former Surgeon General, Dr. David Satcher, 25% of low-income children have not visited a dentist before they start kindergarten. The ADA is addressing this issue by creating Give Kids A Smile. The New Jersey Dental Association and New Jersey Dental School have joined together to establish six volunteer dental sites throughout New Jersey where low-income, needy children, may receive free dental care. Preventive dental care instruction, oral hygiene materials, as well as toothbrushes and floss, sealants, emergency dental care and professional guidance are just a few of the services that will be provided. The sites selected include Newark, Sussex, Stratford, Haddon Heights, Cronin, and Jefferson Township. At each site, volunteer dentists, staff, and associated dental health care professionals will be ready, willing and able to support our effort to help children smile.
Please contact Cavan Brunsden at (732) 679-2323 for more details on how you can help to Give Kids a Smile.
Childrens Dental Health Month: Save the Dates
March 18, 2003 Nurses Night, The East Brunswick Chateau- 7 PM
April 15, 2003 (tentative) Poster Contest, Old Bridge High School East Auditorium- 6:30 PM
Upcoming Mentor Courses
See the 2001-2002 Continuing Education page for details