Speaker || President's Message || MCDS Board of Trustees / Committee Reports
Treasurer's Report Detail || NJDA State Board of Trustees Report
For the crossword puzzle and pictures from Staff Night in May, see the actual newsletter in PDF format.
Featured Speaker: Dr. Louis G. DePaola
Bioterrorism: Dentistrys Role in Recognizing and Responding to the Threat
Dr. DePaola is a Professor, Department of Diagnostic Sciences and Pathology, Dental School, University of Maryland, Baltimore. Dr. Depaola serves as the Director of the Infectious Disease and Biosafety Program at the Dental School, a member of the Board of Directors of the Organization for Safety & Asepsis Procedures (OSAP) and the Director for dental training for the PA-Mid-Atlantic AIDS Education and Training Center. He is a member of the ADA Council of Scientific Affairs and a Dental Consultant to the John Hopkins Center for Civilian Biodefense Strategies and the University of Maryland Center for Health and Homeland Security.
This program will provide an overview of the common agents that might be used in a biological attack. Early recognition and prompt public health response would be essential to limit the spread of disease and minimize morbidity and mortality. It is essential that oral health and other professionals know about the manifestations of the various diseases and the system/oral/dental manifestations of naturally occurring and bio-engineered infectious agents. The history of biological warfare and the most likely bio-dispersion methodologies, the potential bioterrorist agents and signs of a biological attack will be reviewed. The pathogenesis, recognition, diagnosis, medical management and oral/facial/cervical manifestations of anthrax, smallpox, botulism, plague, tularemia, viral hemorrhagic fever and CDC recommendations on prevention of the spread of the agents, prophylaxis guidelines will be reviewed. If the unthinkable should occur, oral health providers could play a key role in the early identification and subsequent control of a bioterrorist attack and dental practitioners should be familiar with the signs and symptoms of the release of biological agents of mass destruction.
Websters defines teamwork as
.co-operation among members of a group.
On April 31st I was invited by Dr. Howard Glaser the first deputy chief forensic dentist of the office of chief medical examiner of the city of NY to visit the command center for the processing and identification of the human remains from the tragedy of 9/11.
Adjacent to the N.Y. city medical examiners office on 1st Ave and 31st are approximately thirty trailers are set up with teams of civic and medical/dental professionals working together in order to provide positive identifications of individuals who were taken by this tragedy. Each discipline works separately in their assigned trailer. The dental trailer had five forensic dentists diligently hovered over their computer terminals. With sophisticated I.D. software these professionals are able to collate pre (9/11) and post mortem radiographs along with other data enabling them to make positive identifications. I was fortunate enough to be in the trailer during the 500th (+) identification. What an accomplishment!!
When I left the center and headed home I was truly impressed with the dignity in which this arduous task which was being carried out. Not only was I proud to be a colleague of these dedicated forensic dentists, but I was moved by the way these different disciplines worked independently, yet collaboratively, with one goal in mind. We can apply this model to all our practices and the professional societies and organizations that were involved in.
As the NJDA chairperson for the council on dental health one of my responsibilities is coordinating the state wide effort of the New Jersey Identification team. If interested in getting involved with the N. J. Dental I.D. team please email me at [email protected].
Respectfully submitted,
Bruce A. Huberman DMD
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-May 14, 2002-
Attendance: Bloom, Chustckie, DeSciscio, Fahsbender, Glickman, Huberman, Kahn, Katz, Kline, Krantz, Lawson, Prabhu, Pollatos, Schambra, Silverstein, Villa, Weiner
Acceptance of Minutes-4/9/02-vote unanimous.
Presidents Report-P. DeSciscio
Dr. DeSciscio expressed his appreciation to all of the members of the Executive Board and thanked them for their support this past year
On Monday, May 6th, Michelle Miller, who graduated from Middlesex County Colleges Hygiene School, received an award for achieving the highest class GPA.
Program-S. Lawson
Staff Appreciation Night will be on May 21, 2002. The entertainment will be a combination of A Night at the Track and Casino Night. We are looking forward to a wonderful fun-filled evening.
NJDA Council Reports:
Annual Session-A. Ziemba
Plan ahead and save the date:
Annual Session will be held June 12th 14th in Atlantic City at the Taj Mahal.
There will be a free Wine & Cheese Party on Wednesday, June 10th
UMDNJ Dental Alumni Luncheon on Wednesday, June 10th
The fabulous Greaseband will perform at the Presidents Dinner Dance on Thurs. June 13, 2002.
Lecture schedule headliners:
1. Dr. Stanley Malamed Wed. June 12th
2. Dr. Karl Leinfelder & Dr. Paul Des Jardins Thurs. June 13th
3. Dr. Fotinos Panagakos Fri. June 14th
Dental Education-P. DeSciscio
Dental Hygienists and Dental Assistant Recruitment Effort
Assistants Dr. Gene Napolietto reported to the Council that the purpose of the initial grant was to produce recruitment materials only. Grant expectations were met. Brochures have been printed, instructional CDs produced, articles are being written for use in journals and relevant publications and surveys have been developed to evaluate the success of presentations made. Next, these tools must be utilized as part of statewide recruitment programs.
Hygienists Development of the member survey to assess the hygienist shortage, which the Council had requested at its last meeting, has been put on hold while the NJDA determines the extent to which the ADA is addressing this issue nationally.
Weekend Study Club
The Council selected Dr. Harold Cohen, Dr. Art Bilenker, Dr. Jay Sher, and Dr. Anthony N. Di Cesare to present continuing education courses at Association Headquarters on designated weekends in April, May, September, and October.
Continuing Education Folder
The Council approved the final draft of the new CE folder. Ms. DeCotiis will advise the printer to print approximately 6000 copies that will be distributed to the NJDA Members.
Membership-A. Pollatos
The Council on Membership met on April 11, 2002
It was reported that we had a net increase in members for the past two years.
The New Member Recruitment Kits have been revamped and will be available within the month.
We have been recruiting non-member full time faculty at UMDNJ and we have been getting a good response.
The NJDA secretary will serve as vice chair to the Council on Membership.
The House of Delegates will vote at Annual Session as to whether or not to combine the Council on Membership with the Council on New Dentists.
In order to recruit and retain members, it was recommended that one member benefit be reviewed at each components general meeting. It was also proposed that each components Board of Trustees reach out to non-members and encourage them to join organized dentistry.
New Dentists-M. Prahbu
Senior dental students were treated to lunch and learn sessions by the Council on New Dentists. Young dentists, who were invited to speak, shared their experiences with the students. The feedback was encouraging and these sessions are likely to be continued.
A newsletter geared for the young dentist will make its debut in August 2002. The first issue will be a publication. Subsequently, it will be featured on the NJDA website.
Look out for an all day symposium sponsored by Sky Financial at the NJDA headquarters on August 21, 2002.
The Council on New Dentists is expected to merge with the Council on Membership pending a decision by the House in June.
Peer Review-J. Fahsbender
Two cases for peer review were handled this month. Both were settled on mediation.
MCDS Committee Reports:
Corporate Sponsorship-J. Chustckie
Americus Dental Lab was pleased with the response to their presence; offering raffle products and services was helpful. I will attempt to contact sponsors with this information and idea for future meetings. Continued member participation is definitely the key!
Mentor-E. Glickman
The Mentor Programs for spring 2002 that were presented:
What Makes An Effective Leader Thursday, April 11, 2002
Two Annual OSHA Seminars Thursday, April 18, 2002 and June 20, 2002
Using Feng Shui to Enhance our Dental Practices Thursday, May 9, 2002
We were very fortunate to have Mary Jane Gagliano and Shelley Mengo of Productive Practice Inc. speak to the 34 members who attended on Thursday May 9, 2002 on Using the Art of Feng Shui to Enhance our Dental Practices at St. Peters Medical Center, New Brunswick NJ. They presented a very exciting and informative program about Feng Shui. The entire audience felt energized after this stimulating two-hour presentation. Our jobs should fill each day with contentment and joy; not just assignments to be completed
Our dental practice has a primary goal to generate revenue. However, in order to achieve this we must first create a welcoming and comfortable working environment. Our office should be a place where employees are motivated to succeed and teamwork is encouraged. Often, we set aside this notion, viewing design and layout factors as incidental and low priority. To the contrary, promoting a harmonious environment is an essential consideration and a means to a productive end! An understanding of the factors in a workplace that can add to our contentment unfolded, as we comprehended Feng Shuis wisdom.
The PPI mission is to empower our practice by improving positive mental and physical energy, concentration and attitude. They accomplish this by utilizing the art of Feng Shui, incorporating natures elements through color, sounds, placement, aromas and lighting. Our office internal procedures are maximized through focus consulting thereby increasing production, collections, efficiency and as a result, Net Income.
Feng Shui is a practical technique of making the energy in our environment so supportive that ones attitude, opportunities, and luck change for the better. Feng Shui is an ancient eastern philosophy that is rapidly gaining popularity here in the West. Two CEU credits were awarded to those who attended the seminar.
Two Annual OSHA Seminars April 18, 2002 and June 20, 2002 were presented at St Peters Medical Center.
Ms. Karyn Young-Engelman, Director-Disease & Infection Control Centre State Medical Center Freehold, NJ presented the first OSHA Seminar on April 18, 2002 to 120 members & staff. Mr. Mathew Giachetti, LifeForce USA, 2041 Highway 35 Wall, NJ presented the second OSHA Seminar to 105 members & staff on Universal Precautions-OSHA-Blood Borne Pathogens & Infection Control, a certification program. These programs satisfied the OSHA standard on Occupational Exposure to Blood Borne Pathogens, which is required annually for dentists and staff. Each office person trained received certification that they have been properly instructed for this OSHA regulation on Infection Control. Two CEU credits were awarded to those who attended the seminars.
The Mentor Programs for Fall 2002 that are being developed are:
Linda Lakin - Practice Management Thursday, Nov. 14, 2002
Positive Motivation Julian Ernest & Corrine Engel - Toronto, Canada
The Andrews Bar & Sleeve Bridge or Implant Style Dr. James Andrews - Nov. 2002
Alveolar Ridge Preservation Workshop for the GP and Specialist
to eliminate residual ridge resorption after tooth extraction
Respectfully Submitted,
Mitch Weiner
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August 7, 2002
Dr. Ross Kline
Money Market
Checking 15,855.11
Money Market 60,981.82
TOTAL 76,836.93
Interest Earned 57.51
50-50 Drawing 1,115.00
Corp Spon-meetings 375.00
Corp Spon-Newsletter 70.00
Mentor Comm 2,505.00
Staff Night 7,746.00
Dues 10,228.00
TOTAL INCOME 22,096.51
Childrens Dent 1,909.11
Dinner Meetings 2,000.10
Executive Secretary 1,824.00
Lecture Fees 1,000.00
Exec Comm Dinner 912.04
Job Bank 179.44
Mentor Comm 745.81
Newsletter Supplies 1,378.90
Telephone 260.97
Staff Night 14,366.30
Secretarial 100.00
Plaques 307.46
Office Supplies 54.00
Interest 466.07
No Activity 0.00
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You can find the reports at http://www.njda.org/member/board_minutes/index.html.
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Extended Cocktail and Hors DOevre Hour at September Meeting
For the last several years, we have carried on the tradition of having an extended cocktail hour with food during the September meeting. This allows our members to mingle and catch up on everyones summer activities. In addition, it gives us the opportunity to welcome our new members and allow them to interact with the general membership. If you have never attended a Middlesex County Dental Society dinner meeting, September is a wonderful opportunity to see your component society in action, and pick up some continuing education credit. Our Program Chairperson this year, Dr. Araceli Ziemba, has put together a terrific C.E. program with engaging and accomplished speakers. This is an opportunity you should not pass up.
Congratulations in Order
MCDS Congratulates Dr. Richard Rollman on his retirement as Director of the Dental Residency Program at Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital, a post he has held for the past 19 years. Dr. Rollman will devote more time to the private practice he and his partner, Dr. Joseph Shapiro, began in East Brunswick in 1990. Dr. Rollman distinguished himself during his tenure at RWJUH not only by setting the highest standards in delivering quality dentistry, but also by mentoring the nearly hundred residents that he graduated. His devotion to the education of his residents has resulted in a windfall for Middlesex County dentists, many of whom have hired and practice with RWJUH residency graduates over the years. He was instrumental in strengthening the departments gender and age diversity by recruiting residency graduates onto the RWJUH attending staff. One of those graduates, Dr. Riki Kreitman (RWJUH GPR 89- 90) will succeed Dr. Rollman as Dental Residency Director. We wish Dr. Rollman continued success in his private practice and thank him for his contributions to the Middlesex County dental community.
In Memorium
MCDS Executive Board extends
its condolences to past-President
Dr. Bernard Friedman on the
passing of his wife Ellen.
In Memorium
Was an NJDA member for 67 years. Died at the age of 96.
In Memorium
Dr. Chester Peterson
Practiced in New Brunswick. Died at the age of 75.
In Memorium
Practiced dentistry in Metuchen
for 42 years.
NJDA Noteworthy News
The State Board is looking into setting up rules when there is termination of a doctor/patient relationship.
The State Board determined that a dentist could dispense a few narcotic pills (generally 4 or 5) but could not charge separately for them.
The current outsourcing firm has been notified that we will be moving to another outsourcing firm. This new firm will do all of our work; i.e., Capsule, Annual Session brochures, Journal and Membership Directory. They will be responsible for getting the advertisers for both the Journal and Directory.
Dr. Walter Chinoy agreed that the House of Delegates meeting during Annual Session was a very positive one with the high level of debate that occurred. Dr. Chinoy pointed out that Dr. Daniel Krantz who was appointed to the Finance and Investments Committee is no longer a Trustee, therefore, he is not eligible to be on that committee. Dr. Feinberg appointed Dr. Richard B. Kahn (Middlesex) to the Committee on Finance and Investments. A motion was made, seconded and unanimously ADOPTED by the Board (Vote #1 BT-02-6-30) to approve the appointment of Dr. Richard B. Kahn to the Committee on Finance and Investments.
Mr. Arthur Meisel reported that the ADA News had an article covering two lawsuits. One of these lawsuits involved the Connecticut Dental Society and Anthem. Mr. Meisel informed the members of the Board that we received a letter from the Connecticut Dental Society asking us for financial support with its lawsuit against Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield. The New Hampshire Dental Society has contributed $10,000 to Connecticut to this cause. After some discussion on the benefits for supporting Connecticut, a motion was made, seconded and ADOPTED by the Board (Vote #2 BT-02-6-31) to donate $5,000 to the Connecticut Dental Society in its lawsuit against Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield. The vote passed with one vote against it.
The Executive Director distributed the ADA 2001 Recruitment & Retention Report for active licensed dentists in New Jersey. He reported on our growth in market share and the continued cooperation between ADA and NJDA in cleaning up the lists of members that each had. It was suggested that we devote some extra effort to improving market share in those components where needed.
Mr. Meisel consulted with the ADA and the State of Vermont (which had conducted a survey on the shortage of dental hygienists/assistants) and it was determined that the cost could be more than $6,000 to conduct such a survey within the State of New Jersey. The Board of Trustees decided not to pursue a survey at the present time. Dr. Feinberg planned to appoint a Task Force by the next Board meeting to research the problem with a specific aim and within a specific time period.
Mr. Chinoy reported that he had received notification that coverage for damage from flood or earthquake was being dropped by Medical Protective. He also noted that business interruption due to flooding would not be covered.
He suggested that we notify the NJDA membership of this change.
Please become part of the Middlesex County Dental Society Colleague Program.
By sharing the wisdom gained through our individual experiences of managing a Dental Practice, we can help our member colleagues meet the many challenges that they may encounter. This will become a very valuable benefit for our members of MCDS. Complete this form and fax it to the MCDS fax line @ 732-390-2332 or call Dr. Ethan Glickman 732-572-4244
Name ____________________________________Office Phone _______________
Office Address ________________________________________________________
Type of Practice / Years in Practice _______________________________________
Name of Dental School / Year Graduated ___________________________________
I am seeking the advice of a Mentor______ I would like to be a Mentor _____
The goals of the MCDS Colleague Program are:
1. Promote camaraderie and a feeling of belonging to the dental community.
2. Introduce the benefits of organized dentistry, including the many resources that are available to our younger new dentists.
3. Serve as a resource for practice-related questions and concerns.
Upcoming Mentor Courses
See the 2001-2002 Continuing Education page for details