President's Message || MCDS Board of Trustees / Committee Reports
Treasurer's Report Detail || NJDA State Board of Trustees Report
Welcome to the May edition of the MCDS newsletter. In my final Presidents message I would like to thank the membership of our society for the opportunity you have given me to head our component this past year. It has been a year of hard work, some frustration, but many rewards. That frustration has been minimal and reward the rule could not have been possible without the assistance of others, namely the support of our membership and the guidance of our Board of Trustees. I believe it is especially critical that I (and we) recognize the importance of our Board of Trustees. These individuals spend countless hours almost every month discussing, debating, formulating and enacting the policies that have helped to make our component so successful, all in the spirit of volunteerism and expecting nothing in return. I am amazed and humbled every month at our board meetings by the energy, wisdom and creativity of this group, without which no President could function. Several of these people are ex-MCDS Presidents, all of whom have been valuable sources of guidance and exemplary role models. I cant thank you all enough and look forward to continuing to serve with you in the future.
I also want to thank our executive secretary, Marlene Glickman. It is important for you to know that Marlene is not just Mrs. Glickman, the wife of the guy with all of the bad jokes, but an integral facilitator of our societys success. I am the first MCDS President to benefit from having an executive secretary and our component is extremely fortunate to have had someone of Marlenes ability fill this position. I will not detail her responsibilities and list what she has done for us, I dont have enough space, but she has surely been a Most Valuable Player for our society and future Presidents lives will be a lot easier with Marlene at their side.
Along with Marlene, I want to recognize my own staff, specifically Barbara Levy and Theresa Chiappetta, for their almost daily assistance with the administrative details I thought were beyond the scope of Marlenes job description (or that I didnt have the nerve to ask her to do). Simply put, you wouldnt be reading my Presidents messages every month if it werent for Barbara Levys knowledge of Microsoft Word and Theresa Chiappetta e-mailing the messages to Dr. Bob Silverstein. I owe them big time (and they know it!).
Finally, I want to urge our membership to welcome and support our incoming President, Dr. Peter DeSciscio, during his 2001-02 tenure. Peter is perhaps one of the best qualified incoming Presidents weve ever had, having served as our components ADPAC and Council on Dental Education representative, President of UMDNJs Alumni Association, head of JFK Hospitals GPR program, President of NJAGD, and is an active faculty member of UMDNJ all this while maintaining a respected and thriving private practice. I know hell do a great job!
I hope everyone has a great summer. I will not be issuing any presidential pardons.
Sincerely, Charles Bloom, President
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-April 10, 2001-
Attendance: Bloom, Brunsden, Fahsbender, Fertig, Glickman, Huberman, Kahn, Kline, Krantz, Lawson, Schambra, Silverstein, Villa, Weiner
Acceptance of Minutes-3/13/01-vote unanimous.
Presidents Report-C. Bloom
Our new high-interest money-market account has been set-up at Magyar Savings. We are planning to keep at least $50,000 in this account at all times and utilize a second account with a smaller balance from which we will pay our monthly bills.
We received application materials from NJDA for the Golden Apple Awards recognizing excellence and leadership. Our component will apply for awards in outstanding leadership in mentoring (Ethan Glickman) and the dental society web site award (Bob Silverstein).
Incoming NJDA President Carmine LoMonaco has appointed Richard Kahn as state chair for the Council on Insurance and Bruce Huberman as state chair for the Council on Dental Health. Congratulations to Richie and Bruce!
Program-R. Kline
The Sy Symanski Memorial Lecture with featured speaker, Dr. Edwin Rosenberg, was at the MCDS General Meeting on Tuesday, April 17, 2001 at the Pines Manor.
The entertainment for Staff Night this year will be a Casino Night on May 15th, which will consist of Black Jack, Craps, Roulette, and Poker. This SUPER fun-filled evening of entertainment for both doctors and staff will take place at the Pines Manor. This event is provided for ALL members, regardless of whether they bring their staff or not.
(See advertisement in this and upcoming issues of our Newsletter)
NJDA Council Reports:
Governmental Affairs-H.Katz
See report on page 4.
NJDA Trustee Report-D. Krantz
See report on page 4.
Special Olympics-C. Brunsden
At the Annual Session there will be a Special Olympics Auction where members are asked to donate items that can be auctioned off with proceeds to support NJDAs sponsorship of the Special Olympics. Members are asked to contact Dr. Dick Riva if they have items to donate, such as art objects, theater tickets, décor items, and any other item that might command a price at auction.
MCDS Council Reports:
Childrens Dental Health Month-C. Brunsden
Nurses Night will take place at the Dental Plaza, Wednesday, April 18th at 7:30 P.M.
Certificates will be awarded to the winners of the Poster Contest at the East Brunswick High School on Thursday, May 24th
Peer Review-J. Fahsbender
Three cases were resolved by peer review this month.
Membership Council-N. Villa
A motion was made and passed that the Membership Chairperson be responsible for promoting and marketing the NJDA Annual Session to the membership of MCDS.
Mentor-Ethan Glickman
On Thursday evening, March 29, 2001, we presented Off the Shelf Dental Digital Imaging. The speaker for this program was Dr. Martin Jablow of Iselin.
On Thursday evening April 12, 2001, we presented Lasers in Dentistry. The speaker for this seminar was Dr. William Fromkin of North Brunswick, NJ.
American Dental Technologies Inc. helped to support this seminar by donating $500 to MCDS and providing two of their Reps to show the Laser machine as well as some of their other products they provide to Dentists.
American Dental Technologies Inc. has offered to arrange TWO [free of charge] two-hour in-office seminars to our members. These programs are geared for those Dentists that are interested in the possible purchase of an ADT Laser or KCP Air Abrasion unit. One course is on Lasers in Dentistry and the other course is on Air Abrasion. For further information contact Marlene, our MCDS Executive Secretary at 732 -238-1255
Annual OSHA Seminar. We will present this course on Thursday evening May 10, 2001, at St. Peters Medical Center. This program will satisfy the OSHA standard on Occupational Exposure to Blood Borne Pathogens, which is required annually for dentists and staff. Each office person trained will receive certification that they have been properly instructed for this OSHA regulation on Infection Control. Two CEU credits will be awarded for all those attending the seminar. The fee for this required OSHA seminar will be $15 per person and the instructor is Joyce Koenig, RNC, APIC.
The Annual OSHA Seminar has become so popular that we had to close the course at 200 people and we have arranged to present an additional Annual OSHA Seminar on Thursday June 14th 2001, again at St. Peters Medical Center. See the insert inside this newsletter to register for the JUNE 14th Annual OSHA Seminar.
Respectfully submitted, Mitch Weiner, DMD, Secretary
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May 1, 2001
Nancy Villa, DMD
Previous Balance (4/1/01)
Current Balance in Regular Checking (5/1/01)
Current Balance in Investors Saving
[50,000.00 + 16.40 Interest (2 days in account)]
4/1/01 through 5/1/01
Corporate Sponsorship
Mentor 500.00
Monthly Meetings 750.00
Newsletter 75.00 Dues 7,741.81
Interest 43.63
Mentor Committee 1,375.00
Staff Night 2,240.00
TOTAL INCOME 12,725.44
Dinner Meetings 1,609.50
Donations 2.000.00
Executive Committeee Dinner 208.93
Investment Savings Transfer 50,000.00
Job Bank 356.94
Lecture Fees 1,000.00
Mentor Committee 143.75
Newsletter 1,090.32
Office Supplies 153.07
Secretarial 364.00
Telephone 71.38
Net -44,272.45
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Components societies are not allowed to separately post minutes of the State Board of Trustees Report. You can find the reports at
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None this month.
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Highlights from the NJDA Board of Trustees Meeting 3/28/01
1. Two new members of the State Board of Dentistry: Mr. Jerry Fein was replaced by Mr. Louis Cardenas (regional sales manager for General Mills), Dr. Henry Finger was replaced by our own Dr Arnold Rosenheck. Everyone should have received by now the new State Regulations booklet.
2. The NJDA financial picture is pretty much on track and on budget. The endorsed programs appear to be about $10,000 off, but as we go forward into the year, the projections should be on target. Try to use the endorsed services and products, it only benefits you!
3. Annual session next year will be at The Taj Mahal (the one in New Jersey).
4. The new NJDA Journal has been outsourced and is now out. More frequent Capsules should be sent out to you.
5. NJDA is in the process of acquiring new organization management software. It should be in the $75,000 range.
6. UMDNJ is undergoing a 60,000 sq.ft. Renovation, then a 40,000 sq ft. additional renovation.
7. New Jersey is the second or third highest state in per capita income, but last in medicaid reimbursement. NJDA is becoming an advocate for the underepresented.
8. The Hygienist Association asked NJDA to support them in their quest to allow them to administer local anesthesia. The Board of Trustees turned down this request.
Daniel B. Krantz,DDS
Governmental Affairs Report Dr. Harmon Katz
Pressure from ADA and other small business related groups has prompted congress to rescind the ergonomic rules promulgated by OSHA and signed by President Clinton. These rules would have had a greater effect on dental practices than the blood born pathogens rules. Maintaining a staff could have been a nightmare.
NJDA is challenging the Dept. of Banking and Insurance in Superior Court because the Dept. has failed to adjust the PIP fee schedule for inflation as required by law.
Pressure on state government has resulted in a 26.9 million increase in Medicaid compensation. But dont get excited, as the figures are still abysmally small and inadequate. At least its a step in the right direction.
The assignment of benefits legislation that NJDA has been supporting for years has finally passed the Health Committee. This would allow patients to go out of network and have payment sent directly to their dentist. This is our #1 legislative priority.
* On the federal level, the patient protection act has gained new support and there is a chance of passage in this session. NJ Congress people are generally supportive of the bill. More to come in later issues.
MCDS Council Members Continue to Assume State Chairs
NJDA recently announced the
naming of two of our Executive Board members as State Council Chairpersons:
Dr. Bruce Huberman, current MCDS Vice-President, was named State Chair of the Council on Dental Health. Among the Councils responsibilities are oversight and promotion of water fluoridation, the successful SmileLine as well as the State Forensic Dental Identification Team.
Dr. Richard Kahn, past-President of MCDS, was named State Chair of the Council on Insurance. Dr. Kahn brings many years of service on the Council to his new role as Chair. Dr. Kahn will also be a featured speaker at this years Mid-Atlantic Dental Expo in the field of periodontology.
Drs. Huberman and Kahn join Dr. Nancy Villa, Chairperson of the Council on Membership, as MCDS Board members who have risen to major leadership roles on the state level. The MCDS Executive Board has been a breeding ground for state chairpersons over the past several years and we congratulate our three State Chairs on their achievements.
MCDS Mentor Program Thrives in 2001
The Mentor Committee has arranged three seminars for Fall 2001:
1. Dental Digital Imaging - Part 2: Dr. Martin Jablow will be presenting again on October 18th 2001, Thursday evening at St. Peters Medical Center. This two-hour program will show you HANDS ON how to use the computer imaging software to organize your dental pictures taken with a digital camera, 35 mm regular camera or your intra-oral camera. Two CEU credits will be awarded to those attending this seminar. This seminar is available to our members free of charge, as a member benefit of MCDS.
2. Oral Manifestations of Systemic Disease by Dr Arnold Rosenheck and OralCDx Computer Assisted Oral Brush Biopsy Analysis by Mark Rutenberg, MSEE ,President /CEO of OralScan Laboratories, Inc. This program will be presented on October 25th 2001, Thursday evening at St. Peters Medical Center. Oral lesions and sores are extremely common and usually benign but some are potentially dangerous (precancerous or cancerous cells present). We now have a quick and comfortable way to test these areas just to be sure instead of these benign appearing lesions being ignored or just watched!! OralCDx is a simple to use yet extremely effective diagnostic tool for the early detection of oral cancer that each dentist can easily incorporate into his/her practice for those innocuous wait-and-observe lesions. This course will provide important information on clinical use, as well as information on billing and reimbursement for OralCDx.OralScan Laboratories Inc. is donating $500 to MCDS to help sponsor this program. The Sullivan-Schein Dental Company will have Reps and a table present at this course and will send FREE OF CHARGE - CDx Brush Biopsy kits to all those who attend the seminar and would like to use this procedure in their office. This three-hour program has been heard by several of our MCDS members and they were very impressed with the presentation and recommend this course very highly to those interested. Three CEU credits will be awarded to those attending this seminar. This seminar is available to our members free of charge, as a member benefit of MCDS.
3. Scaling & Root Planing by Dr. Richard Kahn of New Brunswick.
This is the same course that Dr. Richard Kahn is presenting at the NJDA Atlantic City Annual Session Mid-Atlantic Dental Expo June 2001. This program will be presented on November 8th 2001, Thursday evening at St. Peters Medical Center. This course will examine non-surgical periodontics. Scaling and root planning is the cornerstone of successful periodontal therapy. This program will position scaling & root planning in the proper light of total patient care, show expected clinical outcomes, review basic Periodontology and interpret the scientific literature to provide an understanding to perform this treatment in the true non-surgical phase of periodontal therapy. Two CEU credits will be awarded to those attending this seminar. This seminar is available to our members free of charge, as a member benefit of MCDS.
Contact Marlene, our MCDS Executive Secretary at 732 -238-1255 if you have any questions regarding these exciting programs.
See Registration Forms for these programs inside this newsletter.
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MCDS Congratulates the following member on a recent milestone:
Dr. Arnold Rosenheck
on his appointment to the State Board of Dentistry
Congratulations in Order to Expecting Parents
Dr. and Mrs. Bruce Huberman
Dr. and Mrs. Ross Kline (Twins!!)
Dr. and Mrs. Richard Rollman (Twins!!)
General Practitioners are needed for Middlesex County Peer Review Council. If interested, you must be available to take a full day course in October for certification. Peer Review Council members play a vital role in mediating disagreements between patients and dentists in order to avoid formal (and costly) legal pursuits. Members who are interested in becoming members of the Peer Review Council should contact the MCDS Council Chair, Dr. John Fahsbender at 732-356-1313.
Get Ready for a MCDS Special Event
Staff Night this year will be a Casino Night!
Save the date!
Tuesday, May 15, 2001
MCDS Web Site Our web site has all of the latest MCDS news, as well as archives of past newsletters and useful links. You can reach the site through NJDAs component section ( Contact Diane Davis at NJDA at 821-9400 or [email protected] for a user name and password.
MCDS Video Library at St. Peters Hospital. All you need is a valid ADA membership card to access the extensive video collection.
Lawline Remember LAWLINE if you have a legal question related to your dental practice. As a continuing member benefit, NJDAs General Counsel, Arthur Meisel, Esq. and Assistant Counsel Patricia DeCotiis, Esq. are always available to confer, at no cost, with members.
If you have a question or need assistance, call Mr. Meisel at (732) 422-2730 or Patricia DeCotiis at (732) 422-2717 or send them a fax at (732) 821-1082.
Discounted hotel rates are available to ADA members at selected hotels in Chicago, New York, and Washington, D.C. For specific hotels and rates, call ADA at 312-440-2500 extension 2853.
Members who join Walt Disney's Magic Kingdom Club receive discounts at Disney hotels, resorts, and stores and on Disney cruises. Membership in the Magic Kingdom Club is free to ADA members. For more information, call ADA at 312-440-2500 extension 2582.
Hertz offers ADA members money-saving rates on car rentals in the United States and Canada, as well as bonus coupons throughout the year. For more information, call ADA extension 2923.