President's Message || MCDS Board of Trustees / Committee Reports
Treasurer's Report Detail || NJDA State Board of Trustees Report
Welcome to the February edition of the MCDS Newsletter. Hopefully the winter season is going well for all of you. Although the winter is an exciting time for the skiers among us, it is a real intrusion on tennis players such as myself. Furthermore, even a hint of snow plays havoc with our practices, as patients become almost giddy at the prospect of having a legitimate excuse to miss an appointment. Global warming? Bring it on! Wanna ski? Go further north, further west, or higher up.
On a more serious note, I would like to make some comments regarding two articles in the most recent NJDA Journal, which you should have received recently. These articles deal with the concepts, advantages and disadvantages of digital radiography and I would strongly recommend reading these articles if you are considering implementing this technology into your practice. Approximately 15 months ago I introduced digital radiography into my practice and my experience with it has been mixed, at best. Perhaps I can make some real world observations you should consider along with those more academic ones presented in the NJDA Journal:
1. Check out as many digital radiography manufacturers as possible prior to deciding on a particular brand. Currently there are about a dozen manufacturers out there. Aside from comparing the price, it is critical to assess the manufacturers customer support. Will they supply back-up equipment if your system requires off-site repair? Do they have in-the-field repair/technical support staff? If your system requires networking multiple operatories with a front desk server, will the manufacturers field representatives set up the network for you or do you have to find someone yourself to perform this task? I would be extremely wary if the manufacturer dumps this responsibility on you and forces you to rely on the latter.
2. Is your current computer hardware and practice management software compatible with the manufacturers software and/or hardware requirements? You must find this out before you decide on a particular system, otherwise it could end up costing you a lot more (in money and headaches) than the manufacturer leads you to believe.
3. Dont lease or purchase any system through anyone other than the manufacturer. Stay away from third party leasing or finance companies. If you are dissatisfied with your system after financing or leasing it, you hold very little leverage over the manufacturer if the note on the equipment is being held by a third party.
4. Dont retire your conventional x-ray equipment!!!! Any problem with your sensors, digital software or computer hardware could render your system (temporarily) inoperable. Your conventional x-ray equipment must remain ready-to-go as your back-up at any time.
If anyone wishes to speak with me regarding my experiences with digital radiography, please call me anytime. However, please do not misconstrue the intent of my comments as they are not meant as an indictment of this technology or any manufacturer. My only intention is that the aforementioned advice assist our membership in making informed decisions (and to realize that spring is only 6 weeks away!)
Charles Bloom, President
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-January 9, 2001-
Attendance: Bloom, Brunsden, Fahsbender, Glickman, Kahn, Kline, Krantz, Prabhu, Rosen, Schambra, Silverstein, Villa, Weiner
Acceptance of Minutes 11/14/00-vote unanimous.
Treasurers Report: There is a correction for the treasury balance of January 1, 2001. The correct numbers are:
Previous Balance $62,132.48
Income/Expenses - 9,947.03
Current Balance $52,185.45
Presidents Report-C. Bloom
The development of the Job Bank Program, which is a member benefit to MCDS members, will begin very soon. The program enables dental personnel to find positions at dental offices by responding to an advertisement in the newspaper. The Job Bank will be discussed and information will be disseminated at the MCDS General Meeting on Tues., January 16th. A mailing will be sent out to all MCDS members with information about the Job Bank Program and the forms that need to be completed to register for this free member benefit program.
Program-R. Kline
Our annual Staff Night will be on Tuesday, May 15, 2001 at the Pines Manor. The entertainment will be a Casino Night. More information will follow for this event.
NJDA Council Reports:
Childrens Dental Health-C. Brunsden
The Childrens Dental Health Month Committee Meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 23, 2001.
We have scheduled our 35th annual Nurses Educational Night at the Dental Headquarters on Route 1 in North Brunswick on Wednesday, April 18, 2001.
The Dental Health Fair will be at the East Brunswick High School Auditorium on Thursday, May 24, 2001. The award ceremony for the poster contest will take place at this time.
Communication-R. Silverstein
Shop Rite is helping NJDA sponsor Childrens Dental Health Month. They are hoping that this will increase the purchase of dental products from their stores.
As presented previously, the Journal will be downsized starting with the Winter 2001 issue. The NJDA Board of Trustees at a previous meeting approved this. However, the suggestion of having an editorial board was not approved.
Peer Review-J. Fahsbender
There were no peer review cases handled this month.
MCDS Committee Reports:
Mentor-E. Glickman
The Mentor Committee has arranged four seminars for the year 2001:
On Thursday evening, February 8, 2001, we will be presenting Transitional Implants and the Construction of Immediate Restorations. The Dentatus USA Company is sponsoring the program. The speaker for this presentation will be Mr. Howard Cliff. This will be a hands-on program with ALL materials supplied by the Dentatus USA Company. Two CEU credits will be awarded for this course. This seminar will be made available to our members free of charge, as a member benefit of MCDS.
On Thursday evening, March 29, 2001, we will be presenting Off the Shelf Dental Digital Imaging. The speaker for this program will be Dr. Martin Jablow. Both beginners and techies will learn the latest technology from hardware to web pages and computer imaging. This presentation will show you how to use these technologies with off the shelf products thus saving you thousands of dollars. Digital imaging helps the patient understand and accept treatment while helping the dentist treatment plan the case. You will be amazed to discover that you can do digital computer imaging for less than $100 using your familys camcorder. Two CEU credits will be awarded for this course. This seminar will be made available to our members free of charge, as a member benefit of MCDS.
On Thursday evening April 12, 2001, we will be presenting Lasers in Dentistry. Topics covered in this course will be Laser history, physics & mechanics, case presentations and clinical applications followed by Q. & A. The speaker for this seminar is Dr. William Fromkin of North Brunswick, NJ. Two CEU credits will be awarded for this presentation. This seminar will be made available to our members free of charge, as a member benefit of MCDS.
Our forth program will be our Annual OSHA Seminar. We will present this course on Thursday evening May 10, 2001, at St. Peters Medical Center. This program will satisfy the OSHA standard on Occupational Exposure to Blood Borne Pathogens, which is required annually for dentists and staff. Each office person trained will receive certification that they have been properly instructed for this OSHA regulation on Infection Control. Two CEU credits will be awarded for all those attending the seminar. The fee for this required OSHA seminar will be $15 per person and the instructor is Joyce Koenig, RNC, APIC.
Contact Marlene, our MCDS Executive Secretary at 732 -238-1255 if you have any questions regarding these exciting programs.
See Registration Forms for these programs inside this newsletter.
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February 1, 2001
Nancy Villa, DMD
Previous Balance (1/1/01)
52,185.45 (corrected from last month)
Current Balance (2/1/01)
11/1/00 through 1/1/01
Corporate Sponsorship
Cont. Ed. Courses 675.00
Dues 4,047.89
Interest 54.21
Dinner Meetings 2,015.60
Donations 2,300.00
Executive Committeee Dinner 208.94
Insurance 192.00
Name Badges 16.98
Newsletter 840.01
Office Supplies 19.71
Secretarial 182.00
Taxes 15.00
Telephone 48.58
Net (1,061.72)
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Components societies are not allowed to separately post minutes of the State Board of Trustees Report. You can now find the reports at
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The following four members were inducted as Life Members of the Association on 1/16/2001. Drs. Friedman and Wymisner provided biographical data. Biographical data on Dr. Bennett and Dr. Cunjak was obtained from the ADA.
Dr. Marvin Friedman
Graduate of NYU Dental School 1961.
Captain and a dentist for two years after graduating dental school.
Stationed at Forbes Air Force Base-Topeka, Kansas-end of 1961 and end of 1963.
Entered private practice at the beginning of 1964 and soon afterwards became a member of ADA, NJDA, and MCDS.
Practiced dentistry in Woodbridge, NJ until November 1999 at which time retired and practice was sold to Dr. Edgar Alb.
Maintains dental license and pays dues to ADA although slightly modified due to retirement.
Dr. Allen Wymisner
Born in Newark NJ.
Graduated Cornell University in 1957.
Graduated from the University of Pennsylvania Dental School in 1961
Private practice from 1961 until the present.
Lived in East Brunswick for 35 years until recently relocating to Lakewood.
Married 41 years with 2 children and 2 grandchildren.
Dr. Robert D. Bennett
1959 Graduate of St. Louis University School of Dentistry
General Practitioner
Practice in South Amboy
Dr. James L. Cunjak
1962 Graduate of University of Pennsylvania School of Dentistry
General Practitioner
Practice in Old Bridge
NJDA and MCDS officers congratulate Drs. Friedman and Dr. Wymisner on attaining Life Member status. (From left to right: Dr. Marvin Friedman, MCDS President Dr. Charles Bloom, MCDS State Trustee Daniel Krantz, Dr. Allen Wymisner, NJDA President Dr. Richard Riva, NJDA President-Elect Dr. Carmine LoMonaco)
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NJDA Board of Trustees Meeting Highlights
Dr. Riva urged the Board to support a silent auction to be held during the Annual Session where all proceeds will go to the Special Olympics. He specifically asked the trustees to go back to their respective components and ask each member to donate to the Annual Session Silent Auction.
Dr. Riva informed the Board that he received a response to his letter from Margaret Murray, Director of Department of Human Services. Division of Medical Assistance & Health Services concerning Medicaid reimbursement. He suggested the dentists accumulate complaint forms and get those forms to their legislators in a timely fashion.
Dr. Riva urged the Board members to make phone calls to their State Senators and State Assembly representatives and ask them to post the assignment of benefits bill.
Mr. Meisel commented on the articles in the New York Times and other publications by BriteSmile centers, a professional tooth whitening system. He has sent a letter to the State Board of Dentistry seeking an advisory opinion concerning BriteSmiles compliance with the laws and regulations governing the practice of dentistry in this State.
The Executive Director updated the members on the following issues. He met with the outsourcing firm for the Journal and an agreement has been reached. With regards to advertising in the Journal, we will be using basically those companies that already advertise with us but we have the right to approve or disapprove all advertisements in the Journal. The roof replacement is complete and the septic system is in and working. Mr. Meisel added that both contractors were a pleasure to work with, they were truly professional and promptly handled any problems that occurred during the completion of the jobs. We do have one additional problem that we were not aware of and that is we have a broken drainage pipe located under the loading dock. This pipe, which carries run-off water from the roof, has disintegrated and runs from the loading dock to the end of the property. We have solicited bids. The lowest bid is from the company that installed the septic system and it should cost approximately $5,000. Unless he hears differently from the Board, he will plan to go ahead with it.
Legal Counsel repeated that although we have been proactive in legal and legislative matters, we must continue to press forward. He feels two of our priorities are to make phone calls to our representatives to get assignment of benefits bills and other bills through and in the regulatory area to stay involved with the State Board of Dentistry and keep the decisions affecting dentistry at the State Board level and not with the Director of Division of Consumer Affairs.
Mr. David Caggiano, Vice President of the New Jersey Student Component, asked the NJDA to support the American Student Dental Association and the ADA to stop using human subjects at the regional board exams (NERBS). It was the sense of the Board that a resolution be presented from the 13th component to the Board so that a joint recommendation can be made.
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Free Email Address!
Did you know that every NJDA member has access to a free email account?
If you have already received a username and password from Diane Davis at NJDA to access the Members Only section of NJDAs web site, then you already have your free email address.
Your email address is [email protected]. If you wish to access your account directly from your email client, enter the following information in the mail server preferences:
The incoming mail server is
The outgoing mail server is
If you prefer to avoid setting up more than one account in your email client, you can contact Diane Davis and ask that your njda email be forwarded to the email address of your preference (I have my njda mail forwarded to my earthlink account).
If you have not requested a username and password to access the Members Only section of NJDAs web site, you can contact Diane Davis at [email protected]
Robert Silverstein, Web Site Editor
General Practitioners are needed for Middlesex County Peer Review Council. If interested, you must be available to take a full day course in October for certification. Peer Review Council members play a vital role in mediating disagreements between patients and dentists in order to avoid formal (and costly) legal pursuits. Members who are interested in becoming members of the Peer Review Council should contact the MCDS Council Chair, Dr. John Fahsbender at 732-356-1313.
Get Ready for a MCDS Special Event
Staff Night this year will be a Casino Night!
Save the date!
Tuesday, May 15, 2001
NOMINATIONS 2001 - 2002
President - Elect Bruce Huberman
Vice - President Nancy Villa
Treasurer Ross Kline
Secretary Mitch Weiner
Joel Leizer
Peter Clemente
Daniel Krantz
Joseph Perlmutter
Charles Bloom (chair) Joel Leizer
Ira Rosen Arnold Rosenheck
Mark Schambra Cavan Brunsden
Peter DeSciscio Daniel Krantz
Bruce Huberman Joseph Perlmutter
Nancy Villa George McLaughlin
Peter Clemente Richard Kahn
Joseph Fertig Ross Kline
Raj Lall Gregory Livanos
Jody Ross Steve Lawson
Philip Engel Maya Prabhu
Ethan Glickman Jeffrey Chustckie
Peter DeSciscio
To be announced at general meeeting
Peter DeSciscio
Free CE
Society Meetings
MCDS members may attend general meetings of all component societies in the state and receive continuing education credit for the program (course) portion of the evening. Component Societies are providing this feature as a benefit of membership. Individuals wishing to purchase dinner must reserve prior to the meeting by calling the contact person indicated. A complete listing of programs can be found in the members only CE section of the NJDA website ( Be advised that programs involving NJDA officers and staff may not be eligible for credit. Licensees may utilize 7 credits per licensing cycle in practice management courses.
MCDS Web Site Our web site has all of the latest MCDS news, as well as archives of past newsletters and useful links. You can reach the site through NJDAs component section ( Contact Diane Davis at NJDA at 821-9400 or [email protected] for a user name and password.
MCDS Video Library at St. Peters Hospital. All you need is a valid ADA membership card to access the extensive video collection.
Lawline Remember LAWLINE if you have a legal question related to your dental practice. As a continuing member benefit, NJDAs General Counsel, Arthur Meisel, Esq. and Assistant Counsel Patricia DeCotiis are always available to confer, at no cost, with members.
If you have a question or need assistance, call Mr. Meisel at (732) 422-2730 or Patricia DeCotiis at (732) 422-2717 or send them a fax at (732) 821-1082.
Discounted hotel rates are available to ADA members at selected hotels in Chicago, New York, and Washington, D.C. For specific hotels and rates, call ADA at 312-440-2500 extension 2853.
Members who join Walt Disney's Magic Kingdom Club receive discounts at Disney hotels, resorts, and stores and on Disney cruises. Membership in the Magic Kingdom Club is free to ADA members. For more information, call ADA at 312-440-2500 extension 2582.
Hertz offers ADA members money-saving rates on car rentals in the United States and Canada, as well as bonus coupons throughout the year. For more information, call ADA extension 2923.
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