President's Message || MCDS Board of Trustees / Committee Reports
Treasurer's Report Detail || NJDA State Board of Trustees Report
Membership News || Articles || Announcements
OSHA Course - Thursday, June 22, 2000
PerioChip - Thursday, May 25, 2000
Atridox - Thursday, June 1, 2000
Annual All Day Course - Paul Belvedere
Summer time is just around the corner. May is the last month of dental society meetings before the summer hiatus, and this year it is chock full. The month begins with the NJDA Night at the races, followed by the MCDS staff appreciation night and is topped off by the Mid-Atlantic Dental Expo held in Atlantic City. In addition there are three courses sponsored by the MCDS Mentor committee in May and June; the OSHA certification course, the PerioChip and the Atridox courses. During the past year our dental society has accomplished many significant goals, and simultaneously extended tangible benefits to our members:
received NJDA award for the component with the greatest net increase in members in the State, for the previous calendar year.
reduced the MCDS dues to our members to offset the increase in the NJDA dues,so our members had a net increase of zero for the year 2000.
completed our first year of in-house publishing of our newsletter; establishing a cost savings of approximately $1000 per month compared with the commercial printing and publication of the newsletter; while improving the overall quality of the publication.
established a convenient recording system for all MCDS members to document their continuing education credit hours from the monthly scientific meeting for State Board recertification.
established an executive secretary position to facilitate the business functions of the dental society, coordinate special events and course announcements/registration, and expand member services and benefits.
scheduled a full day C.E. course in the fall, with a nationally recognized speaker. Dr. Paul Belvedere will present Common Sense Composites for Every Dental Situation :Complicated or Routine on Wednesday, November 8th for the nominal cost to MCDS members of $45.This is a true member benefit; the tuition basically covers the cost of breakfast and lunch, the course is effectively free to members!
secured corporate sponsorships for the dental societies monthly meetings newsletter, and C.E. courses. Sponsorship funds are utilized for direct member benefits.
MCDS was officially granted federal not-for-profit status, and is tax exempt for federal and state taxes.
MCDS is on the Web; our component website has the latest MCDS news, archives of past newsletters, the complete text of the constitution and bylaws and useful website links.
An expanded MCDS video library located at St.Peters Hospital
All the significant accomplishments and services of the dental society would not be possible without the hard work and dedication of the MCDS executive board. The officers, council representatives, newsletter and website editors, and committee chairs volunteer their time all year long to keep the dental society running smoothly and focused on service to our members.
I would like to take this opportunity, my last presidents message, to personally thank all the members of the executive board of MCDS who have worked closely with me during this past year, and truly made my job as president rewarding and straight-forward. Our dental society is a professional, first-class organization in large part because of the involvement of these talented, hard working individuals. My presidential term was a success because of them.
I hope to see all of our members ,with their office staff, at Staff Night and I hope everyone has a restful and enjoyable summer.
Sincerely, Mark S. Schambra DDS
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-April 11, 2000-
Attendance: Bloom, Chustckie, Clemente, Fahsbender, Fertig, Glickman, Huberman, Kahn, Krantz, Leizer, Livanos, Perlmutter, Rosen, Schambra, Silverstein, Weiner,
Acceptance of Minutes 3/14/00-vote unanimous.
Presidents Report-M. Schambra
The IRS has granted a not-for-profit status for MCDS.
The Board telephone list has been updated and will be distributed. Dr. Silverstein will post it on the MCDS website.
The new mailing address for MCDS is P.O. Box 7026, East Brunswick, NJ 08816. All correspondence, including course registration, will be directed to this address.
In view of the fact that we now have an executive secretary, the MCDS phone service was reviewed. After researching the various options, it appears to be more convenient and cost effective to maintain a phone line in the secretarys residence. A motion was made to proceed with installation of the phone line. Discussion followed. Vote unanimous. The phone company will announce the new phone number when the old number is called.
The House of Delegates meeting is Wednesday, May 10, 2000 at the Pines Manor. All NJDA delegates and alternate delegates that are able to attend are urged to RSVP to Dr. Schambra.
Website-R. Silverstein
Registration forms are printable from the MCDS website for all courses.
NJDA Council Reports:
NJDA Board of Trustees-D. Krantz
Lynn Foley resigned as Director, Membership & Communications
A resolution was made and passed that NJDA non-members will be issued exhibit hall only passes for the Annual Session.
A resolution was made to pursue a statute of limitations for the National Practitioners Data Bank. The ADA recently had an article about this topic in their newsletter, so apparently, action is being taken at the national level.
The NJDA building is in need of numerous repairs. They will have an engineer evaluate the entire building to determine how much needs to be allocated for repairs.
Peer Review-J. Fahsbender
Two out of county cases were brought up for review and all were resolved through mediation.
MCDS Committee Reports:
Corporate Sponsorship-J. Chustckie
Americus Dental Lab was pleased with the response they had at the last meeting. They faxed a proposed sponsorship package which included a half page ad for a year, a table at every dinner meeting, and sponsorship of the fall all-day continuing education course totaling approximately $5,000.
Mentor- E. Glickman
The Perio-Chip course will be offered on 5/25/00 and the Atridox course will be on 6-1-00. Both courses will offer new information on periodontal treatments.
The OSHA Blood-Borne Pathogens Annual Certification course will be 6-22-00.
All courses will have 2 CEUs and will be held at St. Peters hospital. Registration is at 6pm and the course is 7-9pm. Information and registration forms will be in the newsletter.
Old Business
The Rules of the Board will be compiled over the summer to be presented in the fall.
New Business
A motion was made to nominate Peter Clemente to continue as NJDAs representative to the UMDNJ Foundation. Vote unanimous.
Respectfully submitted,
Bruce A. Huberman, DMD
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Detailed Treasurers Report
May 1, 2000
Nancy Villa, DMD
Previous Balance (4/1/00)
Current Balance (5/1/00)
4/1/00 through 5/1/00
Corporate Sponsorship
Newsletter 1,590.00
Dues 6,399.78
Interest 64.05
Childrens Dental Health Month 304.81
Executive Committee Dinners 208.92
Dinner Meeting (March) 2,047.85
Lecture Fees 400.00
Newsletter 466.90
Name Badges 34.58
Secretarial 399.00
Telephone 47.24
Net 4,144.53
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Components societies are not allowed to separately post minutes of the State Board of Trustees Report. You can now find the reports at
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State Board
The Board announced that the Proposed regulation on dental decisions/consultants had been cleared for publication in the NJ Register. Any consultant who makes a dental decision as defined in the proposed rule must be licensed in New Jersey. In addition, the consultant must prepare a written record with his name, address, and telephone number. This must be provided to the patient or the treating dentist at their request. The consultant must show justification that a clinical exam was not warranted, if not conducted. Failure to comply is possible misconduct. The proposed regulation is expected to be published in about two months. There will be a 30 day comment period, after which the State Board will make a determination.
Medicaid Fee Increases
Staff reported that the state has approved an additional $6.4 million for the upcoming budget year to increase fees in the Medicaid dental fee-for-service program administered by Unisys. Although the increase will not directly affect the fees paid by the various Medicaid HMOs with whom the state contracts, the Committee believes the HMOs will, of necessity, increase these rates also.
Arthur Meisel met with Commissioner Grant on fluoridation. In discussing the issue of fluoridation with the Department of Health and Sr. Services, they agree that fluoridation of the water supply is important for the public dental health but when asked to support it, their answer is that they will not touch it. It is a political issue.
Employment Agreement
The NJDA Board approved a new four year employment agreement with Arthur Meisel, who will continue to serve as Executive Director and General Counsel. The agreement runs to December 31, 2004.
MCDS reduced our dues portion $13 to make up for the $13 dues increase this year by the ADA, therefore giving their members no net dues increase for 2000. A combination of non-dues income (corporate sponsorship/advertising), savings from printing the newsletter in-house, and continued fiscal restraint by the MCDS Board has enabled us to provide our members with this benefit.
Voluntary contributions from NJDA Members are strongly encouraged to support NJDAs sponsorship of the Special Olympics. This is a worthwhile cause that is also providing member dentists with a targeted PR marketing campaign.
MBNA has a credit card endorsed by NJDA that provides royalties (non-dues income) to NJDA based on usage.
Is There Such a Thing As a Free Lunch?
I am your representative to the Council on Dental Benefits (CDB). What do all these NJDA councils do anyway? I would like to give you some idea of what we do, and in future columns I will discuss the other councils.
The NJDA bylaws define our mission as follows:
To formulate, recommend policies, study, evaluate, disseminate, and to assist components and other agencies in developing programs for the planning, administration and financing of Dental Benefit Programs. We used to be called the Council on Dental Care, but the new name fits our mission better.
To fulfill our mandate, we solicit information from member doctors, dental benefit plans (insurance companies), other dental organizations (ADA, other State Components), governmental agencies (local, state and federal), and the media. We keep track of legislation and pending legislation and try to keep the legislators appraised of dentistrys concerns through our lobbying efforts (Timothy Clark from NJDA). We keep track of existing laws and regulations and have initiated lawsuits to make sure governmental agencies are in compliance with their own laws and regulations. The latter action is performed by the NJDA Executive Director and Counsel, Art Meisel, with our input. We have represented dentists in their disputes with benefit plans. If we feel the doctor is right, the weight and muscle of the NJDA usually gets action where a private doctor would just be ignored. We have met with some of the largest dental insurance carriers and, in some cases, effected policy changes to your benefit. The CDB also accumulates statistics of improper actions by benefit plans. Such actions include (but are not limited to) non payment, lost claims, lost x-rays, and improper consultant review. We get these statistics from the Third Party Encounter forms I talk about at meetings. We use the statistics to keep you appraised of potential pitfalls with some plans and also to give feedback to the plans so they can adjust any irregularities and deficiencies. Heading the present list with the most complaints is Aetna, with the Blues in second (maybe the Blues should try harder?).
Recently we have been giving input to the State Board of Dentistry, to encourage them to regulate consultants. We feel that a review by a consultant is the Practice of Dentistry and therefore should be accountable to the State Board. After all, we are ultimately responsible to the State Board for any Dental Practice actions we take or do not take.
Recent examples of business transacted at meetings include a letter from NJDA to the Department of Banking and Insurance (DOBI) stating our position in regard to new PIP regulations. The new regulations want to require doctors to inform the insurance companies after the accident as soon as possible (like within 30 days) of any and all injuries and the total claim. There was no consideration given to injuries discovered months after the accident. This doesnt only include TMJ and Head and Neck Pain, but could also include a traumatized tooth which doesnt blow up until months after the trauma. Our function here is to give necessary information to the clueless regulators and to follow the proposed regulations until they become official. Another instance was an insurance company denying benefits for a fixed bridge, and only allowing for a removable bridge under their least costly alternative provision, when only two consecutive teeth were the only missing teeth.
Council meetings are scheduled about every six weeks. Two weeks before each meeting we receive a packet of material germane to the meeting. This includes copies of correspondence between NJDA, insurance companies and doctors, copies of EOBs (explanation of benefits), statistics and articles. The meetings begin at 9:30 AM and usually extend to about 3:00 PM with a break for lunch. To answer the question I posed at the beginning: Yes, there is a free lunch.
All of the opinions expressed are my own; however I try to base them on current facts and information. My primary source of information is CDT-3/2000, American Dental Association, 1999.
Daniel B. Krantz, DDS
Middlesex Representative to Council on Dental Benefits
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In Memorium
MCDS extends its deepest sympathies to Dr. Cavan Brunsden on the passing of his father
In Memorium
MCDS extends its deepest sympathies to Dr. Kevin Dembinski on the passing of his mother
Mid-Atlantic Dental Expo
May 19-21
Atlantic City Convention Center
You asked for it and the Council on Annual Session responded by giving FREE CHILD CARE (no hourly charge as published earlier).
Bring your entire family with you. While you and your spouse are attending courses and activities, your children (ages 2 and over) can be entertained with games, crafts and activities. The hours of this service, which will be located in the Atlantic City Convention Center, will be Friday, May 19 from 8:00 a.m. until 4:30 p.m.; Saturday, May 20 from 8:00 a.m. until 2:30 p.m., after which the Magic Show will begin at 3:00 p.m. in the Exhibit Hall. Check the box on the registration form to receive more information.
Artists and PhotographersLend us your talent
Our talented NJDA dentists will be showcased at MADE at the Atlantic City Convention Center during the Welcoming Wine and Cheese Reception on Friday, May 19. This will be an opportunity to display the work of which you are so proud and share it with all of those in attendance. Dr. Michael Unger is the coordinator of this event. For further information, contact Lynn M. Foley at 1-800-831-NJDA (6532) and your message will be forwarded to Dr. Unger.
New Companion Tickets: A dentist purchasing a full price ticket (no discounted registration qualifies) for a course will be given a free companion ticket to be used that same day for the following courses: Belva Plain (Tea with an Author), Jack Medina (Fact & Fantasy of Nutrition, Fitness & Your Personal Wellbeing), and the CPR course. Dentists may receive only one companion ticket per day and staff, spouses or guests may use the ticket.
New Dentist Discount: All New Dentists (in practice less than 10 years) will be eligible for a discounted registration fee for scientific courses. This discount is made possible through the generous contributions of Delta Dental Plan of New Jersey. As always, students who are members of ASDA may attend scientific courses free of charge (space available basis). Residents may receive a 50% discount on all scientific courses if a letter from the Chief of Services accompanies the registration form.
Free CEUs
As a member benefit, there is a total of 10 free CEUs available through essays and table clinics at MADE. Make sure you check the MADE brochure for the listing of times and locations.
Exhibit Booths
All registrants are encouraged to visit the exhibit hall throughout the weekend so they may experience the array of innovative dental products, equipment, and new programs available on the market. Guests of registrants are encouraged to visit and should request a name badge in order to gain free admittance to the exhibit hall. NOTE: Many NJDA members hold off expected purchases from suppliers and place orders with exhibitors at the meeting to show their support of MADE.
And More to Do for Non-Dentist Attendees too
Middlesex County Associateship leading to full or partial purchase. High quality, fee for service, no insurance participation. 1999 gross--$795,000. Two to three generation patient base requiring continued skilled care. $525,000. Mail Curriculum Vitae and objectives to: NJDA, Box 2000, New Jersey Dental Association, 1 Dental Plaza, PO Box 6020, North Brunswick, NJ 08902-6020
General dentist with GPR and working experience seeking full time position in a busy practice.
Please leave message at 609-716-9640
or fax 609-716-8925.
NJDA Night at the Races
Wed., May 3
Pegasus Restaurant
at the
Meadowlands Racetrack
To register or for additional information
contact Tim Clark at 422-2705
Free CE
Society Meetings
MCDS members may attend general meetings of all component societies in the state and receive continuing education credit for the program (course) portion of the evening. Component Societies are providing this feature as a benefit of membership. Individuals wishing to purchase dinner must reserve prior to the meeting by calling the contact person indicated. A complete listing of programs can be found in the members only CE section of the NJDA website ( Be advised that programs involving NJDA officers and staff may not be eligible for credit. Licensees may utilize 7 credits per licensing cycle in practice management courses.
Save the Date...
The NJDA Council on New Dentists will be sponsoring a reduced fee course at the annual session in Atlantic City, Saturday, May 22nd. Featuring Dr. Karl Leinfelder: "Clinical Evaluation of Restorative Systems"
All members 10 years out of dental school or less can attend the full day course for only $90.
More details to come in future issues.
MCDS Web Site Our web site has all of the latest MCDS news, as well as archives of past newsletters and useful links. You can reach the site through NJDAs component section ( Contact Diane Davis at NJDA at 821-9400 or [email protected] for a user name and password.
MCDS Video Library at St. Peters Hospital. All you need is a valid ADA membership card to access the extensive video collection.
Lawline Remember LAWLINE if you have a legal question related to your dental practice. As a continuing member benefit, NJDAs General Counsel, Arthur Meisel, Esq. is always available to confer, at no cost, with members.
If you have a question or need assistance, call Mr. Meisel at his direct-dial number (732) 422-2730 or send him a fax at (732) 821-1082.
Discounted hotel rates are available to ADA members at selected hotels in Chicago, New York, and Washington, D.C. For specific hotels and rates, call ADA at 312-440-2500 extension 2853.
Members who join Walt Disney's Magic Kingdom Club receive discounts at Disney hotels, resorts, and stores and on Disney cruises. Membership in the Magic Kingdom Club is free to ADA members. For more information, call ADA at 312-440-2500 extension 2582.
Hertz offers ADA members money-saving rates on car rentals in the United States and Canada, as well as bonus coupons throughout the year. For more information, call ADA extension 2923.