President's Message || MCDS Board of Trustees / Committee Reports
Treasurer's Report Detail || NJDA State Board of Trustees Report
Spring is in the air. With the imminent arrival of warm weather comes two special events sponsored by NJDA for our members. The preeminent event for the entire year is the Mid-Atlantic Dental Expo, which will be held at the Atlantic City Convention Center on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, May 19-21. The year 2000 ushers in the official name change of the NJDA Annual Session to the Mid-Atlantic Dental Expo. There are new highlights, as well as all of the features that make our annual convention one of the best in the country, some of which are:
A special pre-session, full day CE course entitled New Aspects of Dentistry-2000 presented by the nationally recognized speaker, Dr. Gordon Christensen, on Thursday, May 18.
The bestselling author, Belva Plain, is the guest speaker for a special Tea with an Author presentation on Friday, May 19. A book signing session will follow her presentation.
The fabulous Greaseband is an eight member best of the 50s, 60s, 70s, and 80s Rock N Roll Party Band. They will be performing in a free concert for members on Friday evening, May 19.
The Presidents Dinner Dance will be held at the Sheraton Hotel on Saturday evening, May 20. This gala event honors the current NJDA President, Dr. Harris Colton.
All New Dentists will be eligible for a 40% discount on the registration fee for scientific courses.
Childcare will be available, for a nominal fee, while members and their spouses attend courses and activities at the Atlantic City Convention Center.
There will also be a full complement of scientific courses available. This is a convenient way to satisfy your State Board CE requirements for relicensure.
Registration for the convention is free to all ADA members; packets will be sent in the mail to all NJDA members, or you can register online at Early registration ( before May 3 ) qualifies for a 25% discount off the cost of onsite registration for courses.
The exhibit hall will have over 160 booths representing dental manufacturers, supply companies, and service organizations. It would benefit you and your practice to make your purchase at the Dental Expo, and take advantage of the considerable discounts that are extended to members during the convention. The future success of the Dental Expo depends on the participation of member dentists and their support of the commercial exhibitors, so it is a win-win situation for everyone.
The second special event is the NJDA Night at the Races which will be held at the Pegasus Restaurant at the Meadowlands Racetrack on Wed., May 3. This will be an enjoyable evening of elegant dining and exciting wagering for members and their spouses, and your contributions benefit the New Jersey Dental Federal Political Action Committee. The contributions of each individual member dentist to the NJDFPAC helps to further the legislative goals of the Dental profession, and protects our ability to practice dentistry, and serve our patients, without onerous government intrusion, bureaucratic over-regulation, and preserving our patients right to choose. To register for the Night at the Races event, and for additional information, contact Tim Clark at 422-2705. If you cannot attend this special event, Tim Clark at NJDA can provide the necessary information to make a contribution to the NJDFPAC. You will benefit the profession, as well as your own practice in the process.
I look forward to seeing you at the next meeting, as well as at the Night at the Races and the Mid-Atlantic Dental Expo.
Mark Schambra DDS
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-February 8, 2000-
Attendance: Bloom, Chustckie, Engel, Glickman, Huberman, Kline, Krantz, Leizer, Schambra, Silverstein, Weiner
Acceptance of Minutes 1/11/00-vote unanimous.
Presidents Report-M. Schambra
The ADA is accepting nominations for awards for three programs, The Geriatric Oral Health Care Award, the Community Preventative Dentistry Award, and the Access Recognition Award. These awards would be given to organizations that have implemented such programs.
NJDA and Art Meisel are accepting nominations for the Sy Symanski Lifetime Achievement Award. The award was first given at the Annual Session in June 1997 to Sy Symanski for more than 50 years of service. Nominees should be member dentists who are life members of the NJDA and ADA and have demonstrated outstanding service to the Association, the profession, and the community. A list of life members is available to consider possible candidates. A committee will explore potential nominees.
Marlene Glickman begins working today. Her duties will be recording and submitting the minutes for the newsletter to the editors, preparing new member and life member certificates, and monitoring the MCDS telephone. She will meet with Dr. Bloom to discuss protocol for inquiries, referrals, etc. These duties can be expanded and modified over time as deemed appropriate by the Board.
President-Elects Report-C. Bloom
The slate of nominees was published in the last newsletter and will be voted on at next weeks general meeting.
Editor Reports
R. Kline-Business Editor-Paychex will be a new full-year advertiser for the newsletter. They have also reserved a sponsor table for the February meeting.
NJDA Trustees Report-D. Krantz
The Board voted to comment on the draft PIP regulations that the time period for filing claims under PIP should be from the point of discovery of the condition rather then 30-day period currently contained in the proposed regulation.
A presentation was made on a new oral cancer detection tool, Oral CDx (Computer Assisted Diagnosis). Samples of the testing package were distributed and a videotape demonstrating sampling techniques was shown.
Art Meisel is suing Princeton Insurance Company for denial of business interruption claims due to Hurricane Floyd. The policy covers loss of income if your practice is interrupted due to loss of utility service, among other things. The policy does not cover flood damage, so they denied the claims based on the fact that the water treatment facility was flood damaged and not providing water service.
A resolution will be presented to NJDA/ADA regarding the National Practitioner Data Bank for there to be a limit to the length of time a practitioners name is kept on record after an incident is reported.
NJDA Council Reports:
Annual Session-P. Engel
Jane Wyckham announced her resignation from NJDA. She was the Events Coordinator for over ten years. She will be greatly missed.
There will be a 40% reduction in course tuition for New Dentists this year. This is in lieu of the council sponsoring their own course.
Childcare will be made available this year for dentists coming to the Session with their families.
Companion tickets will be available for many courses this year so that members may bring their spouse or guest.
The Council is investigating having a combined meeting with the hygiene association.
Last year, exhibitors were disappointed in the turnout in the exhibit hall. This year, to increase traffic through the exhibit hall, registration, boxed lunches, the wine and cheese party and other special functions will be held there. The course hours will also be adjusted to make it easier to visit with the sponsors.
New Dentists-M. Weiner
See full report in newsletter.
Peer Review-J. Fahsbender
A case was heard on appeal by the patient from another component. Middlesex County reviewed the case and upheld the original ruling in favor of the dentist.
MCDS Committee Reports:
Mentor-E. Glickman
The State Board approved the Periochip course for 2 CE credits. Another seminar will be held in the spring.
Another OSHA course will be offered (date TBD).
Corporate Sponsorship-J. Chustckie
Three sponsor tables are booked for the next two general membership meetings.
Continuing Education-J. Chustckie
The committee is discussing bring in Dr. Paul Belvidere to lecture on cosmetic dentistry. It will be a Wednesday course in September or October. Kerr and Premier will be two major sponsors for this course at the rate of $2500/each. Benco will provide other sponsors.
Old Business
Another ADA spokesperson trainer seminar is scheduled. Contact Lynn Foley at NJDA if you are interested.
There will be a vote on the revisions to the bylaws that were printed in the January newsletter.
New Business
A motion was made for MCDS to pay for the tickets for the Presidents Dinner at the Annual Session for our state trustee, President, and President-Elect and their guests. Vote 8-yes, 1-no, 1-abstain.
Respectfully submitted,
Bruce A. Huberman, DMD
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Detailed Treasurers Report
March 1, 2000
Nancy Villa, DMD
Previous Balance (2/1/00)
Current Balance (3/1/00)
2/1/00 through 3/1/00
Corporate Sponsorship
Newsletter 690.00 Dues 21,285.44
Interest 44.87
TOTAL INCOME 22,020.31
Executive Committee Dinners 208.93
Dinner Meeting (Jan) 1,594.65
Insurance (Workers Comp) 207.00
Lecture Fees 400.00
Newsletter 232.00
Office Expense 35.83
Secretarial (2 mos) 168.00
Telephone 44.19
Net 19,129.71
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Components societies are not allowed to separately post minutes of the State Board of Trustees Report. You can now find the reports at
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State- As a special member benefit, NJDA is sponsoring a 5 hour CE course on Wednesday, April 5, 2000 (9:30AM-3:30PM) at the Hasbrouck Heights Hilton in Hasbrouck Heights featuring Dr. Dale Miles on Digital Radiography for a cost of $35. All members should take advantage of this opportunity for low cost CE.
Component- Although the ADA increased its dues by $13 for the year 2000, Middlesex County Dental Society, thanks to continued fiscal restraint and savings, was able to reduce its dues by $13 as an offset, thus giving our membership no net dues increase!
A resolution allowing advertising in the Capsule was discussed. The resolution provided for inclusion of an advertising insert in the Capsule as well as display advertising on the back page of the newsletter. The Board approved the development of a comprehensive advertising package to include the Journal, Capsule, Annual Session Program Guide, Membership Directory, Annual Session Exhibition and CE Courses.
Counsel and Executive Director Arthur Meisel reported that the PIP appeal and the Princeton Insurance lawsuit on behalf of our member dentists were proceeding.
President-Elect Dr. Riva reported that meetings were held with Congressman Franks and Senator John Corzine to discuss organized
dentistrys positions on pending legislation.
* The Board will recommend to the House various changes to the bylaws including allowing the President and President-Elect of the Association to serve respectively, at least as Delegate and Alternate Delegate from their components during the period in which he or she serves as President or President-Elect.
MCDS reduced our dues portion $13 to make up for the $13 dues increase this year by the ADA, therefore giving their members no net dues increase for 2000. A combination of non-dues income (corporate sponsorship/advertising), savings from printing the newsletter in-house, and continued fiscal restraint by the MCDS Board has enabled us to provide our members with this benefit.
Voluntary contributions from NJDA Members are strongly encouraged to support NJDAs sponsorship of the Special Olympics. This is a worthwhile cause that is also providing member dentists with a targeted PR marketing campaign.
MBNA has a credit card endorsed by NJDA that provides royalties (non-dues income) to NJDA based on usage.
The Council on New Dentists traditionally sponsors one reduced fee course at the NJDA Annual Session to encourage attendance by dentists out of school 10 years or less. Due to the efforts of the Council working with the Council on the Annual Session, new dentists may now select any course of their liking for the reduced fee during the May 19-21 NJDA Annual Session,
Recently renamed the Mid-Atlantic Dental Expo.
In addition, the Council, in the best interests of encouraging new membership, proposed to the NJDA officers and Board that dues discounts be granted for husband/wife dentists and part-time dentists; and that state and component dues structures be amended so that new dentists do not pay full dues until their fifth full year out of dental school. At this time, it is uncertain if NJDAs present budget will accommodate these membership incentives for the year 2001, but the feasibility is currently being explored.
Last week I saw an advertisement recommending that people report their doctors for fraudulent insurance practices. There was a telephone number supplied which connected with a newly created New Jersey State agency, specifically created to solicit complaints, investigate these complaints, and punish the offenders.
Fraud is defined by Websters Collegiate Dictionary (Tenth ed.) as the intentional perversion of truth in order to induce another to part with something of value or to surrender a legal right. To my thinking, there are three types of fraud related to dental insurance. First, there is fraud by a patient or private individual who files a false claim for treatment not performed. Some patients have even assumed the identities of other people to get benefits for which they were not entitled.
The second kind of fraud is perpetuated by a doctor or doctors staff member. In this case, a claim is generated for treatment not performed. This can be as simple as changing the date on a claim form, claiming a three surface restoration was done when in reality a two surface was done, or routinely forgiving co-payment to diminish or eliminate the patients liability. The more egregious examples can include submitting claims for patients of record who did not have recent treatment, or padding the claim by adding additional work (i.e. one crown done, submit for two). The fraud blanket also includes submitting claims for prosthetic dentistry before the case is inserted and mistakenly writing the wrong tooth number on a claim form. There seems to be a presumption of guilt here and the doctor has to prove his innocence! (Bizarre, isnt it?)
The third kind of fraud is performed by insurance companies routinely. In these instances a claim is mysteriously lost, or benefits less than proper are paid, or more than a reasonable time is taken to pay the claim. Some other examples of insurance company fraud include changing the code of a procedure to one not performed only to pay a lesser amount, requesting irrelevant information from the doctor or patient, having a non- dentist, or dentist not licensed in New Jersey make treatment decisions, inappropriate coordination of benefits, inappropriate consultant review, lost or misplaced radiographs, incorrect assignment of benefits, and complete lack of response.
Surprisingly, or not surprisingly, the mandate of the State Fraud agency is to investigate only those instances of fraud promulgated by a patient or doctor, and not by the insurance industry (because we all know how honest they are!).
In over twenty years of practice, submitting insurance claims for patients and having benefits assigned to me, I have received many claims with errors. The insurance companies claim these errors are the result of clerical errors. Having had some very elementary statistics in college, I know that random events must fall into a bell-shaped distribution curve, where there are as many overage, as underage events and the vast majority are correct and right in the middle. I have received thousands of under payments. The amount of overpayments can be counted on one hand. Where is the bell-shaped curve, or is there some diabolical direction here? Does the insurance industry have an organized policy to underpay? Even though I have had several patients who were claims examiners and they stated that there is an organized underpayment policy, I really dont know.
Organized dentistry is not asking for much. We just want a level playing field. Sure, dentist and patients should be punished for stealing thousands of dollars by fraud. But shouldnt the insurance industry be similarly punished for stealing millions?
All of the opinions expressed are my own; however I try to base them on current facts and information. My primary source of information is CDT-3/2000, American Dental Association, 1999.
Daniel B. Krantz, DDS
Middlesex Representative to
Council on Dental Benefits
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Middlesex County Associateship leading to full or partial purchase. High quality, fee for service, no insurance participation. 1999 gross--$795,000. Two to three generation patient base requiring continued skilled care. $525,000. Mail Curriculum Vitae and objectives to: NJDA, Box 2000, New Jersey Dental Association, 1 Dental Plaza, PO Box 6020, North Brunswick, NJ 08902-6020
Where: Hunter Mountain
When: Wednesday, March 29
Call Jeff Chustckie for further
information at 271-1220
Childrens Dental Health Month
County-wide School Poster Contest
Pediatricians Awareness Program
County Nurses Continuing Education -
March 15, 2000
NJDA at the Circus - A Family
Affair - March 5, 2000
Dental Health Fair and Awards
Ceremony - April 13, 2000
If you wish to participate in the Childrens Dental Health Program,
CAVAN BRUNSDEN, DMD at 732-679-2323
NJDA Night at the Races
Wed., May 3
Pegasus Restaurant
at the
Meadowlands Racetrack
To register or for additional information
contact Tim Clark at 422-2705
MCDS Full Day Course Announcement
Common Sense Composites for Every Dental Situation: Complicated or Routine
Dr. Paul Belvedere
Wed, Nov 8, 2000
Pines Manor Rt 27 Edison, NJ
Latest hightech audiovisual
Live demonstrations
State of the art cosmetic techniques
(and much more)
Members $45
Nonmembers $150
Includes continental breakfast and lunch.
Free CE
Society Meetings
MCDS members may attend general meetings of all component societies in the state and receive continuing education credit for the program (course) portion of the evening. Component Societies are providing this feature as a benefit of membership. Individuals wishing to purchase dinner must reserve prior to the meeting by calling the contact person indicated. A complete listing of programs can be found in the members only CE section of the NJDA website ( Be advised that programs involving NJDA officers and staff may not be eligible for credit. Licensees may utilize 7 credits per licensing cycle in practice management courses.
Save the Date...
The NJDA Council on New Dentists will be sponsoring a reduced fee course at the annual session in Atlantic City, Saturday, May 22nd. Featuring Dr. Karl Leinfelder: "Clinical Evaluation of Restorative Systems"
All members 10 years out of dental school or less can attend the full day course for only $90.
More details to come in future issues.
MCDS Web Site Our web site has all of the latest MCDS news, as well as archives of past newsletters and useful links. You can reach the site through NJDAs component section ( Contact Diane Davis at NJDA at 821-9400 or [email protected] for a user name and password.
MCDS Video Library at St. Peters Hospital. All you need is a valid ADA membership card to access the extensive video collection.
Lawline Remember LAWLINE if you have a legal question related to your dental practice. As a continuing member benefit, NJDAs General Counsel, Arthur Meisel, Esq. is always available to confer, at no cost, with members.
If you have a question or need assistance, call Mr. Meisel at his direct-dial number (732) 422-2730 or send him a fax at (732) 821-1082.
Discounted hotel rates are available to ADA members at selected hotels in Chicago, New York, and Washington, D.C. For specific hotels and rates, call ADA at 312-440-2500 extension 2853.
Members who join Walt Disney's Magic Kingdom Club receive discounts at Disney hotels, resorts, and stores and on Disney cruises. Membership in the Magic Kingdom Club is free to ADA members. For more information, call ADA at 312-440-2500 extension 2582.
Hertz offers ADA members money-saving rates on car rentals in the United States and Canada, as well as bonus coupons throughout the year. For more information, call ADA extension 2923.