President's Message || MCDS Board of Trustees / Committee Reports
Treasurer's Report Detail || NJDA State Board of Trustees Report
Welcome to the October, 2000, edition of the MCDS newsletter. Many thanks to editors Bob Silverstein and Mitch Weiner for a great September issue. Hopefully, by the time you receive this October newsletter the nightmare of Mitch Weiner's visage interrupting our September REM sleep pattern will have passed, as the answers to the crossword puzzle appear in this issue. All kidding aside, we all look forward to Mitch's crossword puzzle and I hope we can all appreciate the energy he has expended in making September's publication entertaining as well as informative. It is also important to recognize the efforts of our program chair, Ross Kline, for our September meeting. I am sure that all who attended will agree that Dr. Frank Celenza's lecture was enlightening and fun. It was also a pleasure to have a speaker who enjoyed interacting with the audience as much as Dr. Celenza did. Ross' speaker this month, Dr. Bruce Valauri, surely continues that trend. I have seen Dr. Valauri speak on maxillofacial prosthodontics several times and he is a most eloquent and respected presenter, having lectured at the annual sessions of the Greater New York Academy of Prosthodontists, American College of Prosthodontists & Academy of Osseointegration, among others. I'm sure his presentation at October 17th's dinner meeting will be a welcome distraction from our fear of rising cholesterol levels as we stare down at our chef's special, "twice dead salmon writhing in butter."
While on the topic of continuing education, I also want to encourage attendance at our all day course on November 8th, featuring Dr. Paul Belvidere. That MCDS has been able to bring an internationally known lecturer like Dr. Belvidere to the Pines is an accomplishment unto itself, however it should not be forgotten that he will also be discussing such a relevant topic in restorative dentistry today, composite resins. Furthermore, MCDS and corporate sponsorship have made 7 continuing education credits convenient and affordable at $45. A survey of similar courses at UMDNJ, Columbia, NYU, Lehigh Valley Hospital and Seton Hall's School of Graduate Medical Education reveals a fee range of $125 - 225, not to mention the cost involved in traveling to these venues. It is also interesting to note that the Valley Forge Dental Conference charged $205 to hear Dr. Belvidere speak on September 29th. What's obvious is that our society has tried very hard to provide a very valuable member benefit - quality continuing education, right in your own backyard, at a significantly reduced fee. So, in addition to purchasing your Mets & Yankees playoff and World Series tickets, please consider investing another $45 for a great course on November 8th.
Charles Bloom, D.M.D.
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-September 12, 2000-
Attendance: Bloom, Brunsden, DeSciscio, Fahsbender, Fromkin, Glickman, Kahn,
Kline, Krantz, Leizer, Prabhu, Rosen, Schambra, Villa, Weiner
Acceptance of Minutes -
4/11/00-vote unanimous.
President's Report-C. Bloom
* The Rules of the Board, which were compiled this summer by Dr. Bloom and
Dr. Schambra, were distributed to the board for any comments and/or changes.
The rules will be printed and given to the board as a reference policy
* Dr. Kahn, who served as a representative on the Budget Committee on
8/9/00, will continue as our representative. This committee meets once a
year to discuss the NJDA budget.
* Mr. Art Meisel will attend our October Executive Board Meeting to update
us and address any questions that we may have.
* Dr. Joe Perlmutter will step down from his position as a representative on
the Council for Governmental Affairs.
Program-R. Kline
* All of the speakers for the upcoming 2000-2001 evening lecture series have
been booked.
* We are currently looking into providing some new and very exciting
entertainment for the May 2001 Staff Night.
* We are asking everyone to please sign in, not only for their CE credits,
but also so that we can get a very accurate attendance count for the Pine's
Manor and for our Corporate Sponsors.
* We are asking that all MCDS members sign up as soon as possible for the
November 8, 2000
Dr. Paul Belvedere Course. Also, please mention the course to all of your NJ
dental friends. It is open to members and non-members of the NJDA, and is a
great way to fulfill your CE requirements.
Editor's Report-M. Weiner
We will continue to permit advertising for practice sales and associateships
wanted, free of charge, to any MCDS member in good standing, space
permitting. Submissions should be made via e-mail to the Content and Layout
NJDA Council Reports:
NJDA Board of Trustees-D. Krantz
See full report in 'NJDA Noteworthy News' on page 4.
Dental Benefits-D. Krantz
See full report in 'NJDA Noteworthy News' on page 4.
Peer Review-J. Fahsbender
Six cases were reviewed in the past three months.
MCDS Committee Reports:
Corporate Sponsorship-R. Kline
* We will have 3-4 corporate sponsors at the September 19, 2000 meeting.
* Americus Dental Labs have signed on as sponsors/advertisers for this
entire year.
Mentor-E. Glickman
The Mentor Committee recently presented three programs at St. Peters Medical
* On May 25, 2000, in conjunction with the AstraZeneca Company, we hosted a
course on the PerioChip; an intrasucular chlorhexidine chip. We had 25
Dentists and 9 staff sign up for this program, which included 2 non-member
dentists that attended as a result of the New Member Promotion mailing that
was sent out on May 15, 2000 to all non-members in Middlesex County.
* On June 1, 2000, we hosted another program with the Block Drug Company on
Atridox; a doxycycline gel that mixes with the crevicular fluid and
solidifies upon contact. We had 21 dentists and 15 staff sign up for this
course. Both PerioChip & Atridox are intended as an adjunct to scaling and
root planing to reduce probing pocket depths > 5mm. The AstraZeneca Co. and
Block Drug Co. both donated $500 to MCDS to aid in expenses to produce these
courses "free of charge" for our members.
* On June 22, 2000, we presented our annual program: OSHA "Blood Borne
Pathogens - Universal Precautions." We had 64 Dentists and 153 staff members
sign up for this presentation that certifies that each person has been
properly instructed for the OSHA regulation on infection control.
I would like to thank committee members Greg Livanos, Raj Lall and Joe
Fertig for assisting with these great member benefit programs. A very big
thank you to our MCDS Executive Secretary, Marlene Glickman, for all the
behind the scene registration and administrative activities that made these
programs run so well.
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October 1, 2000
Nancy Villa, DMD
Previous Balance (91/00)
Current Balance (10/1/00)
9/1/00 through 10/1/00
Continuing Education 315.00
Corporate Sponsorship
Monthly Meetings 2,025.00
Newsletter 1,980.00
Interest 69.57
Mentor Committee 1,000.00
Continuing Education 900.48
Dinner Meetings 2,632.50
Executive Committee Dinners 208.93
Insurance 336.86
Lecture Fees 500.00
Gifts 164.13
Newsletter 615.57
Office Supplies 92.74
Secretarial 210.00
Telephone 56.29
Net (327.93)
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Components societies are not allowed to separately post minutes of the State Board of Trustees Report. You can now find the reports at
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Legal Briefs
Did you know that as an employer and a place of public accommodation, you
are required to display certain posters? The posting requirements are
mandated by the State of New Jersey Department of Labor ("NJDOL"), New
Jersey Department of Law and Public Safety, Division on Civil Rights
("NJDCR"), the United States Department of Labor ("USDOL"), and the Office
of Safety and Health Administration ("OSHA"). The following are the required
Abstract Relating to Payment of Wages (NJDOL)
NJ Child Labor Law Abstract (NJDOL)
NJ State Wage & Hour Law Abstract (NJDOL)
Unemployment & Disability Insurance (NJDOL)
Schedule of Hours of Labor of Minors (NJDOL) (Only required if you employ
minors under 18 years old)
Worker's Compensation Notice (Obtain from your insurance carrier)
Notice: NJ Law Guarantees Equal Employment Opportunity (NJDCR)
Notice: Public Accommodation (NJDCR)
Federal Minimum Wage (USDOL)
Federal Polygraph (USDOL)
Your Rights Under the Federal Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (USDOL)
Job Safety & Health Protection (USDOL - OSHA)
Equal Employment Opportunity (USDOL)
All of these posters are available from the state or federal agency free of
charge.If you need to obtain any of these posters, contact NJDA at (800)
831-6532. NJDA will be happy to forward copies if available or provide the
telephone number where the posters can be obtained. Here are some important
telephone numbers if you should have questions about various state and
federal programs:
Americans with Disabilities Act Division of Vocational Rehabilitation
Services (609) 292-5987
Unemployment Insurance (609) 292-2638
Temporary Disability (609) 292-7060
Worker's Compensation (609) 292-2515
Wage & Hour Compliance (609) 292-2337
Take advantage of the VALUE of membership in MCDS
I just paid $63 to my lab to have a tooth added on to a partial denture and
$28 for some wooden wedges! With housing prices around this area
skyrocketing in recent years, it's getting more and more complicated to put
a valuation on anything anymore. That's why paying $45 for a full-day
continuing education course by a nationally prominent clinician and lecturer
(Dr. Paul Belvedere), approved by the State Board and AGD, that includes a
continental breakfast and full-lunch, seemed like a misprint to me...IT'S
NOT!!! All MCDS members and any of their staff that attend our full day CE
Course on Wednesday Nov. 8th at the Pines Manor will pay only $45 per
person. This "give away" is a tangible MCDS Member benefit that is also
being offered to other NJDA Members at $95 per person, still significantly
lower than the over $200 you will pay to see Dr. Belvedere speak for UMDNJ
in March 2001. Send in the registration form inside this newsletter with
check to MCDS as soon as possible to reserve your spot. Why not tell a
friend in a neighboring component about the discount for NJDA Members
($95/person) so that they don't have to pay more than double for this
opportunity in March? DO NOT pass up this great opportunity.
-Mitch Weiner
* NJDA is currently in negotiations with NJAGD for a new contract as the
existing one is about to expire.
* After acceptable bids were received for capital projects (new septic
system, new roof and computer software) at NJDA Headquarters, the Board
approved the expenditures and work has begun. It was unanimously decided to recommend to the House of Delegates at the Sept. 13, 2000 Board of Trustees meeting that the
funds to pay for
pending capital projects be borrowed from and paid back to available
reserves rather than taking a bank loan.
* A motion to approve the 2001 year budget as presented passed and will be
forwarded to the House of Delegates. The budget includes a proposed dues
increase of $10 for operational expenses and an additional increase of up to
$25 for three years for capital expenses (new roof, septic system and
computer software) to be determined by the House of Delegates based upon the
payment option selected.
* Dr. Michael Unger resigned as Chairman of the Council on Annual Session.
Dr. Barry Wagenberg resigned as Scientific Program Chair. The 2001 NJDA
Annual Session will be June 1-3 at the Sheraton and AC Convention Center.
* A resolution to hold and fund a second digital radiography seminar in
Mount Laurel on December 6, 2000 was approved. Tuition will be $40.
* On the Legal front, an argument date has been set for September 22 in the
suit involving members and the Princeton Insurance Company concerning the
fall 1999 Hurricane Floyd water emergency. The PIP appeal is still in the
* The Council on Dental Benefits reviewed a letter from Wausau Insurance
Company stating its new policy that x-rays would not be returned to dentists
unless a self-addressed envelope is included with the submission. This
serves to point out once again the importance of not sending original x-rays
with claims.
* The Council on Dental Benefits and representatives from Delta Dental met
to discuss numerous concerns including "disallowing" treatment and denial of
some services on the same day that other related services are performed. No
action was taken by Delta on the "disallowing" subject. Delta recommended
that since certain procedures would be "bundled" together under one code,
dentists should examine these "bundled" procedures and re-file their fees to
reflect Delta's denial of certain services and "bundling" these services
with other procedure codes that are paid for. Delta states that many
dentists have already re-filed their fees and the UCR for these procedures
have been adjusted accordingly.
* On the subject of the ADA's Direct Reimbursement Campaign, our MCDS Dental
Benefits Representative Dr. Daniel Krantz stressed that although he supports
the concept of DR, he believes that further funding of the program is not
fiscally prudent in light of other spending priorities. Although MCDS
Executive Board stands behind Dr. Krantz in this effort, there is great
resistance on the state and national level towards eliminating funding of
the ADA Direct Reimbursement Campaign.
* Kevin Earle has replaced Agnes Clarke as Executive Director of the State
Board. Mr. Earle and NJDA Executive Director Arthur Meisel have met and Mr.
Meisel reported the meeting was productive. The State Board would like
dentists to write into their chart the date, dosage and amount dispensed of
any prescription as opposed to copying the prescription blank.
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In Memorium
MCDS Executive Board extends its condolences to past-President
Dr. Joseph Perlmutter on the passing of his mother.
Dr. O'Brien Named New Residency Director at JFK Hospital
MCDS Member Dr. Daniel P. O'Brien was recently named Residency Program
Director at JFK Hospital. Dr. O'Brien received his undergraduate degree from
the University of Scranton and his D.M.D. degree from the University of
Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey. He completed a general practice
residency at Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital. In addition to his
hospital appointment, Dr. O'Brien continues to practice general dentistry in
Free CE
Society Meetings
MCDS members may attend general meetings of all component societies in the state and receive continuing education credit for the program (course) portion of the evening. Component Societies are providing this feature as a benefit of membership. Individuals wishing to purchase dinner must reserve prior to the meeting by calling the contact person indicated. A complete listing of programs can be found in the members only CE section of the NJDA website ( Be advised that programs involving NJDA officers and staff may not be eligible for credit. Licensees may utilize 7 credits per licensing cycle in practice management courses.
MCDS Web Site Our web site has all of the latest MCDS news, as well as archives of past newsletters and useful links. You can reach the site through NJDAs component section ( Contact Diane Davis at NJDA at 821-9400 or [email protected] for a user name and password.
MCDS Video Library at St. Peters Hospital. All you need is a valid ADA membership card to access the extensive video collection.
Lawline Remember LAWLINE if you have a legal question related to your dental practice. As a continuing member benefit, NJDAs General Counsel, Arthur Meisel, Esq. is always available to confer, at no cost, with members.
If you have a question or need assistance, call Mr. Meisel at his direct-dial number (732) 422-2730 or send him a fax at (732) 821-1082.
Discounted hotel rates are available to ADA members at selected hotels in Chicago, New York, and Washington, D.C. For specific hotels and rates, call ADA at 312-440-2500 extension 2853.
Members who join Walt Disney's Magic Kingdom Club receive discounts at Disney hotels, resorts, and stores and on Disney cruises. Membership in the Magic Kingdom Club is free to ADA members. For more information, call ADA at 312-440-2500 extension 2582.
Hertz offers ADA members money-saving rates on car rentals in the United States and Canada, as well as bonus coupons throughout the year. For more information, call ADA extension 2923.
puzzleAnnual Crossword Puzzle Answers