President's Message || MCDS Board of Trustees / Committee Reports
Treasurer's Report Detail || NJDA State Board of Trustees Report
The summer of 1999 brought record high temperatures to New Jersey, and the activity at MCDS is already heating up as we approach the new millennium. Here are a few of the highlights from the summer hiatus:
MCDS received a check for $1000 from NJDA, at the Annual Session in Atlantic City, in recognition of the high level of membership retention, and recruitment that MCDS has achieved, compared to the other component societies in the state.
This is the start of the first full year that MCDS will publish our newsletter in- house. Check out the crisp, sharp format, full-color pictures and advertisements, and enhanced graphics. Congratulations are in order for the three editors who made it happen: Dr. Mitchell Weiner (Content), Dr. Robert Silverstein (Layout & Design), and Dr. Ross Kline (Business).
Dr. Nancy Villa, our representative on the council for Membership, was appointed to head that council as chairperson. (Nancy deserves a great deal of the credit for the NJDA Membership Award).
Dr. Mitchell Weiner, our program chairperson, has assembled a diverse and top-notch series of lecturers for the upcoming year.
Dr. Philip Engel and Dr. Ethan Glickman, chairmen of the continuing education and mentor committee, continue to provide continuing education opportunities for our members, beyond the monthly scientific meeting format. Watch for announcements of upcoming events this autumn.
In addition to these highlights, all of your council representatives, and board members, have been busy over the summer months to keep our members informed of the developments on the state and national level that effect our profession.
As the new millennium approaches, it is a great time to be a member of organized dentistry. If you have a question or comment, feel free to speak with me or one of the other members of the Board. Were here to serve you, the members of MCDS. I look forward to seeing you at the next meeting.
Mark Schambra, D.M.D.
Middlesex County Dental Society
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-May 11, 1999-
Attendance: Bloom, Brunsden, Chustckie, DeSciscio, Engel, Glickman, Kahn, Kline, Leizer, Livanos, Perlmutter, Rosen, Schambra, Silverstein, Villa, Weiner
Acceptance of Minutes-4/13/99-Vote unanimous, with correction in respect to a Council chairpersons being a voting members of their council.
Treasurers Report-P. DeSciscio
Previous Balance $52,963.13
Current Balance $52,861.85
Presidents Report-I. Rosen
Dr. Richard Kahn, on behalf of MCDS, will present the Middlesex County College Dental Hygiene Award this year on 5/21/99.
Special thanks to Dr. Habas for his wonderful job organizing the MCDS Dinner Dance and Dr. Philip Engel for the full day CE course, which was both informative and entertaining.
MCDS has sent a letter to NJDA nominating Dr. George McLaughlin to be considered for the available seat on the NJ State Board of Dentistry.
A few more delegates or alternate delegates are needed for tomorrows House of Delegates meeting. Inform Dr. Rosen if you are available to attend.
MCDS is re-nominating Dr. Peter Clemente as a UMDNJ Foundation trustee.
Volunteers are needed for the Smile Line for one hour Friday night at the Annual Session.
A meeting of the Dues Waiver Committee is needed. Several waiver requests have come in from NJDA.
A change in the bylaws will be needed to make provisions for the three separate editor positions in MCDS.
Editor Reports
M. Weiner, Content Editor-The production of the first in-house newsletter went very smoothly and the response has been very positive.
R. Silverstein, Layout Editor-New ink cartridges are needed now after printing the first newsletter and the ad journal for the dinner dance.
R. Kline, Business Editor-We should consider increasing the charge for full color ads vs. two color ads. The full color ads in the dinner dance journal were spectacular, but also more costly to print because of all the ink necessary.
NJDA Council Reports:
NJDA Board of Trustees-D. Krantz
See Noteworthy News on page 4.
Special Olympics-C. Brunsden
The 1999 NJDA Partnership with Special Olympics was outlined, including its goals to provide sponsorship to the athletes and increase an awareness of dentistrys role as a civic-minded organization dedicated to public welfare. The 1999 billboard and sponsorship programs were outlined and will be discussed throughout the coming year.
Membership Council-N. Villa
The statewide outreach program is formulating and action plan that will increase the activities of NJDA staff in the area of recruitment. The brochure for NJDAs Annual Session was mailed to nonmembers for the first time.
MCDS Committee Reports:
Membership Committee-N. Villa
The ADA does not market membership to nonmembers through mailings. A mailing to nonmembers in Middlesex County with a brochure for the ADAs Annual Session in Hawaii might create some interest in membership.
Program-N. Villa
Staff night registration already totals 220 and several offices have called to inform us that they will attend. The room will have a dais for the actors at the head of the dance floor and the wedding ceremony will include a cake cutting ceremony. Programs for the evenings events will be printed in my office.
Continuing Education Committee-P. Engel
The full-day CE course was break-even for MCDS, thanks to all the efforts from the Corporate Sponsorship Committee. MCDS received a letter of praise and thanks form the speaker, Gary Takacs.
Mentor Committee-E. Glickman
180 people were registered for the OSHA seminar and 139 people attended. This was a make-up date for the original date postponed for snow. This seminar brought in $1630 to the treasury.
Website-R. Silverstein
The last two newsletters have been posted on the website. The newsletters are much easier to add to the website now that the newsletter is being printed in-house and all of the content is in the computer.
Corporate Sponsorship Committee-J. Chustckie
The sponsorship system needs to be more streamlined so that payment for advertisements and other sponsorship activities can be tracked more easily. The treasurer or president is sometimes receiving payments, and the sponsorship committee members have little way of knowing which monies are outstanding. The system will be discussed and refined. In any case, sponsorship has raised $9570 so far this year.
New Business
A motion was made and accepted unanimously that all newsletter inserts or additional mailings have a disclaimer clause such as the one that is presently in the newsletter. Verbal promotions (such as announcements at meetings) will have a similar disclaimer.
Respectfully submitted,
Bruce Huberman, DMD,
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Detailed Treasurers Report
June 1, 1999
Peter DeSciscio, DMD
Previous Balance (4/30/99)
Current Balance (5/31/99)
4/30/99 Through 5/31/99
Dues 6,620.00
Continuing Education 3,850.00
Staff Night 3,270.00
Dinner Dance 2,500.00
Corporate Sponsorship-Dinner Dance
& Ad Journal 1,850.00
Corporate Sponsorship-Meetings 925.00
Corporate Sponsorthip-Newsletter 141.10
Total Income 19,306.10
Dinner Dance 11,251.24
Continuing Education 3,284.15
Dinner Meetings 2,031.90
Newsletter 1,350.83
Office Supplies 501.30
Secretarial 448.00
Plaques 213.68
Executive Committee Dinner 208.93
Donations 50.00
Telephone 45.10
Name Badges 20.25
Total Expenses 19,407.38
Net (101.28)
Detailed Treasurers Report
September 1, 1999
Nancy Villa, DMD
Previous Balance (5/31/99)
Current Balance (8/31/99)
5/31/99 Through 8/31/99
Dues 2,070.00
Continuing Education 50.00
Staff Night 732.00
Interest 108.02
Mentor Committee 1,630.00
Total Income 4,590.02
Dinner Dance 29.00
Continuing Education 1,262.78
Dinner Meetings 1,700.00
Newsletter 625.15
Secretarial 84.00
Plaques 391.91
Accountant 200.00
Mentor Committee 728.00 Staff Night 9,686.25
Total Expenses 14,707.09
Net (10,117.07)
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Components societies are not allowed to separately post minutes of the State Board of Trustees Report. You can now find the reports at
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Liat Moore
Ashok Vaid
Swagatha Chavva
Priya Patel
Cyrus Sepahbody
Essam Adly
Kosmas Kasimatis
Residents at JFK Hospital:
Naresh Bhavsar
Shuba Srinivas
Residents at Robert Wood Johnson Hospital:
Chi Ip
Sean Martin
Melanie Nadler
Mariam Vaziri
Vandhana Ahuja
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Dr. Nancy Villa, who has assumed the Chair of the NJDA Council on Membership, will be replaced by Dr. Ross Kline as the Middlesex member on the council. In turn, Dr. Kline will vacate his position on the Council on Long Range Planning and will be replaced by Dr. Greg Livanos. These council changes were approved unanimously by the NJDA Board of Trustees.
Legal Council Update-Recent legal action on behalf of our members include the following:
-NJDA has filed papers to compel the NJ Department of Banking and Insurance to update the PIP fee schedule as required by statute.
-NJDA has submitted a Petition for Rulemaking requiring dentists who participate in commercial referral services or cooperative advertising programs to comply with the State Board regulations on advertising.
-NJDA has filed a brief to intervene in a recent case to oppose the application of the Consumer fraud act to the dental profession.
The State Board of Dentistry is proposing an increase in the biennial registration fee from $100 to $170. The Council on Governmental Affairs and Legal Council are looking into this.
The regional board of the National Labor Relations Board ruled against physicians who were trying to unionize.
The United States Supreme Court unanimously ruled that the Federal Trade Commission has jurisdiction over the California Dental Association and therefore also, presumably, over the New Jersey Dental Association. However, a 5-4 majority went on to rule that the Court of Appeals erred by applying the quick look approach. The case was remanded for a more thorough and deliberate review. NJDA Legal Council will keep the membership informed on updates with this matter.
Children's Dental Health Month 1999 continued to represent the member dentists of the Middlesex County Dental Society through its outreach program to the Middlesex County community. Our poster contest and awards program serves as a superb example of how appreciated we are by the schools of Middlesex. In addition, our nurses continuing education program serves as the primary source of preventive dental health education to our county nurses.
Children's Dental Health Month 2000 will continue this tradition and hopefully will expand and develop into a more far-reaching program.
Suggestions to expand and develop our program include:
Monthly organizational meetings to allow for more membership input and participation. These meetings to occur at the regularly scheduled MCDS meeting.
Weeknight poster awards program to allow for increased participation by children and dentists.
New theme for the millenium.
Nurses Education Night to include staff of member dentists of the Middle 'sex County Dental Society.
Expanded outreach program to area Pediatricians.
Additional ideas to be developed at monthly meetings.
If you are interested in participating in the Middlesex County Dental Society's public awareness program associated with Children's Dental Health Month, please contact Dr. Cavan Brunsden at 679-2323.
MCDS Congratulates the following
members on recent milestones:
Dr. Marshall B. Fleer and Dr. Sheldon Waltuch on having successfully completed the phase III clinical examination towards Board Certification in Orthodontics. They are now Diplomats of The American Board of Orthodontists.
Dr. Richard Rollman and wife, Cindy, on their marriage in August.
Dr. Ross Kline and his wife, Jane, on the birth of their daughter, Melissa.
The 1999-2000 dinner meeting program will feature diversified subject matter that hopefully will appeal to dentists of all generations and specialties. It was my goal in putting together this years program to delve into subject matter that would help us to better manage our patients, our businesses and our eventual practice purchases or sales. Although many of the topics I have selected have not been traditional subject matter in dinner meetings past, an attempt to regurgitate the same subject matter and lecturers of the past few years would be counter-productive to my desire both to draw new members and to maintain our attendance of existing members to our monthly meetings.
Two of our speakers, Dr. Barbara Steinberg (September 1999) and Dr. Harold Baumgarten (March 2000), are national and internationally known speakers in their respective fields of interest. Dr. Steinberg, who lectures on management of medically compromised patients and special considerations of female patients, will address us on current treatment modalities of managing the pregnant patient. Dr. Baumgarten, a perio-prosthodontist and my mentor in dental school at Penn, will deliver the Sy Symanski Memorial Lecture on esthetic considerations in tooth and implant based anterior restorations. Both of these clinicians are highly engaging speakers who have earned their international reputations.
I have selected two non-dentists to address our society this year on subject matter that I feel is essential for the dental practitioner to gain better knowledge of. In February 2000, Ann Kiernan, Esq. will speak on employment law considerations, addressing topics such as hiring and firing of employees, wrongful termination, harassment, and any other topics we might engage her with. It would not surprise me to find a standing room only crowd that night as the knowledge we gain from this lecture could help prevent a future employer/employee legal matter. In April 2000, Dr. Myron Pulier, a professor of psychiatry at UMDNJ in Newark, will discuss management of the depressed patient and psychopharmacology. Given the prevalence of depression among our patient pool and within our profession (and possibly within our own families), it is imperative that we expand our understanding of this disease and the drugs used to manage it as well as any possible drug interactions we may encounter in the practice of dentistry.
Autumn 1999 will feature Dr. Gary Wiser (October 1999) discussing practice sales and acquisitions from both the new dentists perspective and the retiring dentists perspective. Dr. Wiser will also discuss valuation of practices as well as tips to assure the smooth transition of a dental practice from retiring dentist to purchasing dentist. Dr. Vincent Ziccardi (November 1999), an Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon at UMDNJ in Newark, will take us to the forefront of technology in discussing the latest surgical techniques in trigeminal nerve repair.
Our traditional NJDA Officers Night in January and our annual Staff Night of entertainment in May will continue as usual. We will also continue the tradition of having no lecture/meeting during the holiday season in December. It was my objective as Program Chairperson to try some out of the norm subject matter this year. Only time will tell whether the program will have successfully engaged our membership and enriched their knowledge as clinicians, but I encourage all of you to attend the dinner meetings and give me feedback that will surely help the 2000-2001 Program Chairperson. I hope you continue to enjoy the rest of your summer and I look forward to seeing you in September.
Mitch Weiner
MCDS Program Chairperson 1999-2000
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Free CE
Society Meetings
MCDS members may attend general meetings of all component societies in the state and receive continuing education credit for the program (course) portion of the evening. Component Societies are providing this feature as a benefit of membership. Individuals wishing to purchase dinner must reserve prior to the meeting by calling the contact person indicated. A complete listing of programs can be found in the members only CE section of the NJDA website ( Be advised that programs involving NJDA officers and staff may not be eligible for credit. Licensees may utilize 7 credits per licensing cycle in practice management courses.
Save the Date...
The NJDA Council on New Dentists will be sponsoring a reduced fee course at the annual session in Atlantic City, Saturday, May 22nd. Featuring Dr. Karl Leinfelder: "Clinical Evaluation of Restorative Systems"
All members 10 years out of dental school or less can attend the full day course for only $90.
More details to come in future issues.
MCDS Web Site Our web site has all of the latest MCDS news, as well as archives of past newsletters and useful links. You can reach the site through NJDAs component section ( Contact Diane Davis at NJDA at 821-9400 or [email protected] for a user name and password.
MCDS Video Library at St. Peters Hospital. All you need is a valid ADA membership card to access the extensive video collection.
Lawline Remember LAWLINE if you have a legal question related to your dental practice. As a continuing member benefit, NJDAs General Counsel, Arthur Meisel, Esq. is always available to confer, at no cost, with members.
If you have a question or need assistance, call Mr. Meisel at his direct-dial number (732) 422-2730 or send him a fax at (732) 821-1082.
Discounted hotel rates are available to ADA members at selected hotels in Chicago, New York, and Washington, D.C. For specific hotels and rates, call ADA at 312-440-2500 extension 2853.
Members who join Walt Disney's Magic Kingdom Club receive discounts at Disney hotels, resorts, and stores and on Disney cruises. Membership in the Magic Kingdom Club is free to ADA members. For more information, call ADA at 312-440-2500 extension 2582.
Hertz offers ADA members money-saving rates on car rentals in the United States and Canada, as well as bonus coupons throughout the year. For more information, call ADA extension 2923.
1. What a hygienist might say to the third party candidate?
8. __ Elliot.
9. Final Impression Weapon.
10. Comedian Philips.
13. Dont get a hygienist mad thats holding one of these.
14. Word used with table or excavator.
15. They run the NYC Subway system.
18. Protease Inhibitors are used to combat this illness.
19. You can seal it or mosh in it.
20. Show that introduced the term, Anti-Dentite to the world.
23. An oral surgeon may employ one for OR cases.
24. Dental Honor Society.
26. Board game or management category.
27. Spielberg Classic.
28. Movie: __ Unmarried woman.
29. If you have this, then you know what Im thinking right now.
31. Matrix falls off while being placed on Paul McCartneys tooth.
35. Stereotype Land of Bad Teeth.
37. Participant in the healing process.
38. A Farewell __ Arms.
39. A Shot thats Dressed to Kill.
44. Sha Na __
45. Old Center Square on show hosted by Peter Marshall.
46. One might use this term to describe a spitter.
51. Dont let it get to you or you may snap.
52. Draft Organization.
53. Kind of Top.
54. Tooth Prefix.
1. Government Regulatory Agency.
2. School in Baton Rouge.
3. Bilko was one.
4. What an Orthodontist or Lawyer might do to you.
5. Chemical Suffix.
6. Lukewarm
7. Indiana Native.
11. A Three Surface Squad that may include Link.
12. It makes a good first impression.
14. Polio vaccine inventor.
16. You can vary the color of porcelain or composite by adding this.
17. Breakfast __ Tiffanys
20. Friendlys makes a good one on any day of the week.
21. Abe Vigoda played one.
22. Company that manufactures 12 DOWN.
25. Composite Lecturer from Middlebury, CT. Dr. John _____.
30. Term used to describe certain Ninja Turtles.
32. Anterior Forceps.
33. Top, Front and Back Surfaces.
34. Response from patient to the question, do you have your checkbook?
36. Relation.
40. It may be Refractory.
41. _____ Miss
42. It may be BI, TRI or even UNI.
43. You cant get a dental licence without passing it.
47. ______ and Hammer.
48. Seinfeld Uncle.
49. AOL is one.
50. Man ____ Nature.
As usual, please blame Mitch Weiner for any lost sleep, perforated endos, etc. from trying to solve this puzzle.