It is with great
pleasure and personal pride that my president's message is being
printed in this issue - the newest version of the Middlesex County
Dental Society newsletter. It is through the tremendous efforts
of our three editors - Dr. Robert Silverstein, Layout and Design
Editor - Dr. Mitchell Weiner, Content Editor - Dr. Ross Kline,
Business Editor - that the Middlesex County Dental Society is
now printing our own newsletter. During our January general membership
meeting upon the recommendation of the Board of Trustees, the
members voted unanimously to approve the purchase of a printer
that is capable of printing our newsletter. With a break-even
point of less than 1 1/2 years, the society will save between
$8,000 - 10,000 per year by printing our own newsletter. The quality
of the newsletter speaks for itself - the enhanced photographs,
improved detail and multiple colors are exceptional. I am very
proud of this accomplishment and wish to publicly thank our three
editors for all of their time and effort on our behalf.
Last month the Middlesex County Dental Society hosted two successful
events. The first event was our Dinner Dance on Saturday evening,
April 17th, 1999. Everyone present had a wonderful time - it was
truly an evening of good food, drink, music, dancing and camaraderie.
I hope that everyone will want to join us next time. Many thanks
to Dr. Hugh Habas, chairman of the Dinner Dance committee, and
all of the committee members for their time and effort on our
behalf. Special thanks to Dr. Peter DeSciscio for entertaining
us with his guitar and vocals!
The second event was our all-day continuing education course on
Wednesday, April 21st, 1999. Gary Takacs was motivating, entertaining
and informative. I want to thank Dr. Philip Engel, chairman of
the Continuing Education committee, and everyone else that helped
make this a successful event.
The final special event of the year will be our annual Staff Appreciation
night on Tuesday evening, May 18th, 1999. This will be an evening
of fine food and entertainment. The evening provides us with an
extra opportunity to say "thank you" to those individuals
that support us, assist us and enable us to practice dentistry
- our staff members. Just a reminder - this event is open to all
members, regardless of whether you bring staff members or not.
Please send in your registration form and we hope to see you all
As this will be my last presidents' message I want to take this
opportunity to thank my fellow officers and the members of the
Board of Trustees for all of their support and incredible efforts
during this past year. The Middlesex County Dental Society is
exceptionally fortunate to have a very large, active volunteer
board that cares so much about our profession and our society.
I would also like to thank the membership for the opportunity
to serve as your president - it was a challenging, rewarding and
educational experience. Special thanks to my staff for all of
their assistance and patience. Lastly, I would like to thank my
family, and especially my wife Karen, for their love and support
which enabled me to serve our dental society in this capacity.
Ira S. Rosen, D.M.D.
Middlesex County Dental Society
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Attendance: Bloom, Brunsden, Chustckie, DeSciscio, Fahsbender, Fertig, Fromkin, Glickman, Habas, Kline, Krantz, Lawson, Livanos, McLaughlin, Perlmutter, Prabhu, Rosen, Schambra, Silverstein, Villa, Weiner
Acceptance of Minutes-3/9/99-Vote unanimous.
Treasurer's Report: Previous Balance $48,540.48
P. DeSciscio, Treasurer Income/Expenses + 4,422.65 Current Balance
President's Report-I. Rosen
The deadline for the ADA's Golden Apple Awards is June 1, 1999.
MCDS was considering submitting a nomination for the Membership
Committee because of their outstanding results in R&R. This
was discussed with Erin Murphy from the ADA, who felt that although
MCDS has had fine results in this area, the winner they would
be looking for would have a "gimmick" that had an effect
on membership. It was decided not to pursue the nomination this
MCDS has nominated both Dr. George McLaughlin and Dr. Arnold Rosenheck
for the two available seats on the State Board of Dentistry.
The ADA has distributed five copies of their revised Constitution
& Bylaws and Code of Professional Conduct to each local component
society. Our copies have been distributed to each of the officers,
but copies can be made available upon request.
The fee waiver committee must meet to decide upon three fee waiver
Dr. Nancy Villa was asked to chair the NJDA Council on Membership,
and has accepted the position. We will need to appoint a new representative
to this council, as the Chairperson is not a voting member of
the council.
Middlesex County College has informed us that three students are
tied for the highest grade point average in this year's graduating
class. We will provide three awards this year, but must find a
member to present the award, as their ceremony is scheduled during
the Annual Session.
Editor's Report-M. Weiner
The March newsletter is the last that will be done with Highland Printing. The editorship is now officially split: Dr. Weiner is the content editor, Dr. Kline is the business editor, and Dr. Silverstein is the layout editor (and will also be doing the printing and mailing).
NJDA Council Reports:
NJDA Board of Trustees-D. Krantz
See full report in the newsletter.
Dental Benefits Council-D. Krantz
The Council reviewed information from Delta Dental indicating
that Delta PPO patients will now have access to the Delta Premier
network of specialists, and those specialists treating PPO patients
will be reimbursed at the Premier, rather than the PPO, level.
The Council reviewed a letter sent to Benefit Plan Administrators
concerning its policy of non-payment for general anesthesia and
stating that the fee is included the surgical procedure. NJDA
is awaiting their response.
The Council reviewed Empire BC/BS's handling of a claim submitted
by a periodontist for crown lengthening surgery. The patient's
EOB simply stated that the procedure was not covered under the
dental plan. However, upon further inquiry, Empire staff stated
that the crown lengthening is usually billed as "part of
the crown" and further stated that an "enormous"
fee was charged. NJDA has not yet received a response to its request
for an explanation of this incident.
Delta Dental recently provided new Dentist Handbooks which contain
processing policies for Delta USA and Delta New Jersey groups
to member dentists. Staff reported that Delta is now making a
distinction between "denying" a procedure, in which
case the fee may be collected from the patient, and "disallowing"
a procedure, in which case neither Delta of the patient is liable
for payment. Because the new policies are so extensive, the Council
decided to review them thoroughly and send all comments to staff.
Dental Education Council-G. McLaughlin
The Council discussed a proposal by the Chairman and the NJDS
Associate Dean for Student Affairs and Graduate Dental Education
to develop and emergency loan program that would provide dental
students with immediate assistance and a guarantee of repayment
within three months. Loans would be in the amount not to exceed
$1000, and would be repaid by the Office as soon as the school
receives the student's financial aid. With each loan, the student
would receive a letter from the Student Affairs office explaining
that the loan was from NJDA. A resolution was made and approved
by the NJDA Board of Trustees to take $10,000 from the NJDA Student
Loan Fund in order to set up the short-term loan program at NJDS.
The Council had a long discussion on a state sponsored program
that provides loan redemption to dental school graduates that
are employed by a dental practice located in one of 39 New Jersey
municipalities designated as medical/dental under served by the
Commissioner of Health. Three important conditions for approval
of the dental office are: (1) accept Medicaid as a form of reimbursement,
(2) offer a sliding fee scale to families not eligible for Medicaid
but below the poverty level, (3) provide a regular salary and
fringe benefits package to the employee receiving forgiveness.
To date five private offices and six public health dental clinics
are approved as eligible job sites.
The Council reviewed a CE verification form that should be should
be distributed after component CE courses and programs. The NJ
State Board of Dentistry accepts the form as verification of meeting
the requirements for relicensure.
Judicial Council-J. Fertig
The Judicial Council met and decided that both the Speaker of
the House and the House of Delegates acted "responsibly"
in passing the budget with the addition of the dues increase by
better than a two-thirds majority.
Children's Dental Health Month-C. Brunsden
Forty schools participated in the poster contest. About 5000 posters
were made, and 260 were honored at the awards ceremony on April
11, 1999.
MCDS Committee Reports:
Membership-N. Villa
We have twenty new members in MCDS this year.
Volunteers are needed to help with contacting members who have
not yet paid their dues. Most of the people on the list have overlooked
this responsibility and just need a gentle reminder from a friend.
The next meeting to invite nonmember prospects is September. These
dentists will receive a newsletter in advance.
Peer Review-J. Fahsbender
There were six cases this month. All were settled in mediation.
Dinner Dance-H. Habas
There will be 102 members and spouses attending the dinner dance. There are more seats available that have already been paid for. A motion was made to offer those seats to the JFK and RWJUH dental residents at no charge. Vote unanimous. The committee will meet tonight to finalize the seating arrangements.
Continuing Education Committee-P. Engel
Sixty-two people are registered for the Gary Takacs course on April 21st. More registrations are expected.
Mentor Committee-E. Glickman
180 people are registered for the OSHA course on April 15th.
On June 22nd Collagenex will be sponsoring a course on FDA treatments
for periodontal problems. Collagenex will be paying for the mailings,
the food, etc. The course will be from 7-10pm and will be granted
3 CE credits.
New Business
Phil Cocuzza's grandson died. A motion was made to make a donation
in his name to Deborah Hospital. Vote unanimous.
Respectfully submitted,
Bruce Huberman, DMD
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Previous Balance (2/28/99)
Current Balance (3/31/99)
2/28/99 Through 3/31/99
Dues 2,260.00
Dinner Dance 5,300.00
Coporate Sponsorship-Dinner
Dance/Ad Journal 975.00
Corporate Sponsorship-Meetings 375.00
Corporate Sponsorthip-Newsletter 250.00
Total Income 9,160.00
Dinner Meetings 1,926.15
Newsletter 1,430.06
Lecture Fees 500.00
Executive Committee Dinner 247.09
Office Supplies 227.88
Staff Night 200.00
Plaques 84.72
Secretarial 77.00
Telephone 44.45
Total Expenses 4,737.35
Net 4,422.65
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Components societies are not allowed to separately post minutes of the State Board of Trustees Report. You can now find the reports at
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We have inducted 22 new members in MCDS thus far this year. Our
four newest members are:
· Maged Ayad NYU Dental School '92, Eastman Dental Center-Periodontics
and Biochemistry PhD '98. He practices on Rt. 27 in North Brunswick
· Mohinder Garg NYU Dental School '94, just opened a new
office on Oak Tree Rd. in S. Plainfield 908-754-8881. He was previously
an ADA member in Philadelphia.
· Kosmas Kasimatis UMDNJ Dental School '97 & GPR '98.
He practices in Edison 732-393-1664.
· Essam Adly NYU Dental School '98, lives in Parlin and
teaches at NYU. He is currently looking for a practice in NJ.
I was happy to be offered the position of Membership Council chair
by Harris Colton and Howard Schwartz and gladly accepted the offer.
Carmine LoMonaco will continue as chair of the statewide Outreach
program in conjunction with the ADA.
Volunteers are needed to help with contacting members who have
not yet paid their dues. Most of the people on the list have overlooked
this responsibility and just need a gentle reminder from a friend.
The next meeting for us to invite nonmember prospects is September.
These dentists will receive a newsletter in advance.
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·Bill Prentice Esq. has left NJDA to join the ADA as a
Senior Lobbyist. NJDA is currently interviewing for a replacement.
·The Blue Cross/Blue Shield settlement provides for the
reinstatement of dentists previously excluded by a no cause clause
by the elimination of the without cause termination provision
from Blue Cross/ Blue Shield dentist participation agreements.
Future terminations must be for cause with notice and a hearing
at the option of the dentist.
·The NJDA Board of Trustees voted to nominate Philip J.
Cocuzza for honorary membership. Mr. Cocuzza has served as Executive
Director for 14 years. He will be retiring at the end of this
year. (Editors Note: Mr. Cocuzza's grandson passed away as the
newsletter was going to press. The Executive Council and all members
of the MCDS extend their condolences to Mr. Cocuzza and his family)
·NJDA has been urged to write to ADA commenting on resolution
10-1998. This would allow foreign trained dentists to be licensed
by credentials certified by another state, even if such state
did not require graduation from an accredited dental school. We
will offer an objection to this resolution.
·DELTA DENTAL PPO patients will now have access to the
Delta Premier network of specialists, and those specialists treating
PPO patients will be reimbursed at the Premier, rather than the
PPO, level.
·Delta's Newly Issued "DENTIST HANDBOOK"- Staff
reported that Delta is now making a distinction between "denying"
a procedure, in which case the fee may be collected from the patient,
and "disallowing" a procedure, in which case neither
Delta nor the patient is liable for payment. For example, the
fee for replacement of amalgam or composite restorations, same
tooth and surface, is disallowed if done by the same dentist within
24 months of the original restoration. In some situations, the
New Jersey Delta groups have less stringent limitations. In the
restoration example cited, the replacement restoration would be
disallowed if done within 12 months.
·Meeting with Medicaid Director- Staff reported on a meeting
with the state's new Director of the Division of Medical Assistance
and Health Services. She appears to have little interest in the
Medicaid dental program problems (either fee for service or under
the managed care program), and echoed the previous Director's
comments of "working it out with the HMO". Subsequent
to the meeting, NJDA sent a letter requesting certain specific
information regarding access to care and utilization.
·The Council on Dental Education brought forth a motion
to the NJDA Board of Trustees that was adopted to appropriate
$10,000 from the NJDA Emergency Student Loan Fund to create the
program and fund at UMDNJ-New Jersey Dental School entitled the
NJDA Short Term Emergency Student Loan Fund. This will provide
emergency funding to students during the approximately 2-3 months
that it takes for their financial aid to come through.
·The Judicial Council met in April to look into an inquiry
from Monmouth-Ocean County component that the $20 dues increase
instituted by NJDA for 1999 was done with procedural errors and
that the NJDA House violated the NJDA Bylaws. For the record the
Judicial Council advisory opinion read as follows:
The Judicial Council finds that the House of Delegates acted reasonably
when it passed a $20 dues increase as part of its budget approval
process for the 1999 Budget. It finds further that there are ambiguities
in the NJDA Bylaws concerning the budget and dues approval procedures
and powers of the House and that the Committee on Rules and Order
should address these ambiguities by proposing amendments to those
sections of the Bylaws that deal with the 60 day notice provision
as it pertains to the budget and dues, to those sections that
deal with the House's ability to amend the Budget and/or dues
without subsequent 60 day notice periods, and to such other sections
as it seems appropriate.
MCDS Congratulates the following
members on recent milestones:
Dr. Arthur M. Greenwald-Honored by JFK Medical Center recently for 25 years of service.
Dr. George McLaughlin-George is stepping down form his position of State Chairman, NJDA Council on Dental Education after representing MCDS and NJDA with distinction. We thank George for his contributions to Dental Education on our behalf over the years.
Dr. Nancy Villa- Our own Membership Chairperson has been appointed
NJDA Membership Chairperson. Nancy has brought creativity and
innovation to the recruitment and retention of members in Middlesex
with great success. We congratulate her and wish her luck in accomplishing
the same goals on the State level.
When we examine our MCDS budget, next to our dinner meetings,
the newsletter is our biggest consistent annual expense. Whereas
our dinner meeting costs will only increase in time, we have seized
the opportunity to lower the operating costs of the newsletter
through a proposal that was unanimously approved by the MCDS Executive
Council and the membership at our January meeting.
Maintaining the quality and consistency of the newsletter as we
go into the next century, while cutting costs and turn around
time, was the goal of this proposal. Due to technological advances
and the decreasing costs of hardware and software, we have begun
to fabricate our newsletter in house. As a result, we have reorganized
and redistributed the editors' responsibilities so as to not leave
this arduous task for only one person.
Effective this issue, we have 3 editors. I am remaining as Content
Editor and continue to put the newsletter together as I have been
doing. As Business Editor, Ross Kline handles the burgeoning task
of advertiser relations and ad allocations. Finally, Bob Silverstein
assumes the role of Layout and Design Editor, taking on the responsibilities
previously held by our printer. Although Bob has been the founder
and editor of our web site for several years, we have not efficiently
utilized his vast knowledge of hardware and software systems...until
Through Bob's initiative, the purchase of our own MCDS high capacity,
newsletter quality HP Color Laserjet Printer along with a service
contract to assure uninterrupted use will bring the cost of printing
our newsletter down to approximately $410/issue compared to the
previous cost of $1500-1800/issue. Although the initial startup
costs are high (approx. $9000 for hardware, software and printing
supplies), these costs have not jeopardized MCDS's fiscal soundness;
and at $1000-1400 savings per issue with 8 issues/year, our savings
will be realized at the beginning of the second year of in house
production. At that point our savings, based on previous costs,
will be approx. $8-10,000 per year. This does not take into account
additional income the newsletter receives from advertising revenue.
As you can see from the looks of this issue, the newsletter has
added color photos and has not lost the professional quality that
it established through its relationship with Highland Printing.
Highland Printing deserves recognition for helping us put together
a consistent quality product for many years and our decision to
produce our newsletter in house was primarily a fiscal decision,
not based on any dissatisfaction with our relationship with the
printer. Wishing all of you and your families a happy and healthy
Mitchell L. Weiner D.M.D.
Content Editor
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MCDS members may attend general meetings of all component societies in the state and receive continuing education credit for the program (course) portion of the evening. Component Societies are providing this feature as a benefit Of membership. Individuals wishing to purchase dinner must reserve prior to the meeting by calling the contact person indicated. A complete listing of programs can be found in the members only CE section of the NJDA website ( Be advised that programs involving NJDA officers and staff may not be eligible for credit. Licensees may utilize 7 credits per licensing cycle in practice management courses.
The NJDA Council on New Dentists will be sponsoring a reduced fee course at the annual session in Atlantic City, Saturday, May 22nd. Featuring Dr. Karl Leinfelder: "Clinical Evaluation of Restorative Systems"
All members 10 years out of dental school or less can attend the full day course for only $90.
More details to come in future issues.
Don't Forget These Great Member Benefits
MCDS WEB SITE - (password and user name assigned by Diane Davis at NJDA: 732-821-9400).
MCDS VIDEO LIBRARY - at St. Peter's Hospital - all you need as a MCDS member is a valid ADA membership card to access the extensive video collection.
LAWLINE - Remember LAWLINE if you have a legal question related to your dental practice. As a continuing member benefit, NJDA's General Counsel, Arthur Meisel, Esq. is always available to confer, at no cost, with members.
If you have a question or need assistance, call Mr. Meisel
at his direct-dial number (732) 422-2730 or (732) 821-9400 (NJDA).