President's Message | MCDS Board of Trustees / Committee Reports | Treasurer's Report Detail
NJDA State Board of Trustees Report | Articles | Announcements | Letters to the Editor
President's Message . . . Cavan Brunsden
Directing Your Dental Destiny
Public awareness about new dental techniques and procedures not only increases the public's dental I.Q., but also enhances the profession's image. In order for organized dentistry to truly represent the interests and needs of its members, a nationally organized program that reaches out to our patients is the solution. Does the possibility exist that with proper planning and support, the ADA, NJDA, and MCDS could coordinate their collective energy, manpower, and resolve to significantly influence the dental futures of many, many people? Can we direct their destiny and thereby control ours?
I believe that one of the greatest unmet needs of the dental profession is the need to take responsibility for its own future and for the public's dental health. Prior to my career in dentistry, I remember wondering why there was no public effort being made to combat dental disease, the most common disease known to man. It almost seemed like planned neglect.
Twenty years ago, there was no public advertising of dentistry, There was no marketing, no promotional programs, and no national effort intended to direct our destiny.
Today, efforts are being made to initiate a national public awareness campaign that responds to the collective call of dentists throughout the USA that we take responsibility to control and direct our future. The ADA is taking a stance, on our behalf, and at our request, to finally do the right thing.
This national campaign centers around a media plan that includes prime time TV network news, family comedy, drama and movie placements. Cable TV networks such as Lifetime, Family Channel, USA, CNN, not to mention enormous print coverage in news, lifestyle, parenting and women's magazines. Over 848 Sunday newspapers nationwide will carry our message to 97% of our target audience an average of 23 times during the year.
According to ADA president Dr. David Whiston, "It is not ADA's intent to influence your decision on this important matter. But with a possible price tag of $30 million annually for three years, this project demands your close study." On April 22, representatives from the ADA will meet with NJDA members at a statewide meeting to describe and preview the proposed campaign. Every state dental society will be shown final versions of TV and print advertisements, as well as samples of coordinated materials for use in the dental office.
This year's campaign is to educate the dentists of our organization about the intended three year public awareness campaign and its potential impact on directing our future. Our personal responsibility is to learn the facts, understand the proposed project, and then to develop an informed opinion so that our voice is heard with clarity and truth.
There is an enormous need to make people more aware of the crucial role dentistry plays in their lives and to direct a strong message of our own. It is time for dentistry to direct its future, control its public image and properly respond to the needs and interests of all dentists, on behalf of the public health.
Please take the time and interest to learn more about this campaign. Your delegates to the ADA want to represent your wishes and they need to know how members like you and me feel about this program after weighing all the issues involved. It is up to members to weigh value against expense and to let the delegates know how we want to proceed.
Remember, we are the ADA, NJDA and MCDS.
-Cavan Brunsden, D.M.D., President
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-February 10, 1998-
Attendance: Bloom, Brunsden, Engel, Fertig, Glickman, Kahn, Krantz, Livanos, Perlmutter, Prabhu, Rosen, Silverstein, Villa, Weiner
Acceptance of Minutes-I/13/98-Correction: Under"New Business", Dr. McLaughlin was always chairperson of the Dental Education Council. Vote unanimous with this change.
Treasurer's Report: Previous Balance $21,913.55
C. Bloom, Treasurer Income + Expenses -12,761.71
Current Balance $34,675.26
NJDA Council Reports:
NJDA Board of Trustees-D. Krantz
See full report in this newsletter.
ADA Board of Trustees-J. Leizer
See full report in this newsletter.
Membership-N. Villa
NJDA has reimbursed $882 so far this year for efforts to increase membership.
New Dentists-M. Weiner
Two resolutions were voted on at the last meeting:
Dental residency and dental school visitations will commence in May and June to discuss the benefits of membership.
NJDA will be asked to make the"Job Bank" more visible, and this will be promoted at the residency and school visitations.
Passaic County has a job bank for assistants and hygienists. The Council will investigate getting this in other counties because this is of great benefit to new dentists. Statistically, new dentists have more staff turnover.
MCDS Committee Reports:
Membership Committee-N. Villa
Ten nonmembers came to the January dinner meeting, four of which have sent in their applications. We have eleven new members this year so far, eight of which are women.
All nonmembers and new members will be paired with a Board of Trustees member at the sign-in desk to show them the benefits of organized dentistry, facilitate introductions, and to be sure they are seated for dinner with other veteran members.
Children's Dental Health Month-C. Brunsden
"A Day at the Circus" is scheduled for March 15th.
All school nurses have been sent information for the poster contest. They will bring their school's selected posters to"Nurse's Night" on March 31st. The selected posters will be judged, and the awards will be given during a special presentation on Sunday, April 26th at East Brunswick High School.
Continuing Education Committee-P. Engel
Dr. Steven Seltzer's continuing education course has been rescheduled to Wednesday, May 20, 1998.
Old Business
The two month Special Olympics program was a success. Middlesex County members raised three thousand dollars. Next year's program is being put together.
Princeton Insurance has contracted to advertise in our newsletter for the next six months.
The deadline for using the state approved prescription pads is March 1, 1998.
Good & Welfare
Sy Symanski's 100th birthday is this summer. Plans are being made to have him transported to the September meeting to celebrate.
Respectfully submitted,
Mark Schambra, DDS
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March 1, 1998
Treasurer: Charles Bloom, D.M.D.
Previous Balance
(2/10/98) $34,675.26
Income / Expenses
(1/1/98-1/31/98) $14,769.65/ $5,884.63
Current Balance
(1/31/98) $43,5605.28
1/1/98 Through 1/31/98
TOTAL-INCOME: $15,370.55
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Components societies are no longer allowed to separately post minutes of the State Board of Trustees Report. You can now find the reports at
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National Data Bank Questions & Answers
What other information about me is reportable to the Data Bank?
The Data Bank also receives reports about a) adverse licensure actions; b) adverse actions on clinical privileges; and c) adverse actions on professional society memberships.
What type of adverse licensure actions must be reported to the Data Bank, and who must be responsible for reporting?
State dental boards must report to the Data Bank certain disciplinary actions related to professional competence or conduct, which they take against the license of a dentist. Such actions include revocation, suspension, censure, reprimand, probation or surrender. State dental boards must also report revisions to adverse licensure actions, such as reinstatement of a license.
Licensure matters not related to the professional competence or professional conduct of a practitioner are not to be reported to the Data Bank. For example, adverse actions against a practitioner based primarily on his or her advertising practices, fee structure, salary arrangement, affiliation with other associations or health care professionals, or other competitive acts intended to solicit or retain business are excluded from Data Bank reporting requirements.
What types of adverse actions on clinical privileges must be reported to the Data Bank, and who is responsible for reporting?
Hospitals and other eligible health care entities must report certain adverse actions that they have taken against the clinical privileges of a dentist. The following actions must be reported:
1) A professional review action based on the dentist's professional conduct that adversely affects his or her clinical privileges for a period of more than 30 days; and,.
2) Acceptance of the surrender or restriction of clinical privileges while the dentist is under investigation or in return for not conducting an investigation by the health care entity relating to possible professional competence or improper professional conduct.
Reportable adverse decisions include reducing, restricting, suspending, revoking, denying or failing to renew clinical privileges. Reportable actions must be based on reasons relating to professional competence or professional conduct which affects or could adversely affect the health or welfare of a patient. Adverse actions involving censures, reprimands, or admonishments will not be reported. Hospitals and other eligible health care entities must also report revisions to an adverse action, such as reinstatement of clinical privileges.
If I am terminated from a preferred provider organization (PPO) because of "over utilization", is that considered an adverse action on clinical privileges?
Probably not. Adverse actions on clinical privileges must be reported by any health care entity that a) provides health care services, and b) engages in professional review activity through a formal peer review process. Generally, a PPO does not provide health care services and does not engage in formal peer review. A licensed health maintenance organization (HMO) might fall within this definition, however. Check with your own attorney for guidance.
What types of adverse actions involving membership in professional societies must be reported to the Data Bank, and who is responsible to report?
Professional societies or their committees, which engage in professional review activity through a formal peer review process, must report professional review actions which adversely affect the membership of a dentist. The adverse membership action must be related to the professional competence or professional conduct of a member. Adverse actions involving censure, reprimands, or admonishments will not be reported. Matters not related to the professional conduct or professional conduct of a practitioner as illustrated in the answer to question 2, are not to be reported to the Data Bank.
Are adverse peer review decisions considered adverse actions on professional society memberships?
Most dental society peer review actions do not result in actions which adversely affect membership in the dental society. Only if the peer review committee takes action affecting the dentist's membership that is related to the professional competence or professional conduct of a member, would the action be reportable. The report would be filed with the State Board of Dentistry who would forward the report to the Data Bank. For example, if a peer review committee reports its action to the dental society ethics or judiciary committee which in turn revokes a dentist's membership, that action may be reportable. NJDA Peer Review committee decisions that result in an exchange of money are not reportable as a "medical malpractice payment".
Any questions or comments: Fax Dr. Fromkin at (732) 821-1904
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National Children's Dental Health Month Campaign
This is MCDS's answer to a local public dental health awareness campaign. 188 elementary schools received a dental health packet including poster contest information, nurses continuing education, and an opportunity to participate in the MCDS dental health fair and awards program.
Staff Night, always a well attended and entertaining evening, is
sometimes looked at as a "Doctor's with staff only"
event. In reality, Staff Night is open to ALL of our members,
regardless of whether they bring their staffs or not.
Staff Night has and always will be an opportunity for everyone to
come together for a non-academic entertaining event.
We hope you can attend on May 19, 1998.
A MCDS Special Event
Tuesday, May 19
- An Evening of Fine Food and Entertainment-
A Murder Mystery will be Presented
by the Acclaimed
Actors Mystery Tour
This event is provided for ALL members, regardless of whether they bring staff members or not. In the best interests of proper organization based on the large turnout of this event, pre-registration will be Mandatory this year. A financial incentive will be provided to encourage prompt return of reservations.
Doctors Name ___________________________________________________________________________
Names of Staff Members ________________________________ _________________________________
________________________________ _________________________________
________________________________ _________________________________
________________________________ _________________________________
________________________________ _________________________________
I wish to sit with Dr. ________________________________________and staff. (Note: There are 10 seats to a table. When reserving a table alone or with another office, there must be 10 or fewer seats occupied. Seats cannot be added to a table to accommodate more than 10).
MCDS Member Dentists No Charge
Staff Members: $30. p.p. by April 1st. $32. p.p after April 1st (No Exceptions!)
TOTAL # of Staff Attending: _____________
TOTAL Remittance: __________________
DR. PETER DeSciscio 283 High Street Perth Amboy, NJ 08861
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Member's Views Count . . .
I am very pleased to be part of this great institution we call MCDS. Thanks to the "shmooze time" during the first meeting this year I was able to meet many interesting colleagues including my current employer. This networking sows the path to the future of the new dentists as well as the more mature ones It is a way for those dentists to give back and secure the future of dentistry in the visions of the new members. It also bridges the disciplines and lets you know there are others that are going through or have been through similar experiences.
Although Robert-Wood-Johnson GPR program has enriched me with a high standard of clinical excellence, the majority (and most important things), I have learned this year have been during the "1 on 1" conversations I have had with attendings and colleagues. This is the "stuff' they can't teach in dental school.
The meetings may get out 30-60 minutes later, but the good it does to be able to integrate with our dental family on this personal level has immeasurable benefits. Thanks for the opportunity.
New Member
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