President's Message . . . Cavan Brunsden
The New Millennium
As I begin the year 1998, once again I take stock on where I've been and where I still want to go. I review a myriad of business parameters such as production, collections and overhead, all designed to help me use the past to guide my practice future. My one year goals, and my ten year goals, serve as blueprints upon which I design both my personal and professional future, believing that I do have a voice rather than a random destiny.
MCDS is a progressive constituent member of the New Jersey Dental Association because it is not guided by a random destiny.
Recent years have shown us that our dental society is undergoing a slow but steady transformation into a society that is ready to meet the challenges of the new millennium.
Highlights of this transformation:
As members, each of us values organized dentistry as a source of information that helps us to succeed in the ever challenging dental environment. The ADA News, JADA, this Newsletter, the Capsule, and the NJDA Journal provide member dentists with information that cannot be found anywhere else.
More importantly, I truly feel that the member dentists feel the power of their voices as it shapes the future of this profession.
You and I participate as advocates in shaping dentistry's role in the future of health care in this country. Our voice on a local level is being heard at the State and the National level, and it is being listened to
As this holiday season ends, I wish each of you the best of what the past has taught us, and look forward to a bright future for MCDS as it prepares for the new millennium.
-Cavan Brunsden, D.M.D., President
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Attendance: Brunsden, DeSciscio, Engel, Fertig, Glickman, Huberman, Katz, Krantz, Leizer, McLaughlin, Perlmutter, Rosen, Silverstein, Villa, Weiner.
Acceptance of Minutes last meeting -October 14, 1997 - Unanimous.
Treasurer's Report: | Previous Balance | $31,848.92 |
C. Bloom, Treasurer | Income / Expenses | -6,860.70 |
Current Balance | $24,988.24 |
This year's meeting will likely be more informal than previous years. Many participants will not bring their spouse. There will be a show instead of a dinner dance. Academic programs will start later in the morning to allow participants to drive down on the same day. Six to seven credits will be awarded just for attending the Annual Session for the exhibits and table clinics.
The next meeting will likely be December 10th. Dr. Weiner is now the Council chair. Middlesex County is eligible to have another representative for this council now. The Council's focus will be on dental residency programs. Middlesex County's program was hailed as being one of the best in the state.
PEER REVIEW - W. Fromkin
There is a push for centralization of Peer Review in the state. Every case must come through NJDA and everyone must use the same uniform format. All committee members must attend workshops for training.
Peer Review Q & A will be printed as a column in the upcoming newsletters. Most problems stem from poor communication and record keeping. This could be a possible program for the mentor committee as well. Information will be obtained from NJDA to explore this.
The Council is trying to set up a program where all 40 CEU's can be obtained by attending other component society's meetings. A calendar should be maintained so that all member dentists can be made aware of and attend any meeting.
The Council is monitoring the continuing education regulations for changes.
There is a possible shortage of dental assistants in this area. A training program will be set up if necessary. The dental education fund increased it's interest free loan from $1000 to $1500 for NJ residents attending dental school.
Instead of the former "Night at the Races", this year's fundraiser will be a dinner and a show at the State Theater in New Brunswick. The play will be "How to Succeed in Business". Information will be forthcoming.
Corporate Sponsorship was discussed after the last dinner meeting. A new dinner meeting format may make a sponsorship of the monthly meetings more feasible. One thought was to have cocktail hour in a separate room with hors d'oeuvres and a wine bar where the sponsors would have their booth set up. This cocktail hour would be paid for by the sponsors. A short business meeting would be announced and held in the regular business room. The dinner and academic program would be held after in the dining room. Many other ideas were discussed, and the format will probably evolve as the corporate sponsors are assimilated into the dinner meetings.
93 members were at the last dinner meeting. Additional handouts from that program will be available at the next dinner meeting.
MENTOR Committee
168 people attended the OSHA program and $1700 was collected for tuition fees.
Future presentations will be a medical spending program in February,
a high tech program in March, a computer course in April, and an OSHA course
in June.
Continuing Education Committee-P. Engel
The MCDS full-day continuing education program has been scheduled for April. The featured speaker will be Dr. Steven Seltzer.
Old Business
Corporate Sponsorship/Newsletter-The size of the newsletter will be increased from six pages to eight pages. Twenty-five percent of the newsletter will be for advertisements. The Goal is to receive $800 in sponsorship for each newsletter. The additional cost of the newsletter will be about $300-400. A cover letter and ìorder formî have been made up and will be sent to prospective sponsors.
New Business
It was brought up that there is $4500 in a separate, non-interest bearing account for the Sy Symanski lecture fund. Discussion ensued to simplify the treasury accounts by depleting the funds in this account for upcoming educational expenses and then consider a change in the constitution and bylaws to make a provision to perpetuate the Sy Symanski Lecture. A motion was made to deplete the funds in this separate account. A second motion was made to table the first motion until the constitution and bylaws could be amended. Vote was unanimous to postpone voting on the first motion until such amendments could be made.
ADA announced that it would provide a 50% dues reduction for first time members who do not qualify for any other dues-reduction programs. A motion was made that MCDS follow suit and also offer a 50% dues reduction for first time members. Vote unanimous. Dr. Villa will send a letter and application to all Middlesex County dentists who were never members of the ADA or MCDS.
A motion was made to make a provision in the budget for the meals for the MCDS Board of Trustees meetings to be voted on by the membership. The vote was unanimous, and it will be presented to the membership.
Good and Welfare
Congratulations on the success of the Halloween party at the Old Bridge Municipal Building hosted by Drs. Brunsden and Villa. Using carnival games to teach different health benefits, this was a wonderful opportunity to increase dental awareness with great public participation.
Respectfully submitted,
Mark Schambra, DDS
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TOTAL-INCOME $1,175.90
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Components societies are no longer allowed to separately post minutes of the State Board of Trustees Report. You can now find the reports at
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What's News in NJDA Councils:
Council on Dental Education - NEW CE PROPOSAL . . . Chairman Dr. George McLaughlin reported that NJDA President Dr. Joel Gelbman asked the Council to develop a program that would make CE programs at component meetings accessible to all members. Once implemented, this program, together with the 5-7 hours of free courses available at the NJDA Annual Session, would enable members to satisfy their entire State Board CE requirement. It was emphasized that the value of this benefit exceeds the annual dues amount. The guest member to a component meeting would be responsible for paying the cost of meals should he/she wish to dine.
DENTAL AUXILIARIES . . . Frustration by many members over the dearth of qualified dental assistants in the workforce has resulted in the establishment of a committee, led by Dr. McLaughlin, to review the development of a program to direct individuals into dental assisting careers. Successful programs with high school guidance counselors in seen component society jurisdictions were conducted by the Council in 1992-3.
Legislative Affairs - ASSIGNMENT OF BENEFITS BILL . . . NJDA's William Prentice is trying to either get this legislation posted for a vote in the Assembly Insurance Committee or get the bill removed from that committee and referred to a committee where it can be considered in a timely fashion.
PROMPT PAYMENT LEGISLATION . . . While NJDA has had a bill to require payment of clean claims within thirty days introduced since the beginning of the legislative session,
recently other heath care groups, such as those representing physicians, hospitals and nursing homes, have taken an interest in joining NJDA in support of this concept. Mr. Prentice is speaking with his counterparts representing the other groups and hopes to have a new prompt payment bill ready for introduction in the new legislative session in January.
ADPAC . . . We now have eight of our 13 congressmen supporting PARCA. Senator Toricelli is co-sponsor of the Senate version.
Council on Membership - DUES PAYMENT OPTION FOR NEW DENTISTS. . . When a member who is in practice less than five years uses the NJDA or ASDA endorsed MBNA card to pay dues, there will be no interest on the charge for the first six months.
60% DUES DISCOUNT FOR FIRST-TIME ACTIVE MEMBERS . . .- In response to ADA's 50% discount program for first-time members, a motion was passed by the Council to amend its bylaws to provide a 50% NJDA dues discount for first-time members other than recent graduates (who qualify for their own discount program). As of November 20, 1997, there are 3,647 NJDA members who are paid in full for 1997.
Council on Constitution and Bylaws - NJDA Board of Trustees voted unanimously
to abolish the Council on Constitution and Bylaws.
NJDA Board of Trustees Special Meeting - November 12, 1997
The NJ State Board of Dentistry proposed an amendment to allow a licensed dental hygienist to monitor a patient to whom the dentist has administered nitrous oxide / oxygen inhalation analgesia under certain circumstances. A motion by NJDA Board of Trustees was adopted to urge the State Board to refrain from adopting the proposed regulation. An additional motion was adopted by the NJDA Board of Trustees to recommend two changes to the proposed regulation if the State Board believes that a regulation is necessary: (1) that only one use of nitrous oxide be allowed at a time per doctor and (2) that hygienists must have a least 14 hours of training in nitrous-oxide / oxygen monitoring from a Board approved educational entity.
In addition, the NJDA Board of Trustees voted to oppose a new rule by the State Board concerning regulation of conscious sedation with multiple oral agents.
Both of these regulations voted on by the Board of Trustees appeared in the New Jersey Register (November 3, 1997).
The New Jersey Sales and Use Tax filing was discussed. If your Use Tax is under $2000 for the previous three calendar years, you have to file only once a year but you must fill out a form (Form ST-18B) and send it in. [Web editor's note: If you qualify to file annually, you must file for "non-vendor" status beofre you are allowed to file annually.]
National Data Bank Questions & Answers
If you have any questions on Data Bank or Peer Review you can fax Dr. Fromkin at 732-821-1904.
State Board News
The State Board clarified that a prescription for dental prosthesis does not need to be written on the uniform prescription form approved by the Division of Consumer Affairs. Despite its characterization as a "prescription" it is really a work order.
Responding to an inquiry from the Academy of General Dentistry, the State Board reiterated that it would not accept AGD's printout as documentation of continuing education, Nevertheless, it stated its willingness to revisit the subject if AGD changes its procedure to provide verification or proof that a course was, in fact, taken.
The requirement for branch office licenses applies to full-time and part-time faculty at UMDNJ.
The State Board is considering an inquiry from General Prescription Programs, Inc. questioning whether a list of medications could properly be prescribed by a dentist. In the past, the Board has held that a dentist may prescribe any drug so long as it is related to dental treatment of a patient of record. NJDA is opposed to having a "laundry list" of drugs dentists may prescribe, and will write to the Board on this matter.
NJDA President Dr. Joel Gelbman received a letter from Agnes Clarke, Executive Director of the NJ State Board of Dentistry, requesting that a member of NJDA be appointed to serve on a committee to discuss requiring a mandatory 5th year residency program for all New Jersey dental applicants. NJDA Board of Trustees appointed Dr. Gelbman to serve on this committee.
Legal Report
Mr. Meisel reports that the court heard NJDA's motion for parial summary judgement in the PDK case and NJDA won on every point raised in the brief.. PDK paid itself through August 31st even though they were terminated as of August 16th. PDK should reimburse us for the overpayment. There should be additional money available as a royalty to the NJDA for the marketing and administrative contract for the month of September.
The Liberty Mutual contract to provide auto and homeowners insurance to our members was finalized.
Efforts will be made to secure a timely update of the PIP dental fee schedule in August 1998.
A form of dentist employee manual is being prepared for NJDA members as an additional benefit of membership.
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MCDS is organizing an all-day ski trip the last wednesday of February so that members and their families can enjoy a day of fun, sport, and stress-free re-energization. If interested, please contact Dr. Brian Dubin at 821-7676
Photographer Wanted
NJDA is looking for a member dentist to serve as official photographer
for the 1998 Annual Session, June 3-5, 1998. Must be able to produce professional
quality work and have your own equipment. If interested, please contact
Jayne Wickham, Events Manager (732) 422-2720
Golden Opportunity
Associate position leading to buyout available NOW in thriving 35 year old general practice in North Edison home/office grossing 7 figures. Great practice, great location, great clientele . . . a truly great opportunity to both live and practice in one of the most prestigious locations in Northern Middlesex county.
Call 732-549-4974
Don't Forget These Great Member Benefits:
MCDS WEB SITE - Our address is'njda/member/Component/middlesex/index.html (password and user name assigned by Diane Davis at NJDA: 732-821-9400).
MCDS VIDEO LIBRARY at St. Peter's Hospital - all you need as a MCDS member is a valid ADA membership card to access the extensive video collection.
FULL DAY CONTINUING EDUCATION (NEW!!!) - This Spring, MCDS will sponsor
two continuing education courses from Nationally recognized speakers. More
details to come in next newsletter and on MCDS Web-Site.
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