President's Message || MCDS Board of Trustees / Committee Reports || Council On Dental Benefits
Treasurer's Report Detail || NJDA State Board of Trustees Report || Articles || Announcements
I recently attended the annual
President's and President's-Elect Conference. At this all day
meeting, the NJDA officers, council chairpersons and staff
informed us about the current issues, programs and member
benefits provided to us by our state dental association. This
proved to be a very educational day that left me feeling secure
that NJDA is serving our needs.
After this meeting I decided to compile a list of some of the exceptional benefits that are only provided to member dentists. The New Jersey Dental Association:
1. Provides opportunities to meet state continuing education
requirements at virtually no cost.
2. Has a LawLine, staffed by an attorney, available to members to
answer any questions pertaining to dental practice issues.
3. Provides a thorough dental provider contract analysis upon
4. Operates a third-party problem reporting/resolution system
that has resolved hundreds of problem claims and resulted in
substantial payments to members.
5. Provides legal representation to members at no cost in
connection with issues that affect dentistry.
6. Helps dentists who are seeking employment or who are looking
for associates or partners through its Employment Exchange and
free classified advertising.
7. Provides an on-line information resource on the World Wide Web
which provides the latest in legislative news, on-line
registration forms for NJDA events, announcements, other news,
e-mail accounts and offers opportunities for classified
8. Endorses a variety of highly competitive insurance programs
for members.
9. Publishes the highly regarded, award-winning Journal of the
NJDA and the Capsule, a timely newsletter containing important
dental information.
10. Provides, on request, a model Dental Office Employee Manual
that members can personalize for use in their offices.
11. Produces an annual convention featuring scientific speakers,
exhibits and social activities.
While this list is only a small sample of our member benefits,
there are many additional resources available to us every day
through our state dental association. Remember that while certain
NJDA activities may also benefit the public and/or non-member
dentists, the benefits listed above are only available to member
dentists. I hope this will serve to remind all of you of the
value of your membership and might prompt some non-member
dentists to consider joining. NJDA is there for us - it is our
organization - take full advantage of the services it provides.
Ira S. Rosen, D.M.D.
President, Middlesex County Dental Society
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-October 13, 1998-
Attendance: Brunsden, DeSciscio, Engel, Fahsbender, Fertig, Glickman, Habas, Huberman, Kahn, Kline, Krantz, Lawson, Leizer, Livanos, Perlmutter, Prabhu, Rosen, Rosenheck, Schambra, Silverstein, Villa, Weiner
Acceptance of Minutes-9/8/98-Unanimous with corrections: Profit realized from Annual Session was incorrectly reported. ADA's proposed three-year-plan for dues increase to replenish available reserves are a cumulative increase.
Treasurer's Report: Previous Balance $48,610.81
P. DeSciscio, Treasurer Income/Expenses - 8,567.58 Current Balance $40,043.23
President's Report-I. Rosen
UMDNJ-A. Rosenheck
Dr. Rosenheck has been appointed to be the liaison between NJ Dental School and NJDA and also between NJDS and the ADA.
NJDA Council Reports:
NJDA Board of Trustees-D. Krantz
See full report in the newsletter.
Annual Session-P. Engel
Special Olympics-C. Brunsden
The billboards are up now for most of the state. The printer of the billboards made an error, leaving the NJDA logo off of most of them. To rectify the matter, they are reprinting those with the omission, giving us an additional twenty billboards, and leaving them for an extra month at no charge. The mailing has been done to all member dentists. All contributions will directly benefit NJSO's activities.
ADA Trustees Report-J. Leizer
Membership Council-N. Villa
New Dentists-M. Prabhu, M. Weiner
Council on Dental Benefits-D. Krantz
Insurance Council-R. Kahn
At the direction of the NJDA Board of Trustees, the Council on Insurance is reviewing professional liability carriers. Eight proposals were made and it was narrowed down to two finalists, which are Professional Liability Insurance, Inc. and The Medical Protective Company. NJDA receives royalties from the company it endorses.
Children's Dental Health Month-C. Brunsden
This year's activities include the following:
Peer Review-J. Fahsbender
There were three cases this month and all were settled.
Communications-R. Silverstein
MCDS Committee Reports:
Membership Committee-N. Villa
Mentor-E. Glickman
The next OSHA seminar has been scheduled for Thursday, November 5, 1998 at St. Peter's Hospital. The facility holds 180 people, and 150 are currently registered. A motion was made to subsidize the $2 parking fee. Vote passes 20-1.
Editor's Report-M. Weiner
Thanks to Dr. Bob Silverstein for use of the digital camera during the last dinner meeting. The picture clarity in the newsletter was much better. Drs. Chustckie and Kline got an ad for the newsletter from Benco Dental. This newsletter was mailed to members only. All information for the next newsletter must be received by 10/22/98.
Website-R. Silverstein
The fluoride levels for all NJ towns are now on the NJDA website. There will be a link from the MCDS website to the towns in our area. All the photos are up on the website now.
Program-N. Villa
The cocktail hour at the last meeting was successful, and we would like to repeat that at the January Officers Night. Any business will be discussed right before dinner. A schedule needs to be made for that meeting to keep everything running smoothly for the special presentations to the Life Members and other activities. NJDA sends a mailing to non-members for this meeting and reimburses MCDS for half the cost of non-member dinners up the $15 each. We should also consider sending that newsletter to non-members.
Corporate Sponsorship-R. Kline, J. Chustckie
A sample introduction letter with pricing all potential sponsorship activities was put together. Final pricing needs to be nailed down according to the costs incurred (such as additional pages and postage for the newsletter). The editor does not want more than 25% ads in the newsletter, so that should help to determine appropriate pricing.
Dinner Dance-H. Habas
The committee is looking for corporate sponsors for the dinner dance. The honorees will include all past president's since the last dinner dance, and potentially a special honoree. A Program/Ad Journal committee including Drs. Habas, Schambra, and Livanos will work out the specifics of this task.
A motion was made to re-nominate Dr. Peter Clemente to the UMDNJ Foundation. Vote was unanimous.
Respectfully submitted,
Bruce Huberman, DMD
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November 1, 1998
Peter L. DeSciscio, DMD, FAGD
Previous Balance
(9/30/98) $48,610.81
Income / Expenses
(9/30/98 - 10/31/98)
Current Balance (- 8,567.58)
(10/31/98) $40.043.23
8/31/98 Through 10/31/98
Total -0
Dinner Meeting (September)
Pines Manor $2,853.60
Continuing Education
(Seltzer; Takacs) 3,969.87
Lecture Fees 500.00
Newsletter (September) 1,140.70
Secretarial 60.00
Telephone 43.41
TOTAL EXPENSES -($8,667.58)
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Delta refuses to pay for an extraction if it is done within 30 days of an I&D. Rather than fight Delta on every issue, we want to accumulate a list, with written documentation, of other onerous and objectionable practices (from Delta and other carriers).
Amerident feels that NJDA informed its members that Amerident is not properly registered with the Dept. of Banking and Insurance; NJDA did not so inform. In addition, we requested a legal analysis supporting their opinion that Amerident is not subject to the Dept. of Banking Insurance regulations.
Medicaid instituted a pre-authorization requirement for behavior management. NJDA's discussions with the State might yield no further regulation along these lines, and might ultimately result in greater reimbursement levels. Medicaid is looking for a replacement local agent to replace UNISYS, whose contract is scheduled to expire in Nov. of 2000. Anyone interested?
NJDA opposes including Kidcare with Medicaid managed care, due to access problems. NJDA will be working with the State to resolve these issues.
5. NY LAWSUIT Governor Pataki vetoed an increase in medical fees in NY. DSSNY is taking legal action to compel Gov. Pataki to increase fees above the 10% to 30% level where they are now.
There was correspondence between State Board and legal counsel for Millenium. As Council of Dental Benefits previously suspected, Millenium's proposal arrangement with dentists constitutes impermissable fee splitting. State Board wants to get a list of dentists from Millenium.
There was an August 5, 1998 public meeting regarding this regulation. State Board members want to pursue publication and adoption of this regulation. The American Association of Dental Consultants is encouraging its members to have a massive letter writing campaign to the Board to defeat this resolution. In a nutshell, this regulation would require NJ license, consultants name, phone number and reasons for denial of a claim. More about this in the future.
Long awaited COB regulations were published in the NJ Register on July 20, 1998. NJDA urged adoption, with one small change.
According to regulation, claims for dental procedures cannot be submitted until completed. This is especially true for crown and bridge procedures. If a claim is submitted prior to insertion, the fact that it is not the insertion date must be clearly indicated, or else the doctor can be prosecuted for fraud. This has happened. Further discussions with the State Board are ongoing, especially the situation where there is extensive reconstruction and a significant amount of time will elapse between preparation and insertion.
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Components societies are not allowed to separately post minutes of the State Board of Trustees Report. You can now find the reports at
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Mediation: The First Step in reer Review
By Dr John Fahsbender
There are times when the dentist/patient/insurance company relationship breaks down and an unbiased third party system is called into effect. Usually, patients are upset over what they perceive as poor quality dentistry. Sometimes, they simply want someone to vent their frustrations to. They feel that the communication process has broken down with the dentist and that they have no "voice." A patient may contact NJDA headquarters and ask for help. When this request for mediation is received, it is given a case number and all patient/dentist/insurance company data is required. All parties sign consent forms, agreeing to binding arbitration.
The Chairman of the local peer review committee reviews the information and determines whether mediation is appropriate. Mediation is accomplished by contacting all participants and attempting to reconcile their difficulties. Ideally, the patient would return to the dentist and have him correct the problem. Usually, that does not occur. During mediation, the patient is not examined nor is any conclusion reached as to the validity of the complaint. The results of mediation vary. The dentist could agree to return all, or part, of the fee. The patient could agree to go back to the dentist to fix the problem ' or accept the monetary offer. Both sides must be in agreement. If they are, mediation is successful and the case is closed. If not successful, it is returned to a committee for further action. Mediation should, and does benefit both parties.
Next Month: What if Mediation Fails?
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It's Time for Another
Dinner Dance
April 17, 1999
MCDS Executive Council and Membership extend
their condolences to:
NJDA Executive Director Phil Cocuzza
on the passing of his sister,
Viola Gerardi
Ms Marie Beyer has Joined NJDA as the new Director of membership and communications. She gave a great presentation of possible R&R activities for the future. In conjunction with Erin Murphy from the ADA's membership Department, NJDA will become much more active in the near future in the area of member recruitment. The first meeting of the statewide taskforce is scheduled for Nov. 17.
- Dr. Nancy Villa
Membership Chairperson
Middlesex County Dental Society
"A Great Smile is Always in Fashion"
County-wide School Poster Contest
Pediatrician Awareness Program
County Nurses Continuing Education -Mar. 10, 1999
NJDA at the Circus - "A Family Affair" -Mar. 14, 1999
* Dental Health Fair and Awards Ceremony - Apr. 11, 1999
MCDS members actively support the concept of early preventive dental health education for children. If you wish to participate in the Children's Dental Health Program contact:
CAVAN BRUNSDEN, DMD at 732-679-2323
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