MCDS has attitude. The past accomplishments of MCDS clearly mark our progress and direct us forward in a positive and progressive direction toward exemplary representation of each and every member.
This year, NJDA is venturing into a relationship with the NJ Special Olympics. This relationship of mutual support will fulfill many of our common needs for that now answered question, "Why isn't NJDA providing a statewide dental awareness program?" Well, guess what? We are!!
This unique statewide awareness campaign will raise money for NJ Special Olympics while encouraging more people to visit their dentists. All you have to do is be a part of it. Your individual participation and sponsorship is the fuel that drives the engine of this promotional campaign. NJSO will be spreading the word about this exciting program through print, radio, and outdoor advertising, that will encourage people to visit their participating NJDA dentist. This is a statewide advertising campaign for dental awareness that needs you as a supporter. Not only will you bring a smile to the face of many special Olympians, but you will also help fulfill the need to encourage the public to see their dentists.
The management of our dental society has infused our organization with a new sense of purpose so as to continue our component leadership in the NJDA. Since I joint MCDS in 1981, I have seen many of our members rise through the chairs of our component and onto state leadership as Presidents of NJDA. Harmon Katz, Carl Langber, Joel Leizer, Herb Brossman and Sid Marians have exemplified the true spirit of MCDS, and that is to represent all of us at the highest level.
The commitment of our current board at MCDS as represented by myself, Ira Rosen, Marc Schambra, Sy Symanski, Charlie Bloom, our editor, Mitch Weiner, program chair, Peter DeSciscio, and all of the council chairs, trustees, and delegates, is of the highest level.
Our goad is to provide MCDS with success. Success in continuing education, success in improved membership recruitment and retention, and success in an improved mentor program for our new members. The progress of MCDS over the years should give all of our members a sense of pride and accomplishment as you realize the quality of the excellent representation that you share as a member of MCDS.
During my years as a member of MCDS, I have heard voiced the question, "What is organized dentistry doing for me?" All you have to do is look around you. It starts on the component level, rises to the state level, and goes all the way up to the national level, the ADA.
Thank you for supporting your profession.
-Cavan Brunsden, D.M.D., President
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Attendance: Bloom, Brunsden, DeSciscio, Glickman, Huberman, Kahn, Krantz, Perlmutter, Rosen, Schambra, Villa, Weiner.
Acceptance of Minutes last meeting - April 11, 1997 - vote unanimous.
Treasurer's Report: Previous Balance $28,330.81
M. Schambra, Treasurer Income / Expenses - 3,710.57
Current Balance $24,620.24
The number of new members in MCDS has risen to 19 this year. Certificates of membership in MCDS will be distributed at the May 20th general membership meeting.
Five non-members attended the Mentor Committee's computer course. Each was given an invitation to attend our May 20th CE program. A follow-up letter was mailed to each non-member attendee.
NJDA distributed a long preliminary list of those members who have not yet paid their dues. At this point, unpaid members have received two similar billing notices. The council encouraged NJDA staff to send a "delinquent" letter to these members encouraging them to pay their dues or they will be dropped from our membership roles. We felt that this action would reduce the number of phone calls that the council members would be responsible for. Sample letters are being reviewed.
The Indenture of Trust and Guidelines For Constituents were discussed and reviewed. These two documents set out the purpose of the Relief Fund and the rules and guidelines under which it should operate. It was shown that the Guidelines sets out the format and interview protocol for components to follow in processing an application. Art Meisel, General Council for NJDA, is presently reviewing the Indenture of Trust to ensure we are in compliance with ADA's Trust and IRS regulations.
The Fund's financial accounts were reviewed with the following recommendations made to the staff. Attempt to get a better interest rate for the First Union NOW account and create a comparative report on the Fund's income and expenses for the past 3-4 years. After some discussion, it was decided that the staff shall provide the Board of Trustees a monthly report. The report should be in general form giving the status of our assets, income and expenses and similar information. No specifics regarding recipients will be reported.
The NJDA Website is constantly expanding and feedback on the content of component pages is requested.
Volunteers are needed for the Smile Line at the NJDA Annual Session Friday, June 6, 1997 between 9 am - 5 p.m.
Long range plans included discussion of the direction of the journals and capsules so that there is less overlap and better cost effectiveness and marketing plans for advertising dentistry.
ADA favors direct reimbursement, but this may not work in NJ.
Assignment of benefits legislation is underway so that patients can assign benefits to a dentist regardless of whether the dentist participates in the plan.
ERISA statutes are being revised at the national level.
3rd Party Encounter Forms are available and can be found on the NJDA Website to report all grievances relating to BC/BS and their handling of claims or other problems.
The NJDA insurance plan will again have to be changed from CNA because of a recent 17% premium increase with an additional 30% increase coming soon. NJDA will be considering endorsing a carrier or broker rather than a plan, and NJDA would still continue to receive royalties. NJDA has considered no longer endorsing insurance plans, but they net approximately $100,000/yr. in royalties from these plans.
The Task Force will meet on May 20th after the general membership meeting to discuss the action for the rest of 1997.
A special edition newsletter was mailed to all non-members and members alike which included a membership listing. The non-member list is currently being reviewed to check who may be an ADA member in another component or state.
A mailing went to all non-members for the Loris Computer course and the Marcy Dental Lab course with a membership packet paid for by Marcy Dental Lab, along with paying the $150 room fee. Because of this high non-member turn-out, members of the MCDS Board of Trustees will attend these seminars to distribute membership packets and discuss member benefits.
Due to the growing responsibilities of the Mentor Committee, new committee members are needed. Please contact Dr. Ethan Glickman.
OLD BUSINESS: A motion was made to contribute a $1000 donation to the campaign of Bill Finnegan for ADA president. Vote 10-Yes, 1 Abstain.
The Trenton Thunder trip is scheduled for Wednesday, June 4th. A block of tickets have been reserved for MCDS. Contact Dr. Philip Engel to make a reservation.
NEW BUSINESS: The month of October is designated as the NJDA sponsorship of the New Jersey Special Olympics. NJ dentists who wish to participate can pledge $1/3/5 per patient visit for this worthy cause.
This year's Dental Hygiene Award recipient is Christine Lovelle from this graduating class.
Dr. Villa will put together a proposal to NJDA to reform billing procedures.
- June 10, 1997 -
Attendance: Bloom, Brunsden, DeSciscio, Glickman, Huberman, Kahn, Krantz, Perlmutter, Rosen, Schambra, Villa, Weiner.
Acceptance of Minutes last meeting - May 13, 1997 - vote unanimous
Treasurer's Report: Previous Balance $24,620.24
M. Schambra, Treasurer Income / Expenses - 1,718.96
Current Balance $26, 399.20
1. A $1000 check will be sent to Bill Finnegan's campaign for ADA president.
2. The fee for the ADA Annual Session is going up $35. The funds are going towards building a Research/Testing facility for dental products.
Sy Symanski was presented a lifetime achievement award. A vote will be taken to make this an annual award in his name.
4. The Trenton Thunder game was a success. Many people participated that are not usually in attendance at regular meetings.
5. MCDS received a thank you note from Christine Lovelle, recipient of the Dental Hygiene Award from this year's graduating class.
This meeting centered on the plan for this coming year, including member recruitment, communication of benefits, non-dues revenues, continuing education, and social activities.
MEMBER RECRUITMENT: :A member recruitment action plan was detailed and time-lined (Dr. Nancy Villa, Chairperson). Discussion followed on potential focal points for new members. The committee will consider contacting UMDNJ and other regional dental schools (i.e., Penn, Temple, Columbia, and NYU) and forwarding a copy of the newsletter with an invitation to attend a meeting. These member recruitment activities are paid for by the Field Service. Most likely candidates for new members will be the local dental residents, women dentists, and new dentists. The majority of the committee's efforts will be concentrated there by communicating member benefits.
The Corporate Sponsorship Committee (Dr. Ira Rosen, Chairperson) will be meeting immediately following this evening's Board of Trustees meeting to discuss the parameters for all corporate sponsorship, including continuing education programs, monthly meetings, newsletter advertising, and any other MCDS related subjects. These parameters will be brought back to the Board for discussion and approval.
Continuing education is going to be divided into two separate tasks for 1997-98. The Mentor Committee (Dr. Ethan Glickman, Chairperson) will be scheduling programs and working closely with the Membership Committee to use this as a member benefit and as a tool for member recruitment. The Continuing Education Committee (Dr. Philip Engel, Chairperson) will be scheduling all day programs for the membership for CE credits that feature renowned speakers. Discussion followed to revive the Mentor Colleague Program, study club meetings, and workshops. Some courses to consider are more computer courses, team communication, OSHA, etc.
Preliminary ideas were presented as to different and original social activities for the coming year. The thought was to tap into hobbies and interests of members outside of dentistry, like music, sports, or other outlets. This topic will be revisited in September and communicated in the newsletter and at the monthly meetings.
Stationery needs to be ordered for MCDS. The decision was made to order it with the logo only, and distribute some to each committee member, who can add their name and address by computer so that all correspondence for their committee will come directly to them.
Respectfully submitted.
Ira S. Rosen DMD
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6/1/97 Through 8/1/97
Dues $7,206.95
Interest 40.82
TOTAL-INCOME $7,247.77
Secretarial 108.51
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STATE BOARD REPORT - Dr. Howard Schwartz, NJDA rep.
Dr. Paul Desjardin of UMDNJ recently gave recommendations to the State Board regarding parenteral conscious sedation. He proposed the Board consider adopting a competency-based approach and reduce the number of mandatory training hours from 200 to 80. The recommendations will be studied by a subcommittee of the State Board.
The State Board addressed the issue of agreements by professional management companies. The Deputy Attorney general for the Board indicated that, in her opinion, these agreements are in violation of New Jersey state law.
PRESIDENT'S REPORT - Dr. Ralph Attanasio
The President recommended publishing the names, addresses and other info about new members in every issue of the NJDA Journal, including photos, if available.
During April 17-20, Dr. Attanasio attended the Pennsylvania Dental Society meeting at which Charlie Norwood, dentist and Congressman from Georgia, spoke on the Patient Access to Responsible Care Act (PARCA) and urged every member to contact their Congressman in support to this legislation.
NJ Donate Dental Service is far ahead of schedule concerning donated treatment, completed treatment and donated lab value.
SECRETARY'S REPORT - Dr. Harris N. Colton
Dr. Colton questioned the 199-96 Annual Report from Delta. The report apparently showed that Dental increased their reserves some three million dollars from $58 million to $61 million. He through that we should suggest to Delta that these reserves are adequate and that such funds could be turned into patient benefits or reduced premiums.
Authorization was granted per his contract to provide our General Council/Deputy Executive Director with a leased automobile.
The contract with our internet provider, Batnet, was up for renewal and re-negotiated. The Board approved the new contract with Batnet.
SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: -Dr. Walter I. Chinoy
Dr. Chinoy informed the Board that he was deeply concerned that ADA planned to charge members $129 per year to subscribe to a new newsletter entitled "ADA Legal Advisory". He felt strongly that this type of information should be purely a free member benefit. The Board voted to oppose payment for the ADA Legal Adusory and to seek support from other state constituents over this objection.
MedeAmerica-NJDA endorsed electronic claims provider. Berkshire Life-new underwriter for long term disability insurance. Liberty Mutual-NJDA endorsed for auto and homeowner's insurance NEBCO - administering and marketing of a medical sanngs account for members.
The Board voted to support Dr. William Finagin for ADA President-Elect
and make a donation not to exceed $10,000 to his campaign in line with other
4th District constituents. A donation to the Foundation of UMDNJ was discussed
and tabled until an agreed-upon amount can be approved.
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As a faithful member who has paid his dues over the past 7 years since graduating from dental school, I've always pondered why so many of my dues dollars go to the national arm of the organization, the ADA. I have been fairly active in the MCDS over the years and have seen first hand the countless benefits our county and state dental societies have provided. However, aside from our national political arm, ADPAC, I cannot recite any benefits the ADA has provided that have benefited me personally.
In reality, dentistry is not even recognized as a national profession. We define it as a regional profession, governed by state and regional boards. Outside of my region, I am not recognized as a competent dentist worthy of licensure. Should we continue to so generously support a national organization that is unwilling to fight for our right to practice dentistry in any state that we desire? When will the ADA attorneys represent all interested dues paid members in a class action suit against any and all states that prohibit reciprocity and licensure by credentials? I've seen on the state level by NJDA how competent legal representation has benefited all members (and indirectly, non-members as well). When will the ADA step up to the plate?
Moreover with the proliferation of politically powerful dentists such as Charlie Norwood (GA.) representing our concerns in Congress on a national level, and with federal over-regulation for the moment kept at bay, it seems time for us to shift our resources towards the state and local levels of the organization, perhaps using the extra funds for a much needed dentist-friendly media campaign
Do we need to secede from our national organization in order to succeed with our goals on a regional level? Certainly not. However, I do believe that any membership recruitment and retention problems that we face on a local level have nothing to do with the MCDS and NJDA. Our county newsletters and the NJDA Journal and Capsule have done an excellent job of defining what we have done and what we hope to do on behalf of our members, with tangible evidence. The mailings I receive from the ADA are mostly surveys and solicitations for retirement and insurance plans that I don't need. The ADA News and JADA remain the only thing of perceived value I receive from the ADA for my dues dollars and I fear that many former members felt the same.
The ADA must do a better job at defining what it does with its share
of our dues dollars, so as to change the perception of many members that
this money could be put to better use at the state and local level.
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MCDS Welcomes All of Our New Members
Kenneth Band
Allan Braunstein
Emanuel Dominik
Jan Leahy
Greg Livanos
George Lindner
Beverly Murdock
Nate Poorman
Douglas Klein
The Middlesex County Dental Society extends its condolences to our past president (1993) and present NJDA State Trustee Dr. Dan Krantz on the passing of his mother
MCDS has had a significant increase in the number of applicants this year. We have already received 29 applications for 1997 membership thus far, compared to 20 for the entire year in 1996.
The Council on Membership a special "brainstorming" session in July to identify the member benefits which are most valuable. The majority of the group recommended that NJDA and the component societies work together to provide abundant inexpensive, local: CE programs. (This was the same recommendation made by the women's focus group.)
NJDA's executive board has formed a special committee to create an action plan for recruitment and retention of members The: group includes Tom Morgenstern, John Graeber, Lew Maldonado and Nancy Villa who will work together with Carmine LoMonaco; and the Council on Membership. The ADA's Field Service program was very helpful in providing MGDS with an action plan that has bean very successful. NJDA plans to formulate a similar statewide plan.
Mark your Calendars:
The 1st meeting of the MENTOR COMMITTEE for the 97-98 season will be on Thursday, Sept. 11th. All members are welcome and encouraged to attend. Contact Ethan Glickman at 572-4244 for details.
MCDS WelcomesNew Hospital Residents
Robert Wood Johnson
At 99 years of age, Dr. Sy Symanski has enjoyed a very productive year. In March, Sy was honored with a resolution adopted by the New Jersey General Assembly recognizing his contribution to the profession of dentistry. Just recently, at the NJDA House of Delegates meeting in Atlantic City in June, Sy was presented with the State Association's first Lifetime Achievement Award.
Dr. Ralph J. Attanasio, outgoing NJDA president, recommended that the House of Delegates adopt a resolution naming the award the Dr. Theodore Symanski Lifetime Achievement Award. The House voted unanimously in favor of the proposal.
Dr. Philip Engel, immediate past-president of MCDS, accepted the honor for Sy, who had been hospitalized recently and could not attend the Atlantic City meeting, where he usually would be serving as Chairman of the Credentials Committee and as Sergeant at Arms.
In his concluding remarks at the award presentation ceremony, Dr. Attanasio
said: "Our honoree has lent his wisdom and expertise and has been a
friend and a mentor to countless dentists in Middlesex and throughout the
state. Anyone who called him for advice received the best he had to give.
His life, his leadership and his commitment have been an exemplary measure
of professional excellence and responsible citizenship."
This October, help NJDA bring a smile to some very special faces.
Join us in supporting New Jersey Special Olympics.
Now you can be a part of a unique statewide program to raise money for New Jersey Special Olympics-while encouraging more people to visit their dentists in October!
Simply make a pledge of $1 or more for each patient who visits your office during the month of October
New Jersey Special Olympics will be spreading the word about the program via print, radio and outdoor advertising, while promotional materials such as posters, reminder cards and counter displays will be provided for use in your office.
Don't miss this great chance to join the Special Olympics team! For your
Participation Kit, or for more information, call New Jersey Special
Olympics at (800) 336-NJSO, or NJDA at (732) 821-9400.
The NJDA endorsed non standard health insurance plan will be terminated on October 1, 1997. If you are in this plan, you should have received a registered letter informing you of this situation. NEBCO will be contacting you to assist in getting you into another plan or you may seek your own alternatives. The state health insurance reform will allow you to go to any plan you choose. Underwriting is no longer required.
A valid ADA membership card from a MCDS member is all that is needed to access the extensive video collection located at St. Peter Hospital Library. (Hundreds of current dental videos are available).
Dr. Joseph Fertig has arranged for this additional membership benefit that should provide all of our members with videotapes on subject matter ranging from 'Current Bonding Techniques' to 'Staff Management and Benefit Determination.'
Additional information and a listing of available titles is available
by contacting the St. Peter's Library or Dr. Joseph Fertig.
Old but Functional Curing Lights
The Middlesex County College Dental Auxiliaries Education Program recently received the donation of a curing light from MCDS members Ethan Glickman and Jack Kurlansik of Park Dental Group in Highland Park. Elaine Buscemi, Chairperson of the Education Program, was very appreciative and said the light could be put to excellent use in their clinic. If any of our members have old but functional curing lights that may aid in the education of sealant application, etc. to the auxiliary students at MCC, please contact Elaine Buscemi or Peggy Hilton at: MIDDLESEX COUNTY COLLEGE
Dental Auxiliaries Department
Woodbridge Ave., Edison, NJ
906-2580 or 906-2636
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In a recent telephone conversation, NJDA Legal Counsel Arthur Meisel provided up-to-date information to our Managing Editor on pending legal matters.
Last year, BC/BS terminated without cause the participating agreements of a number of member dentists. NJDA Legal Counsel has represented, at no charge, all member dentists who requested representation in a suit challenging the termination. BC/BS made a motion for summary disposition asking the Appellate court to affirm the decision of the trial court dismissing the complaint. An update will be given at the September general meeting. Regardless of the ruling, NJDA is prepared to take this matter as high as the State Supreme Court on behalf of its member dentists.
As a result of the recently enacted state Auto Reform Legislation, the provision regarding PIP's dental fee schedule that was reviewed in court was changed by the legislature. As a consequence of the change, our lawsuit was mooted. However, it is now required that the Commissioner of Banking and Insurance adjust the PIP fee schedules (including dental) for inflation every two years.
NJDA Legal Counsel appealed the adoption of the new Safe Drinking Water Act listing dental offices as potential facilities where cross-contamination of the public water supply can occur. Mr. Meisel filed a brief with the State Appellate Division. The State Attorney General requested a 30 day extension to file a brief which was granted. Two days before the extension was to run out, Mr. Meisel received a call from the State Attorney General seeking to settle the appeal by asking the DEP for further consideration as to whether dental offices should be deleted from the list. In the interim, the DEP will not enforce the regulation as it applies to dental offices.
- Contributed by Dr Mitch Weiner
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