WHEN LOOKING-UP-TO-THE-SKY AT-NIGHT, one starts thinking of the stars,
life on other planets, and what we can learn. Even though there was no representative
from Middlesex County Dental Society aboard the Starship behind the Hale
Bopp Comet, members of our society were treated to many exciting things
happening right here on Earth. One doesn't have to travel light years across
the galaxy to experience them either.
Assuming aliens have teeth, their dentists may not be concerned with
managed care. There are probably much higher powers on different planets
than the State Board, but aliens would be impressed with ourMentor Program,
New Member Committee, Continuing Education, and our Website. We have a very
supportive membership which has grown this past year thanks to all of you.
The Mentor Program and Membership Committees have mind-melded so the benefits
of affordable continuing education can be promoted and made available on
different week days. We unalienate new members to make them feel welcome
at each meeting and seek their participation in committee activities.
Our Website, which has received praise from NJDA, compliments our Newsletter by disseminating information to members worldwide. Social activities, organized by our society, like the ski trip and upcoming Trenton Thunder game make everybody more comfortable.
When Hale Bopp returns we will be better prepared to offer more member benefits, more involvement and more information to members. There will not be a need to travel the whole universe. We have a lot of good people in our dental society.
See you at the next meeting.
Phil Engel
NOTE: At the May meeting we will be voting on the proposed budget for 1997-1998 and officers for next year. New members will be inducted.
The Board of Trustees of the MCDS had initiated goals for increasing member benefits, providing quality continuing education, and recruitment and retention of membership. Everyone has contributed. A special acknowledgment to Ethan Glickman, Joe Fertig and Nancy Villa. Their efforts and ability to get things done to accomplish these goals are greatly appreciated.
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Attendance: Brunsden, Engel, Fromkin, Glickman, Huberman, Kahn, Krantz, Leizer, Perlmutter, Rosen, Schambra, Symanski, Villa, Weiner.
Acceptance of Minutes last meeting - March 11, 1997 - vote unanimous.
Treasurer's Report: Previous Balance $32,517.48
M. Schambra, Treasurer Income / Expenses - 4186.67
Current Balance $28,330.81
NJDA organized a focus group of women dentists to gain information as to why the market share of women in NJDA is lower than that of men. The group determined that the barriers to full participation of women in organized dentistry are similar to that of any member who may be "new" to the group. Secondly, women dentists who are also involved in raising children may have more demands on their "free" time than a male in the same family situation.
The group strongly recommended that NJDA develop a statewide recruitment and retention program which is based on the ADA's Field Service Program. Erin Murphy of the ADA volunteered to work with Carmine LoMonaco of the Membership Council to help deveop a statewide plan.
Regulatory Affairs:
· State Board of Dentistry unamimously voted to publish for rule-making the dental consultant regulation submitted by NJDA. This calls for a consultant to be a NJ licensed dentist.
· There are currently five proposals pending that would deal with the poroblem of the long delay in getting regulations published in the New Jersey Register, a necessity before any regulation can be adopted.
· No increase in registration fees is anticipated for the next renewal of licenses.
· NJDA is looking into the growing effort of professional management companies to purchase dental practices. These efforts may violate the Dental Practice Act.
Legislative Affairs:
· There was a joint hearing scheduled on March 10 of the Assembly and Senate Health committees at which time they were going to consider and approve the Health Care Quality Act.
· NJDA is working with the Department of Human Services to try to get additional funding for the Donated Dental Service program for the next fiscal year.
· Senator Cardinale has introduced legislation which amends the law requiring providers who treat PIP patients to notify the relevant auto insurer within 21 days of commencing treatment. If the patient does not provide the necessary information to the treating dentist, and this results inn the dentist not meeting the 21 day rule, any monetary penalty the dentist suffers for not meeting the deadline can be billed to the patient.
The "Roadmap to a Successful Dental Practice" is nearly completed and is anticipated to be printed and released in the Fall. The council is also sponsoring a speaker on Dental Esthetics and Practice Management.
A meeting of the MCDS Field Servive Task Force has been scheduled following our May 20th general meeting.
Respectfully submitted.
Ira S. Rosen DMD
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3/1/97 Through 3/31/97
Interest 239.96
Staff Night 5,373.50
TOTAL-INCOME $ 5,613.46
Dinner Meetings 7,867.10
Lecture Fees 375.00
Mentor Committee 258.82
Newsletter 945.21
Reimbursement 300.00
Secretarial 54.00
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Dues $ 45,000.00
Staff Night 5,000.00
Continuing Education-Income 3,500.00
Exec. Com. Dinner Payments 1,000.00
50/50 Drawings 500.00
Interest 300.00
Dinner Meetings 4 28,000.00
Newsletter 10,000.00
Lecture Fees 4,500.00
Continuing Education Expense 4,200.00
Donations 1,000.00
Exec. Committee. Dinners 1,000.00
TVS Honorarium 1,000.00
TVS Insurance 775.00
TVS Telephone 200.00
Secretarial 500.00
Children's Dental Health Month 500.00
Plaques 450.00
Memorial/Gifts 400.00
Insurance 300.00
Mentor Committee 300.00
Telephone 200.00
Office Expenses 200.00
Audio/Visual Equipment 175.00
Name Badges 100.00
Contribution to Available Reserve 1500.00
EXPENSES $ 55,300.00
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STATE-BOARD - Dr. Howard Schwartz
· After July 1, 1997 - State mandated vendors of prescription forms will be the sole source to prevent misuse. Non-transferable, non-erasable paper is to be used for all prescriptions.
· The issue of increasing the number of RDH from two to three per dentist in each office has been tabled until the May meeting. NJDA and NJ Periodontists are in support of this increase.
UMDNJ - Dr. Robert Saporito (Acting Dean)
· Applications - 1100, Ave. GPA: 3.2, 40% female applicants
· UMDNJ and the School of Allied Health Services, have and will continue to par- ticipate with NJDA in their activities to promote dental health care. NJDA Day at the Circus, Liberty Science Center and Special Olympics are mutually supportive activities.
· UMDNJ is initiating a parents/student orientation program to assist the students progress through dental school.
· NEBCO - Sam Fleet, President - The board approved a PPO inclusion in the NJDA endorsed health plam.
· MBNA presented NJDA with $80,000 royalty for its endorsement. This is the first payment of this year's royalty.
· Direct Reimbursement Plan for Staff Dental care was proposed so as to improve dental care access for staff, decrease cost to NJDA, and increase benefits.
· Resolution regarding retired life members and retired members that choose to earn income for dentistry, were passed on to the house.
· Bally Tower Rooms are sold out but overflow rooms are still available.
· Register on-line is now available.
· Exhibitors are advertising on-line.
· Next year's Annual Session is Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
· BC/BS: On 3/16, trial judge signed an order dismissing the suit so we will pursue this issue.
· PIP: Department of Insurance records on dental fee reviews is still ongoing.
· Member derntists are advised that they are at risk if they participate with practice management companies that may be in violation of state law regarding practice ownership on fee-splitting.
· Legislation regarding assignment of benefits is before the house and assembly and is being considered of becoming a bill.
· Medical waste: Monthly logging requirements are eliminated and you are required to dispose of waste at least once per year.
· May 7 - NJ Dental Federal, PAC is sponsoring the "Night at the Races".
· Dr. Jeff Van Drew from Atlantic/Cape May is running for state office.
Respectfully submitted Dr. Cavan Brunsden
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The Middlesex County Dental Society has undergone some enormous changes in the past several years. Our dental society has continued to grow into a well managed organization with an eye to the future and this has occurred as the result of the efforts of many dedicated and hard-working leaders.
Without going into each one individually, let's just say that they all possessed, individually and collectively, many of the same leadership qualities that have brought us to our present level of excellence. Their dedication to our organization is measured by their untiring efforts and determination that inspires so many others to reach similar levels of achievem
The 90's have provided us with many very strong executive committees consisting of Phil, Joe F., Joe P., Dan, Rich, Bill, Arnie and Sy. These unselfish and true visionary leaders of MCDS have worked together over the years and we are a stronger organization because of them. Let's take a look at the results of their efforts!
This past year has allowed us to report the news, with fairness, and in a creative and professional manner. Our dental society has grown and developed into an organization we can all be proud of.
The future holds many things for all of us, but one thing that we can be sure of is that MCDS will continue to grow, to represent its members, and to unify all of us in this wonderful profession of dentistry.
Cavan Brunsden
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Dr. Normal Betts' Presentation Met With Great Approval
Dr. Charlie Bloom's selection of Dr. Norman Betts of UMDNJ as our speaker at the April 15th meeting was met with great approval. His presentation on Sinus Lifts was informative, stimulating, and further evidence of the growth of our academic program.
MCDS wishes a warm welcome to the following new members:
Daniel Armento
Daniel Boden
Cynthia Butcofski
Lynda Chen
Michael Conte
Elizebeth Elia
David Ernst
Paul Ferguson
Edwin Galkin
Paul George
Robert Goetz
Wael Ibrahim
Salim Nathoo
David Pipitone
Jacqueline Reid
Vivian Rivleo
Paul Szott
Andrew Weisinger
Wonhi Yoo
President Cavan Brunsden
President-elect Ira Rosen
Vice President Mark Schambra
Secretary Sy Symanski
Treasurer Charles Bloom
ADA Delegate Joel Leizer
ADA Alt. Delegate Peter Clemente
NJDA Trustee Daniel Krantz
NJDA Alt. Trustee. Joseph Perlmutter
These positions will be voted on at the general meeting in May
As the % of women graduates have increased, so has their representation in organized dentistry. Many dental schools have between 40 - 50% of their classes represented by females.
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