At our general membership meeting in January, we will vote on the recommendations made by the continuing education committee and the executive board to allow corporate sponsorship for continuing education courses. Sponsorship from corporations will provide non-dues revenue to allow the Middlesex County Dental Society to provide quality continuing education courses in a local setting at a reduced tuition for members. As a group our programs are very attractive to advertisers, and with proper guidelines we can benefit.
The disadvantage of corporate sponsors for lectures is that there will be advertising at a lecture which we want to be impartial or free of someone wanting to sell something. The advantage of sponsorship is receiving continuing education credits locally at a reduced fee for members. This membership benefit can be used to attract and maintain new members. Guidelines for sponsors will be similar to those used by NJDA for its continuing education courses to prohibit endorsement of one product over another.
Will Middlesex County Dental Society be renamed Alpo Dental Society? NO.
Allowing sponsorship from corporations will help the sponsor advertise and will help our dental society. The fact that Middlesex County Dental Society will soon have 2 area codes does not mean we have become larger or more complex, it means it costs more to make a phone call.
See you at the next meeting.
- Phil Engel
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Attendance: Bloom, Brunsden, Engel, Glickman, Huberman, Kahn, Perlmutter, Rosen, Schambra, Silverstein, Symanski, Villa, Weiner. Acceptance of Minutes last meeting - Oct. 8, 1996 - vote unanimous.
Treasurer's Report: | Previous Balance |
$23,911.63 |
M. Schambra, Treasurer | Income / Expenses |
3,185.53 |
Current Balance |
20,726.10 |
An ADA member came to speak to NJDA membership task force on communicating member benefits.
The NJDA Council on New Dentists is currently working on a NJ State version of the ADA's "Road map to a Successful Dental Practice" booklet. It is slated to be completed by Fall 1997.
Invitations have been made to nonmembers to be at the next full meeting of MCDS.
The ProDentec course was a success and brought a net profit to MCDS. A new mentor/mentee program is being established and called the "Colleague Program" consisting of a senior and junior partner. An exchange program is being considered with other counties. Logistics of computer lectures are being thought out. New "staff included" seminars are sought for future programs. Revitalizing study clubs that would incorporate nonmembers are also on the agenda. Other corporate-sponsored programs (like the ProDentec course) are being considered because of their minimal cost to MCDS.
Dr. Robert Silverstein gave a report and demonstration on the MCDS web page. Logistics for a demonstration for the full membership in a "table clinic" setting is being considered.
The Continuing Education Committee recommends that MCDS pursue sponsorship of continuing education programs for members and staff. A motion was made to pursue sponsorship and seconded. Vote unanimous. A motion was made to endorse all minutes of the 11/5/96 meeting of the Continuing Education Committee. Vote unanimous.
A $1000 donation will be made to St. Peter's Medical Center for the use of the facility for continuing education programs.
Respectfully submitted.
Ira S. Rosen DMD
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Previous Balance |
(9/30/96) | $23,911.63 |
Income/Expenses |
(10/1/96-10/31/96) | $-3,185.53 |
Current Balance |
(10/31/96) | $20,726.10 |
| |
| |
| |
Dinner Payments | 140.00 |
Dues | 871.50 |
Gifts | 120.00 |
Total Income |
$1,131.50 |
| |
Dinner Meetings | 2,062.70 |
Executive Committee Dinner | 123.00 |
Lecture Fees | 500.00 |
Memorial Gifts | 180.00 |
Name Badges | 73.07 |
Reimbursement | 121.90 |
Newsletter | 1,199.36 |
Secretarial | 57.00 |
Total Expenses |
$4,317.03 |
Total Income/Expense |
$-3,185.53 |
DELTA DENTAL: New CEO - Dr. Brent Martin
TREASURER'S REPORT:- By Dr. Richard Riva
- Respectfully submitted, Cavan Brunsden, D.M.D., State Trustee
PRESENTATION: By Dr. Emil (Gus) Capetta
TREASURER'S Report By Dr. Richard D. Riva
LEGAL REPORT: By Arthur Meisel
Respectfully submitted by Cavan Brunsden, State Trustee
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The subject of membership appears to be getting "tougher" day by day. Getting new members is not easy and retaining the new member is downright, a most difficult thing. Membership is a matter that comes from the heart (the editor is a member of 73 years).
What is the cause for loss of membership in organized industry? The Middlesex County Dental Society is a prestigious organization . . . not everybody can become a member. Becoming a licensed registered dentist requires a great deal of time and a small fortune. When opening an office, just holding an explorer and mouth mirror is not enough. One needs exposure that will add esteem to the office. Instead of free toothbrushes to the first 3000 patients, the very first thing is to become a member of the A.D.A and of course the other two groups in the area. This will bring you together with your fellow dentists and they can tell you what they did to get exposure.
Does the matter of dues enter into your thoughts? Take time to think, make believe you are "Hamlet" and say to shine own self To Be Or Not To Be A Member.
The point of this editorial is this . . . JOIN THE A.D.A FOR YOUR OWN
hours on the third Tuesday join anyhow. When you become a Life Member you
will receive a very nice button which will have engraved thereon I am A
Life Member And I Dedicated Part Of My Life to the A.D.A. You will be glad
you did and so will the Middlesex County Dental Society.
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Our web site is up and running! You can access our home page through NJDA's site. The address is (no period after "html"). In order to connect to the site, you must have a username and password, which is assigned by Diane Davis at NJDA. You can contact her at 821-9400, or e-mail her at [email protected] or [email protected].
Currently, the site has information on the 1996-97 Program, meeting information, and directions to the Pines. There are also many useful links to dentally related sites, dental schools, and links are provided to contact your Congress members, and to get MSDS sheets.
The site is best viewed with Netscape's Navigator version 3.0 or greater, Microsoft's Internet Explorer version 2.1 or greater, or AOL's browser version 2.7 or greater.
Not on-line yet? There are many service providers that provide Internet access in our area (almost 200), most of which charge about $20 per month for unlimited access. America Online just changed their pricing structure to $19.95 per month for unlimited access. If you are not using a service such as America Online, you will need a SLIP or PPP account with the service provider in order to use a graphical interface. There are several other things to look for in a provider:
1. When can you access the service?(i.e. without paying a higher charge for the access) Only in the evenings or anytime?
2. How many members per phone line/modem does your ISP have? The lower the number the better. Some ISPs have a maximum limit and will not accept any new members till they increase their incoming lines and modems. You don't want to get a busy signal every time you try to connect.
3. What other services does your ISP provide? Can you use Telnet, FTP, IRC, Gopher, WAIS, etc. with your account. Most ISPs will provide this.
4. Do you get any space to put your web page up? How much space do you get? Are you limited to just one page? Is there an extra charge for this? Are there any restrictions on what you can put up on your page?
5. Is there a limit on hits or transfers from your web page? Is anonymous FTP available from your web area?
6. Can you install CGI scripts in your area? Is this restricted to PERL scripts? Can you compile your C scripts in your account? (Most ISPs will NOT allow compiling of programs on their machines ... you will have to compile and then upload)
7. Can you use the chmod command to change access permissions for files that you put up or directories that you create?
8. How good is the Tech service? Are they experienced with your particular computer system (PCs and/or Macs)? Will they provide you will all of the software that you need to connect to their site (i.e. scripts for use with SLIP or PPP access)? Do they get back to you?
9. Do they have a trial period? Some ISPs allow you to use your account for 15 days before you decide whether you want to keep them or not. This allows you to see whether it is difficult to connect, etc. ...
10. Some ISPs will provide free software like Netscape etc. .. but this in my mind is not an important factor as you can download most of these programs for free ...
11. You might want to pick one who has been around for a while. Someone who can provide upgrades and installations of lines like 56k, frame relay, fractional T1, etc. .. is a better bet than someone with just a few phone lines...
12. What kind of connection do they have to the phone company - digital or analog. If you want to be able to take advantage of the new modem protocol (56-Kbps), the service provider must be connected digitally to the phone company (the only analog connection is between you and the phone company).
You can find a list of service providers for NJ at
If you would like me to send you a list (on disk since it is 90 pages long) of service providers for NJ, please write me at 636 Easton Avenue, Somerset, NJ 08873 (please include your name, mailing address, and specify the disk format-Mac or PC. I would also appreciate your including $1 to cover the cost of the disk and postage, since this is at my own expense). I would also be glad to help you with any Internet related questions you may have.
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We as Dentists, are one of the very few professions which live by the word, Prevention. This is the key to what we provide for our patient. In my short story of life, prevention is the reason I am here today, to tell you, my peers, the following event.
As most of you know I am an avid sports participant, i.e. tennis, cyclist and fisherman. In late September while playing tennis I felt a weird and unusual shortness of breath and pain in my right shoulder. The discomfort would not go away as soon as the point was over. After a few weeks of these symptoms (they were not severe by any means), I decided an ounce of prevention was needed, and went to see my physician. After an examination and EKG, we decided I would go for a Thallium Stress Test. Didn't have the CLIFF NOTES and failed. Next up, Catherization, which was followed by an emergency by-pass surgery. They told me I had a genetic 90% plus blockage of my main left coronary artery. It's called the Widow Maker. If an attack had happened, there was no chance of survival. The moral of this story is, listen to your body and think prevention.
I would like to thank all of you for your blessing, and support during my time of need.
Have a happy and healthy New Tear and think prevention!
-Bill Fromkin
Chairperson: MCDS Peer Review
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The new dentist of today faces an array of evolving challenges to his/her struggle to succeed. It is certainly not uncommon today to find a recent graduate with $100,000 to $125,000 in debt between college and dental school costs. In fact, this new dentist will be the norm come the 21st century. Coupling this vision with the recent graduate's inability to find financing for the purchase of an existing practice due to a heavy debt load and no assets should make most existing practice owners squirm. The unfortunate result of this trend will be that the practice sale of the 21st century will, for the most part, be financed by the dentist alone and not by a lending institution. The profession has gone through a de-evolution from financial independence to financing our patients treatment and now to financing our own practice sales.
Historically speaking, we have reached a defining moment in the profession. Dentists who graduated in the early-late 1970's, in which class sizes were 50-100% larger that they are today, are now in the peak productivity years of their careers. Many older practitioners have remarried and started new families, forcing them to abandon retirement due to being faced with the additional financial demands of alimony and/or child support/college tuition payments. This has led to unfavorable dentist to patient ratios, igniting the flames of managed care/PPO's. Furthermore, as these 40-50 something and these senior dentists continue to practice, their practice values reach a stratosphere that no recent graduate will be able to touch and no bank will be willing to finance. Discouraged, recent graduates often stay in dead-end associateships with slim buy-out potentials. Those who do buy practices either have too few patients (making them easy prey for managed care/PPO's) or too many patients with needs beyond the scope of their expertise and training. Buying practices with these shortcomings has become more prevalent and banks are beginning to realize that dental practice finance is no longer a low risk/sure profit venture. Unless some drastic changes are made at this pivotal point in the profession's history, both retiring dentists and new dentists will have underwhelming futures to look forward to.
What can we do at this point in time to afford all ages of the profession a prosperous future? For new dentists, we must push vigorously for a nationalized clinical board exam that allows freedom to pursue the practice of dentistry in the most demographically advantageous area of our country. This will help all ages of practitioners out by creating better dentist to patient ratios throughout the country. Additionally, we desperately need deductibility of student loan interest for out recent graduates. This tax break will be especially helpful during the early years of growing a new practice. Lastly, we need to expand both the number as well as the duration of our dental residency programs. Recent graduates need more time to conquer the newer technologies and the broader demands of dentistry in the 21st century. More experienced and confident residency graduates that are comfortable with high tech office equipment will be able to assume the productivity levels of a selling dentist in a practice transaction and thus make the banking institutions more amenable to financing practice sales in the future.
For senior practitioners who are contemplating retirement, there couldn't be any better time to sell your practice. It wouldn't surprise me if you worked harder in 1996 to maintain or do less than your production in 1995. Consistent stagnation in productivity will not yield you top dollar for your practice. Sell now while you're patients are still loyal to you and not some list of participating dentists and the intrinsic value of your goodwill is preserved.
For 40-50 something practitioners, remember that when it's your turn to sell, there will be too many practices and not enough buyers. This should lead you to not only cultivate a strong relationship with your associate(s)), but also to invest the time teaching the associate the entire scope of your clinical and business skills so that when selling time comes the associate will fit your practice like a glove. This may also increase your chances of the buyer obtaining bank financing. Of course, with increased openness will come increased demand for tougher restrictive covenants (and this is only fair). Lastly, it should be kept in mind that future buy-out agreements where dentists must self finance will have to be spread over longer periods of time due to the buyers existing debt load and will likely be commenced at least 10 years before the seller retires.
We are clearly at a time in our profession where we must analyze the
direction we are going and make the necessary corrections to set us back
on course. Private practitioners of diverse ages must band together not
only for their own self interest but also for the future prosperity of the
dental profession. - By Mitch Weiner
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The of officers and class representatives of the Executive Committee of UMDNJ alumni cordially invite you to attend a dinner being held in honor of Dr. Arnold Rosenheck. The New Jersey Dental School Alumni Association wishes to present Dr. Rosenheck with an honorary membership in the Association in recognition and gratitude of his meaningful and dedicated stewardship of the UMDNJ Board of Trustees and for his friendship and support of the Dental School and of the dental profession. The presentation will be at an informal dinner meeting on Tuesday evening, February 4, 1997 at 7:30 pm at the Spain Inn in Piscataway. It is our sincere hope that you will be able to join us for this special evening. Your attendance will add to the significance and impact of the evening. Please contact Dr. Araceli Ziemba at (908) 287-0588 prior to Jan. 15, 1997 with your intention to attend. The cost of the dinner is $30 and your check should be made payable to the Dental Alumni Association.
The officers and class representatives of the Executive Committee look forward to you joining us for this very special evening. Please join us as we honor the outstanding accomplishments and service of the 1997 Community Leaders of Distinction.
MCDS is organizing an all-day bus trip so that members and their families can enjoy a day of fun, sport, and stress-free re-energization. If interested, please contact Dr. Brian Dubin at 821-7676