Resolved, that the bylaws of MCDS be amended such that the current Article V reflects the additional associate editor necessary to facilitate in-house publishing of the MCDS newsletter. All changes are in bold print. Additions are underlined and deletions are (bracketed).
Section 1. Eligibility. The Editor and Associate Editors must be fully privileged
Members of this Society in good standing.
Section 2. Nomination. The President-Elect shall select the Editor and Associate
Editors who shall serve during the President-Elect’s term as President.
Section 3. Term of Office. The Editor and Associate Editors shall serve for a term of one (1) year or until a successor is confirmed. The Editor’s and Associate Editors’ term shall commence with the installation of the new Officers.
Section 4. Vacancies. In the event of a vacancy in the office of Editor, the President shall nominate a new candidate, who must be confirmed by a majority vote of the Board of Trustees of this Society; such candidate may serve as interim Editor to assure timely publication of the Bulletin, until the next regular meeting of the Board of Trustees. In the event of a vacancy in the office of either or both Associate Editors, the President may optionally nominate a new candidate, who must be confirmed by a majority vote of the Board of Trustees of this Society.
Section 5. Duties.
a. It shall be the duty of the Editor:
1. To be the Editor of the Bulletin of this Society and to exercise editorial supervision over that publication, subject to the policies of this Society, the directives of the Board of Trustees and the provisions of these Bylaws.
2. To serve as a member of the Board of Trustees of this Society.
3. To perform other such duties as prescribed by these Bylaws or as directed by the Board of Trustees.
b. It shall be the duties of the Associate Editors:
1. To assist the Editor with the publication of the Bulletin of this Society.
2. To serve as ( a ) members of the Board of Trustees of this Society.
3. To coordinate commercial sponsorship, and
advertisement within the Bulletin of this Society;
and direct it’s layout, design, and publication.