
Section 6. Dues.

a. Active and Recent Graduate Members. The dues of active and recent graduate members shall be established by the Board of Trustees and be due January I of each year, plus current NJDA and ADA dues. The dues for an active member who receives no other discounts, and who has never been a member of the American Dental Association, shall be at fifty percent (50%) of dues for the first year of membership. Student membership in this Association or any other student dental organization does not disqualify the applicant for this discount. A recent graduate member shall not be required to pay dues for the remainder of the calendar year following graduation from dental school or completion of internship, residency or full-time graduate course which was begun upon graduation from dental school; thereafter, dues shall be twenty-five percent (25%) of full active dues for the first full year, (and) fifty percent (50%) of full active dues for the second full year, and seventy-five percent (75%) of full active dues for the third full year. In order to qualify for the second and third year recent graduate member discounts, a member must have maintained continuous membership from graduation of dental school or completion of internship, residency or full time graduate course.


General Membership Meeting

Section 4. Meetings

b. Lt. Col. T. V. Symanski, D.D.S. Memorial Lecture Meeting. The Society shall use one meeting per year to honor the memory of “Sy” Symanski for his many years of extraordinary dedication to the Society. A plaque stating such shall be presented by the Society to the speaker at a special program.



Section 5. Term of Office

a. President, President-Elect and Vice President, (Secretary and Treasurer). The President, President-Elect and Vice President (Secretary and Treasurer), shall serve for a term of one (1) year or until their successors are elected and installed.

b. Secretary and Treasurer. The Secretary and Treasurer shall serve for alternating terms of two (2) years or until their successors are elected and installed.

Section 8. Duties.

a. President. It shall be the duty of the President:

6. To serve (as chairperson of) on the Committee on Nominations.

12. To be (the alternate) a 2nd signatory of this Society's checking account.

b. President-Elect. It shall be the duty of the President-Elect:

6. To appoint an Editor and Associate Editor who will serve during the President-Elect's term as President, as provided in Article V of these Bylaws.

9. Appoints the Program Committee's chairperson to serve during the President-elects term as president.

10. To serve as chairperson of the Committee on Nominations.

11. To monitor, log and respond to all telephone calls made to the Society's telephone voice mail service.

c. Vice-President. It shall be the duty of the Vice president:

4. To serve as Chairperson of Constitution and Bylaws Committee.

d. Secretary. It shall be the duty of the Secretary:

5. To be the custodian of the minutes and records of all meetings of the General Membership and the Board of Trustees of this Society and to deliver it all to the succeeding secretary .

e. Treasurer. It shall be the duty of the Treasurer:

10. To arrange for co-signatures on all checks (over $500.00).



Section 4. Standing Committees.

a. Committee on Nominations. The Committee on Nominations shall (consist of the Board of Trustees) be chaired by the President-elect and include the president and the immediate past president. This committee shall nominate candidates for the positions of President-Elect, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, NJDA Trustee, Alternate NJDA Trustee, ADA Delegate, Alternate ADA Delegate, NJDA Delegates and Alternate NJDA Delegates in accordance with Article X1 of these Bylaws. This committee shall also nominate candidates to complete unexpired terms due to vacancies in the offices of NJDA Trustee. Alternate NJDA Trustee and Alternate ADA Delegate as provided by Article VI and Article V11 of these Bylaws.

Committee on Budget and Finance. The Committee on Budget and Finance shall be composed of a chairperson; who shall be the Treasurer, (and a minimum of four (4) other members) along with the President and the President-elect. The committee shall prepare the annual budget for the oncoming fiscal year and present it to the Board of Trustees. This committee shall also study and make recommendations concerning financial matters of this Society.

(f. Committee on Dental Health.)

g. Mentor Committee. The chairperson is appointed by the President-Elect. The chairpperson is to be approved by the Board of Trustees.



Section 1 Nominations. Nominations shall be made for the following offices:

President-Elect, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, NJDA Trustee, Alternate NJDA Trustee, ADA Delegate, Alternate ADA Delegate, NJDA Delegates and Alternate NJDA Delegates. Nominations shall be made in the following manner:

a. The Committee on Nominations shall nominate a slate of candidates for the aforementioned offices. The slate be presented at the (February) January meeting of the Board of Trustees and at the regular (February) January General Membership Meeting.

b. The chairperson of the (February) January General Membership Meeting shall open the floor for nominations. Nominations shall be accepted provided they are made and seconded by fully privileged members in good standing and the nominee accepts the nomination.

All nominations shall be published in the (March) February Bulletin of this Society. The report shall state the method by which each candidate was nominated, announce that the floor will be opened for final nominations at the regular General Membership Meeting, and that the Society's Election will be held at the regular (March) February General Membership Meeting.

d. The chairperson of the regular (March) February General Membership Meeting shall restate the nominations for all offices and the method by which each candidate was nominated.

Section 2. Elections

a. Elections shall be held at the regular (March) February General Membership Meeting.

Section 3. Special Considerations. Should circumstances arise that affect the (February or March) January or February regular General Membership Meetings,

including but not limited to: failure to obtain a quorum, inclement weather or meeting cancellation, the Board of Trustees may alter the schedule to present and/or publish nominations and the time of the election.



Section I Fiscal Year. The fiscal year of this Society shall begin (June I and end May 31st) January 1st and end December 31st.

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